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  1. I make chocolate chip cookies from Pamela's Baking mix about every other week, and have never had that problem. I always use real butter instead of margarine, and I usually throw in a tablespoon or so of almond meal. Butter, egg and vanilla are the only liquids. Maybe used too much mix?

    I am embarrassed to post this but I misread the 1/2 cup butter to be 1/4 cup. My, are they dry :P . I'd blame it on my son who was helping me, but I took the butter out hours earlier on my own to soften. Well, duh.

  2. External symptoms are not always an accurate indicator of internal distress or harm. Don't let this lead you to think you may not have an issue with gluten. Even some individuals with Celiac do not have symptoms. However, not knowing much of your history, its hard to say if you definitely have a gluten intolerance.

    Thanks. I think I am going to add gluten back in in small amounts and then after the holidays have the blood test done. I do definitely feel better, I know, because I am kind of dreading going back on the gluten so I think I feel better than I realized.

    This is SO confusing.

  3. To help you consider wisely your options, we need a little more information. Remind us why you went gluten-free. If you have had positive bloodwork or biopsy, or a drs diagnosis of Celiac based on whatever, you obviously must stay gluten free.

    Well I went gluten free because my integrative doctor and the nutritionist both feel that I possibly have a wheat intolerance. My doctor feels I am more of a leaky gut candidate and I have taken a Mallitol challenge test for that but don't have the results yet. Before even knowing any of this, I knew that eating any whole wheat products caused my stomach and bowels severe pain at times. However, so do other foods like spinach and cauliflauer and peppers, spicy type stuff as well as whole milk. Cheese I could generally tolerate without too much of a problem.

    So I am wondering at this point if I just don't have a weak stomach for some reason and can tolerate small amounts of some foods.

    I challenged myself to see what my problem foods were, knowing for sure that milk and wheat were two of them. I don't know what this makes me. I am more confused than ever.

    Oh yeah, we have a really strong family history of neurologic type problems so that is what really makes me suspect of wheat. I am not well enough to undergo elective surgery because of an autonomic dysfunction which affects my body's ability to regulate temperature and blood pressure, so I can't have the biopsy. My son tested negative for celiac (he has bad stomach pain with whole wheat too but can tolerate white breads).

    I started the diet and now don't really want to stray off of it to have the celiac blood test done.

  4. I have been gluten free for about a month now. I forgot to speak to my pastor about an alternative to bread for communion so I was in church and decided that was as good a time as any to 'add it back in' to see what happened - and nothing did. Other things have been bothering me, including cheese/dairy - which I added back in and then took back out last week. Should I keep eating gluten to see how I feel? Do you think the amount was just too small to really affect me? It was a pretty good chunk of bread he handed me but nothing like the amount of gluten I used to ingest. I'm a bit confused. And in the past, white breads and rolls in moderation didn't do much to me, but lots of pasta or whole wheat products usually did me in.

    For the record, I do feel better off of the gluten in general, so I have noticed a difference -but since I was gluten and dairy free I'm toying with the possibility that it could be more of a dairy issue with me? I am really confused right now.

  5. I have been gluten-free and milk/casin free for a few weeks now. I wasn't feeling well this week and didn't keep up on my grocery shopping. I went into the pantry and found Progresso Split Pea soup and the only allergen it listed was soy, although it said it contained hydrolized corn gluten (which I thought would be safe). Only, immediately after eating it the stomach cramps started then they passed a little, I tried to go out with my family and they had to take me home, I had diarrhea, then slept two hours. Stomach is still funny this morning. I have eaten peas and ham separately (although the fattiness of the ham sometimes doesn't agree with me but usually not that violently).

    What could it be? Anyone else.

  6. My blood tests took longer, I can't remember exactly but 5 or 6 working days probably. Is Ryan your son? I am considering having my 5 year old tested by a blood test but I worry about how he will do. Do you mind me asking how you figured out your sugar intolerance? That seems to be a big one for me because when I have it, I get lots of muscle pain and fatigue. Can you test for it? Hang in there, if the tests are positive, you are on the way to getting him the help he needs.

    Thanks. We didn't get a call back from the doctor today so the results must not be in. Hopefully tomorrow. Ryan is my son, he is 7, and he did not do well at all with the blood test. He is a kid that doesn't like to be fussed with at all and he wanted no parts of the needle. My husband finally had to hold him down, which we didn't want to do at all. :(

    I figured out my sugar intolerance by my symptoms when I ate sugar and my nutritionist said that it was a food I was intolerant (which I knew to begin with). I would get really edgy, shaky, lightheaded, palpitations, then fatigued and sometimes achy, as well. But now that I think about it, the only time I ate sugar, I was probably eating a lot of gluten with it, so, maybe it's really just gluten?

  7. Ryan had his blood drawn Thurs and the doctor said to call for results today. I spoke to the nurse and she pulled them up in the computer. She said the CBC was normal, but she couldn't see the other tests because sometimes they don't make them available until the doctor releases them. So I have been patiently waiting for the dr to call back (okay impatiently). Do you think that because the doctor didn't release them that means anything? I know I need to chill. I don't even know what I hope at this point. Talk me down someone. :blink:

  8. I noticed that as well. My guess is that it's probably just easier to say Rice Krispies treats than gluten-free rice cereal treat. That's my hope, anyway, but yes, that's one of the mistakes I mentioned in that proverbial first week that didn't count. :D We really need to come up with a new name for that snack one of these days.

    Um :unsure: they were kellogg's rice crispy treats. Obviously I glutened myself without knowing it. I thought I was just lactosing myself. Either way, they were part of my learning curb and are out the window, but thanks for that info.

    And for Pete's sake, why wheat in rice crispy treats! :angry:

  9. I didn't start feeling better for 2 weeks. Then I was able to tell when I glutened myself because I had good periods and I could see how they were different from the old feeling. I wouldn't just to any conclusions until you have been on the diet for several weeks.

    Also, to make your life easier, I would simplify your diet. Basic meats, frutis, veggies and rice in the beginning. Eating in restaurants is tricky and what I call "advanced gluten-free eating" and probably not a good idea in the first few weeks. If you keep it simple you have less of a chance of glutening yourself and more of a chance of feeling better. Once you get the first taste of feelng good everything will be worth it and things will be easier.

    I am a week into my gluten free diet too. I have noticed that I feel better when I am sticking with chicken, fish, potatoes, veggies, apples or applesauce - a very bland diet! I actually think I glutened myself over the weekend or some of the gluten-free stuff I baked is not agreeing with me.

    My nutritionist advised me to do a hunter-gatherer diet for two weeks to a month at least to clean out my system, and I am going to try my darndest to stick to it although it can be very boring.

    Good luck and I hope we see some real results soon. I actually have noticed my bowels are much more quiet and less gassy overall so I hope that happens for you soon too.

    Oh yeah, I am lactose intolerant and I have gone completely lactose/casein free although I have been 'lactosed' a few times accidentally (rice crispy treats for one).

  10. We had Ryan blood tested last week and the results should be in tomorrow. I have to say that over the course of his life - he seems healthier now than he has been. His asthma is well under control, his allergy symptoms are there, he is complaining way less about belly aches and leg pains and in general is having a good time of things right now. I haven't given him any more whole wheat products, which is what was given him the severe stomach pain, and I'm thinking I should have.

    Did it make a difference when you were tested or others in your family were tested? Thanks. :)

    It would just be so nice to know for sure one way or the other, and I'm praying if it is celiac it would show up because my husband is not being very accepting at this point.

  11. eleep, yes I have the weird energy, especially yesterday. Then I've been exhausted. My heart rate has been up (which is an issue for me). I feel better today but am wondering how long this can go on and why would I feel so bad eating so healthy?

    Bud- I don't think white potatoes are a problem for me but I'll keep an eye on it. If anything, I think corn chips might be an issue.

    I am supposed to be spending the day with my husband today as he took off and I feel crappy.

    Fudge, I ate really bland white fish and some chicken with some asparagus and chips for the most part all day, and applesauce. I do feel a bit better today so I will try to keep it as light as possible.

    Thanks! :)

  12. Tuesday night I had a killer headache which I rarely get. I felt really good yesterday.

    Today I feel weak and shaky and kind of diarrhish/faintish, just icky. I have been eating REALLY well... tuna, chicken or flounder for breakfast with rice or sweet potato and sometimes aspargaus, lunch hb without the bun, gluten-free fries or potato, veggie, fruits as snacks, something similar for dinner. I have lost about 4 pounds since Sunday which is not in the least what I care about but I'm wondering if this is why I feel weak today?

    It could be coincidental, too, as I am having PMS symptoms, but it feels stronger than that. I am almost wanting to breakdown and have some gluten. I am not craving it at all, though, which is weird.

    Does this sound like it could be normal?

  13. I have been praying about this a lot.

    I am thinking that right now, since we are getting blood work done probably Thursday I am going to give him his regular meals with the least amount of gluten possible (like make his regular chicken nuggets but give him gluten-free fries and fruit , give him toned down on the gluten meatballs and tinkyada pasta) and at dinner make the issue about trying the new food. Every meal cannot be a major battle for both of us or we'll both wind up in crazy and sick, which can't be a good thing either.

    After the test results, either way, we will probably go to elimination but hopefully (praying really hard here), he'll be eased onto some of the gluten-free nuggets and more used to my gluten-free meatballs.

    My next game plan is that I will just feed him gluten-free nuggets and meathballs at every meal if I have to, and to pack PB&J on rice crackers or rice cakes in his lunch (hopefully he'll be eating this way by then). If he eats the same things then he will eat the same things and I can't kill myself over it. Hopefully as his tastes develop, he will eat more and I will just keep on offering it.

    I really think it is too stressful for him to take it all away at once, with his temperment.

    This game plan is subject to change at any notice :) but that is what I am going with right now.

    Thanks so much to everyone for all their thoughtul input. I'll keep you posted! :)

  14. I'm trying to think of creative ideas... what kind of things does your son like to eat? What kind of rewards are particularly helpful in motivating him? Would seeing another child/friend eat something help?

    Sorry, I'm probably not the most helpful, but I'm trying to channel the picky eating days of my youth to help you out!

    - Lauren

    Thanks for your help and bringing this back on target. I appreciate it. We have tried the gamut of punishment, very motivational rewards and having people over to eat. Just last weekend his cousin who is his age came over and I made tacos with and without taco sauce that he said he would try. His cousin ate them. He took three bites of a white corn taco shell that had lettuce on it and that was it.

    We may pick up the book, though :)

    Hawkfire: I am going to offer an apology here because I don't want you to feel ganged up on. I quoted Mich's post because she was articulating what I felt much better than I was and with my brain fog that is something I am really thankful at times. I still feel that way by your post, you asked if it was your delivery, and I am going to respectfully answer you here and say yes. But I do appreciate you taking the time to type out a post and (I am hoping here but honestly still skeptical) trying to be a help. Just trying to be honest but respectul of you at the same time, which I may not have been above because I am pretty stressed.

  15. A

    Oh, I see you added more to the original "ouch" comment. I can respond a better now. You are clearly sensitive. My apologies. It wasn't my intention to offend. My perspective, my opinion and advice are legitimate, though clearly, not what you wanted. You asked for advice. Clearly, you asked for advice. I gave you thougthful advice that is a reflection of my own experience. You must not be surprised at advice that reflects an opinion differing from your own. Obviously, what you are doing isn't working. I mearly explained what I believe works. I did not berate you for your handling of the sitution. I offered my best.

    There was some good advice in your post, some advice that you had no right to put out there (the problem is not with the child but with you - how could you know the problem is not with the child and that it is with me?) and your people skills are clearly lacking in this particular post (I wouldn't presume to say you need counseling on it since I don't really know you and that would just be rude).

    I don't want to argue anymore. I am sensitive. I needed support here, not to be told I need counseling for my parenting skills. But I will take your word that you were just trying to be supportive and thank you for trying your personal best.

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