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My name is Susan. I am an Accountant & an Assistant Food Service Director for 41 schools. Oh, I also drag race with my husband. Strange combo, huh? I'll let you decide then what I should be in this town. Ha!
Oh, and yes I got caught up in all those pages. I skimmed through though. I don't know how I would ever have enough time to read it all.
Well, still.... to skim through all those pictures....WOW
I attempted to follow the other thread & got caught up in it. It is like a soap opera or something. I just keep reading. Every so often I actually pipe in but maybe if I had a job in this town....I'd have more to say. Ha!
Do you mean that you caught up in the 300 and somethin, somethin OMG thread
That was a lot
How'd you do it???
Well Mom went to her room before I could even make it to mine. I'm tired though, so the brat will be attending her sleeping festival in the comfort of her own bed. Good night my fellow Rachelville-ians and sleep tight (if you haven't drank too much coffee yet
Oh, just wait ...
She did mention it was her honeymoon!!
Yeah, but guys aren't animals only on their honeymoons....they're like that 24/7....you should know that by now
Bats are quick, good eaters and will have no problem keeping those populations under control.Then they're perfect
Will Rachelville have spell check? OH, yeah, I am Senator, I can do SOMETHING,...........legislation as stated " I submit a bill that all residence of Rachelville be totaly exempt from any duress, ill inner feelings or concerns about posting any misspelled posts to others, who reside or are visiting entities of Rachelville. A Vote is Called............ Ms Mayor how do you speak?
I vote for the bill too. Then I'll be able to quit pulling out the dictionary
Oh...and I needed to mention that the red bats are the males, the blue bats are the females....that's because the males are brighter in color and the females are protected from harm because of the darker color. (Mitch comment)
Oh yeah, paradise R-ville has an elaborate five thousand acre glittery horse farm, so not only do the bats control the mosquito population, they also control the fly population so that the horses don't have to swish their tails. These horses come in a variety of colors and are available for paradise R-ville trail rides. (see the Social Director-Carla and Circle R owner-Andrea for more details about the farm).
lol Now I hope that those bats are quick with eating all those mosquitoes and flies
. If R-ville is going to be the perfect little town than those species will have to disappear so fast that nobody even saw them. Bat's eat quickly, right?
Hiya darlin'... was just making more coffee
I'm guessing that you're not planning on sleeping anytime tonight
coffee, coffee, coffee....it's addicting but keeps one awake
That's where we honeymooned but the only wild animal I saw there was the one I'd just married!
Sometimes guys seem to be more wild than actual wild animals. At least I know one of my brothers are.... he moves more than the most fidgety animal, moves faster than a cheetah, and talks more than a bird....how much more wild can one get???
Hey, she had an alien baby!
Yea, but ours aren't huge like soup bowls, they're just huge coffee cups of the Starbucks variety ... Morgan's idea of pigging out and ours are two different things!!!
Ok...I also would have been in trouble if I used the types of bowls that Dad used to use. I may as well have just taken the container and eaten out of it
I'm going through withdrawl cuz I want ice cream and I cant have it....not until tomorrow cuz my ice cream maker is like 80 miles away from me right now. Tomorrow me and my ice cream maker will be reunited and I will feel much more at peace....albeit a little brain-freezed.So you make your own ice cream!!!!!!!
I'm so jealous....it's no wonder you can't help but pig out. Homemade ice cream is the best
I've only had it once, but I just about died it was so good
Morgan! Shhh, you're not supposed to know about Altoids.
PS scooping ice cream into a bowl is not pigging out. Eating a whole container like your mom does, is!!
You didn't have a container dedicated to me
.....If I would have sat down that full 1/2 gallon container, someone would have yelled at me. As a result, I was forced to use the scoop that was put through the deglutenator, to scoop me some ice cream into a mug.
Yeah and even on sale the fake bread cardboard stuff is almost 5 bucks!
It just doesnt seem right.
Almost seems like they should give it away....seeing how some people wouldnt even eat it if you payed them to.
Don't they sell cardboard for less than that???
Lucky you! I have no ice cream today.
I had to part with the ice cream maker for the w/end. I left it at my Mom's. Going through WITHDRAWL....
If you were really pulling a Rachel...you'd have like 8 of those big mugs....there is no such thing as 1 mug, 1 bowl, 1 slice, 1 piece etc.....Rachel doesnt know when to stop.
Help....I am now on my second loaf of Ener-G cardboard bread. Its only been 2 days since I've started eating it....
I couldnt pass it up though...my first loaf came from Whole Foods. I figured I'd definately be w/out the temptation of that carboard (or is it styrofoam?) bread for the rest of the weekend since there is no Whole Foods near my house. But noooooo....I go to my "regular" grocery store and lo and behold they have it....and not only do they have it...but its on sale. I'm all for getting deals on the cardboard stuff so I bought 2 loaves!
I used to eat that much.....well, maybe not, the parentals wouldn't have let me
....they knew if I ate that much I'd be in bed sick
I will eat an entire bag of M&M's. Now I'm not talking the little one bite bags...I'm talking the big medium size bags. I don't think it's possoble to eat over one of those bags
that would just be way too much. Are you going on withdrawl bc you got sick last time you ate it, or just bc you eat unhealthy amounts?
Wait one minute!! How old do I look? Try to look past my gray complextion.
Hi Morgan! Excellent logic using a mug instead of a bowl. If it were me, I would use one of those HUGE mugs that look like a gigantic soup bowl and then tell myself it wasn't so bad because at least it was a mug.......
Welcome ian and 2boys4me
that is what I do..... I pick the largest mug out and fill it up completely. At least it's not the bowl though. Mmmmmm, it's delicious
I just thought I'd let everyone know that I'm pulling a Racheal
I'm eating a big mug of ice cream. I haven't had any since my birthday....it's been way too long. Although I am using a mug rather than a bowl in order to keep the amount I eat down.
I gave up on the OMG thread a long time ago. I am not sure if this job is taken but I think there needs to be a Director of Altoids Quality Control. That magical little candy seems to be an integral part of the gluten free lifestyle.ROFL
And thanks for explaining the bats to me.
red bats + blue bats = purple glittery bats
I love it
Are the regular hershey bars fine or is it just the kisses? And what about dove chocolate and heath bars?
We just moved from Spencer (outside Bloomington) to Cincinnati. My daughter will be attending IU in the fall.
Just in case you didn't know who her daughter was....it's me
Wow it was great that this forum was started. I left for a couple days and when I came back I was behind 20 pages on the OMG forum and then Mom told me the conversation was moved to the face thread. There were 8 pages on that thread that I was behind on, and I felt funny reading along that thread since it was about things that don't apply to me. After reading one of those pages, which I quite enjoyed reading I might add, I found this forum. I'm caught up on this one and hopefully it will stay that way
Since I didn't read the entire OMG forum, I'm confused
Where'd the purple glittery bats come from? I like them, but I don't know how they originated
Thanks. I got a new dental appliance, the next step in taking care of my TMJ and the last step before braces.I even feel sorry for you....quite a bit actually. That thing can hardly fit in your mouth
At least it's pink and glittery
I haven't used a microwave in 10 years, I even unplug them if they are on the premises
Would love to hear the info too rinne, as I have forgotten some of the details.
Thanks for the compliments about my hair, I always get a little flustered and self conscious about it
I was teased growing up and I guess you never forget that stuff, you let it go, but it still stays with you a little.
Does anyone remember rat tails? An oh so lovely hair style of the 80s
All my friends had rat tails and had them dyed black or blue. My mom wouldn't let me get one, but she took me to the salon and had them do a strip of pink underneath in the back. I thought I was really cool.
Susie- I love your artisticness, please don't take it away from us
Sorry you had a sleepless night, insomnia is the worst. The scary movie probably didn't help, and were there nuggets invovled??
OMGosh, I wouldn't be able to live with only a regular oven and no microwave
I am soooo impatient that today at lunch, instead of sticking my meal in the oven like I probably should have....I stuck it in the microwave.
And Julie, I sure hope that those people who teased you weren't serious. Although, now that I think about it
Mom teases me all the time, more jokingly than teasingly though. I'll ask her if my hair looks fine; she'll answer that it looks hidious; I'll thank her and we'll both move on
Carla and Morgan- the dynamic duo, the "B" girls
You have such a sweet mother daughter relationship. Morgan, you are just fitting in so nicely here! I love your hair, you must tell me what you use on it?
I hate her (
) ... her hair just looks that way!!! She works in a beauty salon, some days puts her hair up, wears it all day, sleeps on it, rolls out of bed, then goes to work without even brushing it or taking it down and putting it up again! It simply looks like that!! She's impossible to live with. I have this ornery, frizzy hair ... She uses SUAVE!!!! Or whatever else I can buy her for 99 cents a bottle ... six kids, remember??
Morgan, don't let my answer stop you from answering ...
PS Some lucky kid has a Morgan wig. She donated 15 inches to locks of love a few years back.
Mom's right, that's basically all I do. I use a little bit of gel, blow dry my roots, and then I also have the bad habit of LOTS of hair spray. I used to be the type of person to wash my hair every single day, but I have recently found (0nce I had to start going to the YMCA to shower) that I get better results when I don't wash my hair everyday. I now wash it about every three days and the hair looks better and healthier. All I do is throw it up before I go to bed and put some more hairspray on it. When I get up, I just look at it and figure out what it wants to do....not what I want it to do
Wait, what am I mising? What comment, I'm confused.Also, I still don't know what a premature post is
Beverly, I think all those numbers have to do with your immune system. A low white blood cell count can be the result of an infection.
I am lost too
The comment is from our shirtless village (idiot, lol) TheDave a few pages back...I believe it was quoted by Carla on the page right before this one...Premature post = what you did before you saw that I posted scientificness stuff, lol. (i.e., not reading all the posts before replying to one)
Ok I get the premature post now
but I'm still lost about the Dave.....I've read it, but I think I'm going to have to go back and read it again
Thanks for filling me in on the comment and premature postHow lucky she is! I still have not found a hairstylist that can work with mine, and I certainly don't know what to do with it
We knew we loved Morgan, that was so wonderful of her to donate her hair to, is it Locks for Love?? Something like that...
Yes it was Locks of love
Julie,Glad to see you and that you sound well. You have beautiful hair too. Guess it's not wash and wear like Morgan's is though. We always like reading about your research too.
Carla and Morgan,
I like having both of you to contribute to our community. Yes, Morgan does have beautiful hair. I had a friend once whose daughter was told that all the time. She cut her hair off, dyed in funky colors etc. She didn't want to be know for her hair. Morgan, please don't do that. We love you too, not just your hair.
Julie, she's right. Your hair's gorgious too.
Andrea, don't worry I won't do that. Currently I'm still growing my hair out. Although I may have to dye it funky at least once since I'm in college and work in a salon and can get away with that
. Plus I'd love to come home and see everyone's reaction
What a week for Morgan to start in the beauty salon--Nikki is about to go on vacation and now Celia needing the trim and ribbons.
By the way--welcome Morgan! I have answered posts for your sister Chloe
Hello...ah yeah, she likes to get on here and ask questions
I do hope you know I was kidding about the dysfuntional part!! we can see that you two are fond of each other...I'm just extra goofy today....don't expect a serious post from me - - maybe I should just STEP AWAY FROM THE COMPUTER and finish my projects......if you don't see me it's because I am on a roll.....must.....keep......at it.....................
Oh I figured that you were kidding....I was too. We are actually a functional family
Yea, Morgan and I have a unique mother/daughter relationship. We lived in a 500 sq. ft. apt. together, without a working shower (YMCA daily!!
) for 4 months!!
My dysfunctional mother/daughter relationship is with my mother, not my daughter!
.....and I just love the mother/daughter thing online here and now we are really seeing the TRUE family dysfunction coming out, aren't we.....
you poor child.....
....maybe. Although Mom probably thinks it was very functional since she got some extra work done IN THE QUIET without kids!!!! We were all hiding.
I'm just kidding
Help Us Oprah!
in Publications & Publicity
It would be great though if they would pay more attention to the health of the world than the incident of a celebrity.
Great idea!!!