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  1. This is what I know.

    Dyslexia is caused by not enough folic acid while pregnant. During the 17th week of pregnacy the white and gray matter mix in the brain of the fetus and also it can cause sinal byfida and club feet. Both my sister and I have dyslexia and my sister also have sinal byfida and club feet. What causes low folic acid. I believe that my mom has celiacs and she still has low folic acid even when she is on folic acid pills. My middle dd is showing signs of having dyslexia now. The quetion is did celiacs cause this or not having the right nurtition for the growing baby cause it.


  2. Thanks for responding to me. My mom is going to get her results tomorrow. Her doctor did not want to discuss it over the phone and wanted to see her in person. lol. Yes my sister and I are going to be tested as soon as my mom is dx with it. We all believe that this is what is wrong with her. It's just strange that my sister and I both got graves disiase when we truned 30. thanks agian for the web sites that you found. Will post what my mom finds out.


  3. My mom called me yesterday and was frantic. She went to her endocrinologist and he told her that he thinks she has M.E.N syndrome. What I read about it is that it hits any gland in the body and makes tumors in them. It is genetic so my sister and I most likely have it. Both my sister and I got Graves's disease when we were 30 and I have celiac. My sister has it too but don

  4. How do you notify the school? Writing, verbal, letter from doctor, etc? I email my kids new school early and got a call from the principle that day. What I email to them was this

    Open Original Shared Link and

    Open Original Shared Link

    you can print it off also but there is a lot of printing.

    Do you have a 504 for your child? (A lot of chat about this recently.) I would not relie on the school to go gluten free right.

    What do you do about crafts? Most craft are ok but find or make play dough for your child to play with at school.

    Do you supply safe snack boxes? Yes if it is a young child and for older kids I pack it in the lunch boxs if they need or want a snack.

    Do you supply all food and drink for your child or just some? all the time. the drink is good to freeze and use it to keep things cold.

    How do you go about educating the teachers and staff? What has worked best? The hand outs and just talk to them.

    How do you notify substitutes and other teachers/staff that have contact with your child? The hand outs have a sub papers that the teachers can fill out for your child.

    Any other tips and tricks that you have found to be helpful? Talk to your kids let them know what they can and cant have. Be nice to the school personal and just be available to everyone.

  5. When my oldest DD was 2yrs. we took here in to the gi dr. and ran some tests. because of stomic pain. I thought her reflux was flaring up again. She was born with a alsuer also. My mom went and took her to her follow up appt. and the gi clinic scured up her referal and did not let her be seen with the doc. I was 7 mths pregnent with my middle DD and dicided not to have a fight to get her in again. Takes at lest 3 mths to be seen at this ped gi. I Thought they would have called if anything was wrong with any of the testing. Fast forward five years and Emily was getting worse again. Got a pointment with the same gi doc. She came in and ask if Emily had ever been seen by her and I said yes when she was 2. "did I do testing on her?" Yes I said. She went out and was back with in 10 mins and said that she tested positive for celiacs and we need to retest her. I was so ticked off I could have spit nails. Thats when I gave up on DR.s and dont trust them at all. Well Emily's test came back even more positive then before and we set up a biopies, biopy day and I asked the dr to get at least 10 biopies of the small intestince and she look at me like I was crazy and she said one will do just fine. ha ha ha. biopy came back neg. wonder why. Then the doc said that Emily can eat gluten because she did not have the damige to her villa. I told her she had no qlue of what she was doing and a positive blood work means that you have problems with gluten and I am going to put her on a gluten free diet. The doc was so shocked and said I could do it but she dought that it would help her much. It has been almost a year and Emily has not have the poblems she had and now is in her weight group for the first time in her life. Yea it did not help her out. lol. Now my sisters kids are going to see her now and I told her just get the blood work done and be done with that doc. There are only 3 ped gi docs in okc and they are all in the same office. sucks.


  6. thank you to everyone who responded!!! just onemore quick question... what do you guys do for/instead of birthday cake???

    If you do not want to do it from scrach you can go and buy mixes that are gluten free. We like kinnikinnick brand and also pamela's products as well. We love them here. They are very easy and fast. I have 2 birthsdays in june and had to make two different ones and the 25th I used kinnikinnick chocolate cake mix and made a cherri filling in the middle of it turned out great. We did it over at a familys house and they liked it better then store bought. They could not believe it was so good. I did not have to bring home any leftovers at all. I made a white cake for my youngest also and It tasted like a angle food cake, it was very light and fluffy. That one was gone also. kinnikinnick also makes a mix for pancakes and walfles that is to die for, better then any gluten mixes. Hope this helps.


  7. My oldest did this this year with her class mates. The dietition class at the college did a class on healthy eating and cooking with the 3rd grade class. They sent a letter out asking if there was any child with a food alergy or other problems. I talked to them and they made a gluten free pizza crust for her and turned out being a great experience for Emily. Most of the time you just need to talk with the person that is going to do the project and they will be willing to do what needs to be done. just give them all the info and if they have any quetions give them your number and have them call you. you could join in on the fun to make sure your child is ok.


  8. My oldest dd had it sence she was born. she had problems from the first day of life. She was breast feed and at birth she was only 5lb 15oz. The doctor said she was 2 weeks overdue also. yes you can be born with it and it can go through breast milk and though the placenta. My other two was not as bad but got worse as time went on. your middle kid sounds just like my middle dd. she was my big kid but had emoitonal problems and stomic aches. We went on a gluten free diet she is 95 % better and she has not gain in wieght but a couple of pounds but she has shot up in hieght. she has lost her pot belly and looks good. she does have thick bones but she is not over weight any more.


    P.S You have a great Doctor keep him!!!

  9. This may be a dumb question but does she have gluten-free playdough? That jumped into my mind when I read the post about gluten sneaking in somewhere.

    No playdo here. learn my lesson with that one last year at school with my middle dd. she had avery bad stomic ache on the way back from vaction she had some string cheese and from that time on she was hurting all the way home I felt so bad. :(


  10. I know it can be really hard to figure these things out! The way you described her stools sounds to me like gluten may be sneaking in somewhere. First, I would start going through everything, including hair and body products, and double check that it's gluten free. This is where I start when dd's stools are questionable, or if she gets really moody.

    If that is most definately not it, cutting out casein is a good move. I had to do this for my dd too, and she got a bit better, but still not 100%. Soy was the next to be cut, which honestly hasn't restricted any more foods for her, I just had to change brands. The only thing that is pretty much out is any butter substitute, b/c they all use soy. We now use coconut or olive oil, and dd is fine with it.

    Like the other poster said, Enjoy Life products are totally allergen free, and most of the products I've tried are delicious. My kids LOVE the snickerdoodle cookies (and so do I!). We also use Ian's from time to time, or I make my own chicken nuggets or fish sticks with crushed corn flakes or rice flour (with added seasoned salt). We also do alot of Namaste mixes...also allergen free, easy, and tasty.

    I have four kids gluen/dairy/soy free. It can be done, and it can be done so that the kids do not feel like they are missing out on anything. There are still plenty of sweet things and treats that they can have. Good luck!

    Thank you

    I think I figure it out it is all dairy. she was off it for 3 days and was doing better but through the vaction she got some dairy. and the tummy aches came back. Now that we are home we can cut out all dairy and see if it well help out. My oldest is very sencitive with gluten so I know it cant be gluten I am very careful about that. I read avery thing. If that does not help then I will go soy free with her. I have problems with dairy all my life and I am going dairy free with her. she likes the soy milk and I found one for kids with the added calcium in it. My mom was upset that she was going dairy free and wanted me to keep her on a low dairy diet but I said no. thanks agian and I will up date after I see if this will work for her.


  11. Hi again,

    i hadnt thrown out any cookware yet because to be honest we dont know it is gluten. gluten is just one of the possible culprits. and i figured that because she didnt have severe tummy or digestive troubles that probably molecular amounts of gluten probably wouldnt affect her.

    maybe i will have to rethink this.

    maybe this is why her D and tummy are worse now...??? she is reacting more severly than b4 to even tiny amts???? does that make any sense? i dont see why her reaction would get worse. it makes more sense that less gluten = less reaction, rather than no gluten except for a possible cross-contamination molecules = more reaction than ever b4 ?!?!

    what do you think?


    Hi Celena

    sorry it took me so long to get back with you. we just got back from vacation. Yes defently this is a factor of cc we can not have any amount of gluten at all or we get sick. Thats why most of us do not like to go out to eat because of the cross contaimiation factor is so high. a crumb of a piece of bread can make us sick. When you get off of gluten and you are getting better the reaction to gluten is more suver reactions. It is like poison. go out and get you gluten for dummies and that will give you so much info and answers to your questions. could be that she is intorlorent to other foods also. sorry this is short I have a lot of un packing. if you have any more quetions please im me or leave another post.


  12. Well the best thing to do is just go back to the basics of eating like meat, fruits and veggies and maybe potatoes and rice and see if that improves. I had to cut out gluten, casein and soy to feel better.

    I use fleishmans butter unsalted with no problems, or u can use like olive oil if its on a baked potato.


    she is getting bored with the veggies and fruits and meat and giving me I hungery all the time. I what to feed her and have her feel full. I am going on vacation this weekend and I will not be able to keep her on the very basic foods. We are going to see my husbands family. One which thinks she is katie's other mother (love her to death but I hate to say no all the time. she dont understand with all the food problems. she want so help so much but she thinks yogurt will help katie's tummy and it is dairy.) I am going out of my mind I was going to wait untill vacation but she is companing 10 times a day and I cant stand watching my kids hurt. I guess I will have to wait untill I get back to get her off of every thing that could be hurting her. all the rest of my kids are doing great. I know I can keep them away from gluten but with katie I dont know if I can get her to stay away form the restof the intorences. :( I can keep her off of dairy and gluten for now and do the rest of it when we get back



  13. We just moved to Albuquerque NM and I am starting to have problems with my youngest DD. We all have been gluten free since last august. We all were doing so well but now my youngest, Katie, and I are starting to have problems again not as bad as before. She is having loose stool and complains about a hurt tummy. I started her on a cf diet and do not see an improvement much. I know I have problems with dairy and stay away from most of it. Still love to have cheese on my pizza but only have it once a month. I know if you have a problem with it stay totally away from it. :( I don

  14. I thought of other things that have gluten in them and we looked over it. Playdo, stickers, some art suplies, and body products and makeup you use. (yes you use because we love to kiss our kids and give them hugs all day long.) :rolleyes: also did you get new cookware or are you using your old stuff to cook with? if it is not stained or scrached it should be ok. wooden spoons and plastic ware needs to be tossed out and get new. there are some candies that have cc isuse. dums dums are on a dedicated line and are safe. we love to have those around for those sweet tooth fixes. ;) I reconmend getting gluten free for dummies it is a great book for begainers. It will give you a lot of info. it save me quite a few times.


  15. Hi Celena

    How long have you had her on the new diet? depending on the person it will take time to see a lot of differences. could take up to 3 months or longer is some people. I could see a difference in about 5 weeks. With my middle dd I saw her behavor was in proving day after day. With my oldest it took about a month befor all her stomic aches were gone but her reflux was gone within 2 weeks. my youngest is still not as well as my other 2. I am taking her off of all dairy now to see if that is her problem also. seems to be working. dont give up it is hard at first but it does get better. :D Another thing do you have any animals? if so does she play around the animals food? Most dog and cat food have gluten in it. I had a hard time with my youngest to help feed the cats and dogs. Now she knows that can make her sick. well hope this helps your spirts. It is a slow process. It will get better. fresh fruits and vegtibles great to have for them to snack on.


  16. He can join my hubby....no really tell him he will pretty much eat the same ol stuff he normally eats (chicken,steak,pork..etc). I would allow him to have his own shelf in the cabnit with a few gluten foods that he can only have to take to work or when the kids are in bed. My hubby has on his shelf cookies, granola bars and cereal. My hubby basically only eats gluten free at home, but for his work lunch we still have regular bread. It takes time but the kids catch on and don't even ask for dady's bread or snacks. The hardest part is eatting out and my son wanting to sample off Daddy's plate when he has a gluten meal.

    Same here with my hubby. He knew we had to do this for the kids, but he wanted to have his goodies too. He is my junk food eater and the kids loved him for it befor gluten-free. He had his stash in the bedroom and at night when the kids were off to bed he ate then. :rolleyes: In front of me who had to go gluten free also. Thats ok don't like sweets at all. give me fruit and i am happy as a little kid. B) I had so much stomic problems as a kid that candy and other sweets hurt me. Know I know why now but to this day I dont eat sweets and my 2 of my kids are the same. Ice cream they only eat two spoons fulls and thats that. but just understand it is hard on the men giving up foods just give them a spot to put it. my dh still has problems giving the kids stuff that could have gluten in it but it is a not on purpous and he has cried over glutenize the kids. I am the one that does all the food prep and shopping and still teaching him how to read lables. but when he takes the kids out for daddy time he loves to get them candy and thats when it happens. so now he makes them wait to come home so mommy can read the lable. So I become the meany. :blink: Well hope this give you a laugh Got to look at the light side of life and laugh or you just cry all the time. :P

  17. if you want cookies that you do not have to make I found to die for cookies they are glutino gluten free zebra dreams they are so goood.. I could eat the hole box if my girls did not steal them. :angry:

    My husband who saids that he has no gluten problem :rolleyes: loves them also. They are from germany and if you had german chocolet it is to die for. much better than american. they are like oreos but better. they also make one like the trix cookie it is good also. I agree with everyone else that the pasta tinkyada is the best. For pancakes and walfle mix I have to say kinnikinnick is the best gluten free hands down. I think it is the best against gluten mixes. They also make a bread and bun mix that is easy and fast. all you add is liquid and the mix and bake and comes out very good. we use this as hambuger buns. you can get the english muffen rings works great as small burger. this mix is called kinni-kwik bread and bun mix by kinnikinnick. kinnikinnick has a pizza crust in the freezer section that is very good little expences but very good and kids love to make their own pizzas. Cereals we get little einsteins or mickey mouse club by general mills. If you can find it there is also spiterman 3 limited cereal that is gluten free he might like that one better. there is a ton of stuff out there to get for him that is gluten free. You can get things that are gluten free, like fast food french fries by oreida my kids love it. if you need any more ideas please feel free and pm me.


  18. That's awesome!! I'd love to see my daughter gain some weight. Was it all from the gluten-free diet?

    Yes she was on just the gluten free diet. Its amazing to see that just taking out the gluten did great things. she had bad stomic pains, reflux from birth, constipation and throw up at less once a week and all that is gone now. she is healthy and a great kid. :P

  19. Wow, thank you all for your responses! The most dissappointing part was that this latest doctor was not even our regular family practioner (who is now at least somwhat onboard after I told her the resutls of the elimination diet) but was an allergy specialist. It seems more and more, Western medicine (vs something liek a naturopath) specializes in one field (family practice, allergy, etc) and if it doesn't fall within an easy category, it's :just an infection." I didn't put my son on antibiotics because he has had so many over the last year and I think over his lifeti,e that will just make things worse for him - and I don't think he has a sinus infection. I will try what you have suggested. Any good boks out there?

    Thank you,


    Hi Daniela

    a good book is gluten-free for dummies. I reconmend that one it will tell you everything about celiacs and other food intorents. Its easy to read and you will get a lot of laughs which helps keep your spirts up. feel free to pm me. We been gluten free for almost a year now and going cf soon too. we are waiting after vacation to go cf. B)


    PS. I had cronic sinus problem since I was very young and now I am much better since I been gluten free and I think I will get better after I go cf also.

  20. Hi Rho

    I also have a dd that is 9. Her symptoms were the same except she had it from birth. Very bad reflux and hard time breathing. The docs said it was from the irritation of the esophagus from reflux. She had bad sinus problems. I took her to a gi doc when she was 2 and did some testing. But they never contact me with the results. And as a new mom I thought they came back ok. Fast forward five years. My dd got worse when she was 7, so went off to the same gi doc and found out she had a positive response on one of her old test when she was 2. gi doc did more tests and biopsy, test came back very positive but biopsy came back normal. I don

  21. I have 3 girls that are in school that has celiac disease. I am lucking that I am a stay at home mom. I was a working mom before all this. I am scared to go back to work because of this factor. Lucky I live in a small town and talking and getting to know the teachers get a lot done around here. Talking to the teacher and have a long conversation on the situation of what celiac is or other disorders goes a long way. Also your other resource is your child. My oldest is 9 now and she can read. I taught her to read labels and if she does not know what is in the food she does not eat it. I am teaching my others kids to do the same thing. Your kids are smart. They know what they can have and what they can not. My oldest daughter

  22. I love the Pamela's bread mix. If you let it set for 90 mins more it will rise a little more. The whole family loves the taste and texture of it. Cook it at a lower temp. It will have a better crust. Also Pamela's Pancake and baking mix has a receipy for corn bread its to die for. we love it here and it so easy, we have that more often than bread. I also like their bananna bread also. Pamela's Products have been very good. I love the kinikinnick products also. The pancake mix is the best hands down in gluten and gluten free mixes. They also have pizzia crust that is frozen that is good. hope this helps.


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