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Daily little things that happen, and how I deal with life in general as a super sensitive celiac with a broken body and a limited diet. Along with my daily blunt and broken thought processes.

Entries in this blog

June 2019 Update

Well, farmers market sales have been up and down, but I got great news on them redoing the laws here. I can now offer and sell my baked goods online and actually advertise about it, so working on an online site now.  The building I live in might be sold soon, this is sort of a good thing, I will get enough money out of it to build a cheap steel building and frame out the inside, this time making a separate commercial kitchen (commissary). This way I can legally cater, do meal deliveries, an



Alternative Business Ideas

So while I need an initial 30k to finance the food truck, then have heavy overhead, a very strict health inspector the has it out for food trucks keeping me from daily vending in town (next town over is nice), seasonal sales, and tons of permits and regulations. I was approached with a different concept by someone. A mobile video gaming trailer via a franchise what will provide support and booking, this would not need the extra permits, very limited overhead, and only require I raise 14K to st



May Update 2019

Well, may is Celiac Awareness month lol, so I am offering discounts at markets I am setting up at this month. I can say I am needing to adjust pricing some, I am getting $3 on an Omelet on a stick (Turkey Bacon or Sausage in the center with eggs cooked on it served on a stick) I am thinking of upping to $4 each and $5 at events. My Stir Fry is getting great reviews from those who try it, but it is a bad product price wise. I need to get $10-12 each to turn a good profit but am selling for $6-7.



New GI Doc

Well, I saw a new PCP about a month ago, completely useless, and then charged me a ridiculous co-pay I could not even afford (I got out of this on a technicality on their part). Anyway, he just heard my issues and got me an appointment with a GI doc. I saw the GI doc yesterday told him of my issues and the random daily cowpie like BMs on and off I have been having since a gluten exposure in August.  He got me arranged for dual scope next week. The best thing is I only have to pay a $60 co-pay. F



Frankenstein the brownie recipe

To Frankenstein, a dish in the name of experimenting is quite common with food. I recently did something with funny results and lessons learned I think some might find amusing. So my concept was to make a gluten-free soft moist brownie and sugar-free. I have done this with thick nut butter like sunbutter before, and iffy results with thinner ones. But I wanted something moister, so I had some avocados >.>. Yeah this is where the Frankenstein reference comes from. But bit of a heads up



Easter Roast

Just realized I messed up on the easter roast a bit. My chef side was like, Rub the meat with 6 cloves of garlic and some sprigs of thyme and olive oil and let marinate for 24 hours, set to room temp then oven 275F 3 hours with celery, beef stock, and onions and finish 350F with the potatoes, and carrots 1 hour, let the meat set on plate strain the broth, simmer in saucepan to reduce and thicken with coconut flour or egg yolk and stir with rosemary sprig. My family used to do it minus the



Caughing up blood?

Well, I had something really odd happen yesterday. I woke up took my meds, worked out, downed my green shot of powdered kale, moringa, and chlorella mix up. Then a few mins later felt dizzy and nauseated and felt the need to cough something up and up came a whole bunch of blood, slime like mucus, and some of the green liquid. Throat felt bad, and I found it burns when I take salty foods. Seems like I managed to rupture something in my throat from working out? It is right below my right lymph nod



April 2019 Update

This month started with nice April fools from life, My quiche this morning, was a blend of Almond Flour, coconut flour, riced broccoli, eggs, califour Plant pizza crust, pumpkin seed meal,  and almond ricotta cheese. I topped with a few tsp of sauces on one end and dressings on the other. ANYWAY I think the broccoli from KetoandCo had a pebble in it   I bit into it and it broke my new crown on that front tooth, no damage to the post but cracked the back of the crown and it fell off.  So I h



Intermittent Fasting,

Well, I had a positive health turn around with something new. I was doing some reading on intermittent fasting, Various benefits, for staying in keto, allowing your body to focus on building muscle and healing instead of digestion, detoxing, burning fat effectively etc.  I was honestly scared I would waste away but that was not the case. I started last week with 16-hour fasting, I adapted the times to my life and this is what has happened in 7 days. 1. I have been h



March 2019

I perfected a new menu item for tent and truck sales at markets. Breakfast on a stick, imagine a corn dog, but eggs instead of breading, cooked on either turkey sausage to turkey bacon.  Thinking these can be sold for $3 each. Food truck financing is still slow, the fundraiser had $25 this last month and I have raised $4k by cutting back on my meds and food the past 8 months. About $26K short of my injection fund. Water heater looks like it will bust soon Landlord says they are getting a ne



Feb 2019 Update

This last month as been a mess, turmoil with sponsor (for my food truck business) changing their mind, the updated health codes, and being constantly turned down trying to find sponsors, investors, etc. I found and made back up plans and compromises but still feeling abysmal at the fact I will probably spend another year struggling and indebted my family with my medical expenses, and bills for food and rent. Hopefully it picks up with market sales this year. I did redo my recipes for better glut



Gluten Free Business Woes

As many know I was working on starting a 100% gluten free Paleo based Food truck business. I had business plans down, menu tested at markets down, truck lay out down, and approved 150k financing pending a 30K injection and me finding a sponsor. WELL the health inspector contacted me today with new regulations and this Commissary Requirement A Commissary is defined as a permitted fixed food establishment that serves as an operating base for a mobile food vehicle. The commissary



Jan 2019

So the vomiting is still constant in the evenings sometimes at lunch 5-7 enzyme pills can prevent full purges and just few gulps of floating mass. I am still very frustrated with this, what floats comes up OK, so I soak my meals 8-24hours and have it preblended. BUT when it is heated up stuff FLOATS..like really? Then there is that random benezorr of solid mass at the bottom of my stomach that goes rancid and makes me light headed and sick til I cough up a large mass from several days of collect



Recent life

So few more life hacking, cooking, food, and health updates. 1. My diarrhea for the past 6 months stopped, no changes in diet or medications it just tapered off and is solid again, still a bit oily from pancreas issues but solid. I assume this means the antibodies finally went down? Probably jinxed it but 4 days now solid stools. 2. Fasting in the evening to address the vomiting, this resulted in me still vomiting around the same time without eating solids/food for lunch or dinner. Conclusio



December 2018

No real sales or income past few weeks, I did get a few early gifts. Dad got me a new bed set, OK this might not sound like much BUT I have been using the same blanket, sheets, etc for the past 10 years. ONE set. I just wash it every week and put it back on...the sheets were so worn you can see through them. My car, we still have not gotten the title...it is supposedly in the mail....so I have been a month again unable to legally drive my car.  



Breaking Teeth

Welp.....with me it is one thing after another and my body....I was scraping my teeth on a almond and coconut Popsicle and one of the front incisors got hung and snapped in half.  Dentist is closed I made a cap over the part still in my gums with this tooth repair stuff and put the other half in a glass of water after rinsing it off well and have it in the fridge. WTF can lead to this kind of BS?



November Update

Bit late on this one, been busy with stuff and coming to terms with issues. First I have been dealing with and living with a almost daily Diarrhea and vomiting issue since my gluten exposure in July and again in August made it much worse. It started to clear up when I started taking more digestive enzymes (I was taking them daily anyway) So I did a bit of health hacking, I stopped digestive enzymes for a day...vomiting every time I tried to eat anything and very oily D. I have since been try



October Update 2018

Issues with my digestion contenue, I had to put off my doctors appointment til sometimes in October as that is when my check comes. In the mean time further evaluations by self. 1. Removing Emulsifiers IE Konjac, Guar Gum, Psyllum Husk, or any kind of binding agent for dinner. This conclusion was reached by the floating fats in vomit were bound to protein powders and other foods consumed. Assuming the floating fats are the issues and breaking them down in the evening being more difficult as ones



September Update 2018

So I am doing alright, I am getting over that exposure from last month stil....YAY random diarrhea 2-6 times a day...I am starting to wonder if by chance one of my meds changed...sorta want to try that gluten detective and see...but since the obvious exposure the other symptoms aside from the diarrhea have all stopped...it has me stumped if this just the new normal. I am started up a new business "------ Paleo ------- ---" (censored it as the mods will not let me give names) it is the same



Steps for Recovery

This is a personal note to myself on things to remember next time and things to consider. If unsure of exposure take glidenX next few meals, blend and nima test samples of ingredients used to see if it was something you fixed. THOW AWAY that tooth brush....you brushed after getting glutened...your brush is contaminated.... MAKE SURE to add a extra 2 tsp of Liquid Health Energy& Stress and Neurological support between standard dosing, this will help with anxiety and suicidal th



4 Day Convention away from home

So I am currently away from my home for 4 days on a convention and sharing a room with normal people for room mates. I set up the rules of no foods other then what I bring in the room, and no eating outside of the room then coming back in, let me prepare all meals and provide all snacks....not quite well observed so far. SO I brought a mini fridge, coffee maker, induction cook top, skillet and lid, measuring cups, disposable plates and utensils, all my own spices, knifes, condiments, hand b



July Update

SO it started off and has been very rough these past few weeks. I kept having issues finding a new car, found one much cheaper and I just have to wait 2 weeks for it. The Food Truck, working on getting a new LLC corporation filed for the truck then I can apply for offical financing. My initial inquires for financing were ignored or denied as the new venture did not have its own LLC and a bank account yet, and lending to a individual or a different business....well just looks bad on boo



Paleo Food Truck and Catering

SO life is a mess, and sink or swim. I had to sell my car last week, the market is slow as all hell recently and 2 of my regular customers for my bakery moved. SO I am shifting my focus to catering and my dream food truck. I just finished redoing my food manager certifications, setting up contracts for whole sale accounts with companies. Cleaning out and fixing the back of my buildings shop area for a commissionary to park a food truck in. I am working with Chef Units out of Houston for a tr



Corn Conundrum

So I am allergic to corn...in a odd way. Corn starch, corn flour, corn syrup, corn oil will give me blood blister in my mouth and a 99-103F fever. Skin contact will cause a red sunburn looking rash that if not washed will start getting more like poison ivy.... Some derivatives from corn do not bother me, xylitol, erythritol, fibersol, etc. I used to think citric acid and xantham gum from corn were in this line up as they failed to give me the mouth blisters but apparently it has other effect



July Update

July update, I am really pushing catering...I have to. Trouble at the market with a new baker is driving me mad, late onset gluten exposure + her new ideas....it had me suicidal at my purpose and reason for being alive being taken away. Frankly my Saturday sales....used to be $30-120 a saturday, she has come along and started offering "Gluten Free" and refined sugar free baked goods out of her gluten kitchen with, with warnings. And my saturday profits are in the hole with -$20 to a maximum of



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