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MinxyMandy's Achievements
I agree with Pauliina, that lots of rest and a good probiotic are a good idea.
I hope that doing the gluten challenge hasn't caused you permanent damage, as that is always a possibility (which is why I'd never do that, I already have enough permanent damage!).
But yes, it is unfortunately possible that the gluten challenge could have triggered a thyroid problem. I hope your doctor ordered the right bloodwork, which is the TSH, Free T3, Free T4 and thyroid antibodies. Unless you are looking at all of those it is more likely than not that your values will come up normal despite a problem, and you go untreated.
You could also now be suffering from adrenal fatigue. Go to your health food store and buy AOR Adrenal, and take that regularly to see if it will help.
Thanks so much for replying
Yeah I am just trying to enjoy not feeling so ill and relax which helps healing doesnt it so easier now the sun is shining..
I am going to get some probotics this week and introduce those. Yesturday I ate alot more rice and dont seem tyo be as fatigued today so may be I just wasnt eating enoughdue to be paranoid about the candida was worried about taking in to many carbs..but on the other extreme if you are fatigued constipation is worse and the yeastie beasties love toxic waste so Ive uped my rice introduced lepicol which is a fibre supplement including probotics and enzymes and yes it is gluten free, dairy free, sugar free and everything else free lol...
I am going to grab that supplement that you mentioned Ursa and I really due value your comments thanks to any one that has ever responded you have all help me so much get to this poijnt..
I hope I havent done permanet damage too but think although this has been going on for 15 months 7 months I was on candida diet which was pointless when still eating gluten but saved my belly for the 7 months aprat from when I was eating ryvita everyother week..
Too be honest the challange has made it defanate in my mind I have got it as I felt so ill and also stopped any cravings I had for gluten as when I look at it now just reminds me of that challange..
Take care mandxx
Hi Guys hopr your all okay
Right thank god challenge is over been back on diet 1 week and 3 days and counting.
It has made a massive difference my tum has lost loads of bloat but is still bit bloated and hard and feel slightly tender but my guess is taht the challenge has made it pretty sore. The depression has lifted 80% feel more positive accept when these new symptoms are happening :
Right I am getting now:
CHRONIC FATIGUE and brain fog couldnt even think of the alphapbet at work the other day and was tiered I was tempted to lock my self in the cupboard and go to sleep. Its like my brain wont work and when I try its such an effort and my body is achey really heavy and
BLOATED I was looking 9 months preganant but no where near that now however it is still bloated and hard like a layer of fat sometimes I think but I have lost so much weight I am 4 lbs under weight for my height etc..so its not fat..worse when I get fatigued as above but maybe tahts due to lack of energy so my whole systems slowed down so may be thats why I am getting the big C????
DIZZY - COLD - HAIR BREAKING THis has been awful really dizzy along with the above and hair so dry and breaking off which is worry ing me...
I am also doing teh candida diet so no sugar, yeast, moulds etc so my diet is restrictive but I am doing my best to compensate
I eat rice for breakfast with pilchards to slow the GI down
Rice with tuna and salad at lunch with olive oil
meat / fish (lean) with loads of veggies and a bit of rice or potatoe
Snacks are rice cakes
Vitamin B complex
Minerals Complex
Lepicol - introducing it today to see if it gets my bowels working properly
I cant eat dairy which is a pain but my face swells up I think it agrevates me but its hard to tell with so many things happening with my body I sometimes dont know whats doing what. Cant eat nuts and not sure about seeds. To be honest after eating gluten for 5 weeks I am trying to keep it so basic so I dont go wrong ..
My doc has just sent off blood work for Thyroid can you suddenly get thyroid probs after going gluten-free?
Or do you think my body is just adjusting?
Or am I not eating enough?
Why is my tum still bloated? Could this be to do with thyroid I read thin people get slow thyroid aswell but the weight fat get stored around thier tummy??
I also need to introduce probotics but which is the best any one got any idea as I cant afford to keep spening all my wages on supplements..lol..
Sorry going on just got so many questions. I went to find out about the pill aswell as I have taken myself off of it and she said that she thinks I need my hormones levels checked on blood work as been off of the pill for 2 month and no bleed. But I never bleed alot on the pill 1 day tiny bit...weird stuff going on with my body...
Another thing is I go to the gym 3 times a week and it wipes me out and I am not training hard??
THanks guys if I can help any one in any way let me know:)
Hi peeps...
Right been on gluten-free 1 weeks and 3 days since biopsy since I feel better in myself bit more positive etc..
When I wake up i never feel like I wake up properly I was getting fatigue before gluten-free but IO had so many symptoms may be I didnt notice it then i dont know..or may be its withdrawal from other diet or just that theres not enough fibre in our gluten-free diet so we end up toxic from the big C...
I wake up tiered..with red eyes and as teh day goes on it gets worse but my whole body feels like its got led weights on and I cant think..couldnt even do the alaphabet last week in my new job which isnt good at all..
Also I still have bloating nothing like it was but still bloated but I am still haveing to do candida diet so could it be the candida? Or do you think the new diet has made us constipated which is why we bloat still? or takes time for bloat to go as we heal? Or maybe its to do with Thyroid as I have read you can get bloated
Yesturday I had really bad dizzy spells all day and just couldnt function it was awful..and my eyes were so blood shot all day..I did go to the gym the night before may be that contributes to the fatigue a bit but I used to train for competitions and i am doing nothing now compared to what I used to as I am fatigued all the time. (I do 25 mins cardio 3 times a week and some light weights to keep my fitness at a reasonable level until I a m fully recovered)..
DRY HAIR & BREAKING cold etc...
Doctor has just sent of blood work for thyroid test so may be thats why I am getting fatigue as I think Iam easting plenty..
I have rice with fish for breaky
Rice with salad fish at lunch
Meat or fish with loads of veg in the evening
Vit B's
2 litred of water a day
I was constipated the other day took mil par (hope that was okay dont know) and after going to th loo fely a little bit more enegergised the next day so may being toxic doesnt help..
The main thing that getting me down is my bloat and fatigue...I dont care if I have to live on baked beans for life just want to be normal...
I have had the worst luck with family doctors. I had a lab come back with low white blood cells, low red blood cells and my glucose higher than the norm for me. The doctor I had at the time said everything was "just perfect." Another doctor said it was natural flora and it was impossible for that to happen--it was a myth. (!!) Now I am being overrun by candida. I have conjunctivitis and I think the yeast is in my sinuses. It is coating my tongue, I have a vaginal yeast infection and my anus itches. I bought capricin and garlic but I have no idea how much to take or if it is going to work. Please help, getting too sick.
Hello I had to quickly reply as you sound like your having excatly the same problems.
I have systematic candida I dont think Ihave it as bad as before but I thinks its reposnsible for the rest of my bloat and other symptoms an I cant eat anything with sugar, yeast moulds etc..
This started for me 14 months ago after loads of antibiotics an operation and then more anti's..never the same when I came out - got tested for loads and they just said IBS and I have had IBS I knew it wasnt as I had a seizure, look pregant and I am only a size 6 loads of symptoms..
I went to a homeopath who said I had chronic candida. 7 months on the diet and she said I could have ryvita and every time I ate it I had symptoms. She said I am fine and just have a sentstive tum so I didnt have them that oftern once every two weeks and now it makes sense why I was like a yo yo..the ryvita were gluten and I had celiac..so I was recovering and then glutening myself!!!! and then doing it again when I started feeling better..its so draining trying to cure your self isnt it !!
I only had them now and again as I thought maybe I needed more fibre..
So at the end of 7 months fighting candida she said right it should be gone, I ate normal slowly aswell..I got ill massive hunger pangs back, distention bla bla bla..she said you have an underlying problem thats why its not going - you need more tests.
So I am hoping this time celiac diet and candida diet and antifungals with probotics must work then because your tums healing thats why it didnt before. Totally agree with the last post must be because we are celiac's..
Ive just had bisopy last tuesday and I asked the GI consultant about canida - she said yes if you are celiac you can have bugs in your belly - I aslo asked what am I supposed to do about the itching constant thrush she said you diflucan one tab you can buy it from the shop I said I have about 5 times it doesnt work - she said oh okay if your celiac thats coz your not absorbing the tablets!!!! (why didnt they think about it like that 14 months ago NHS is so poor..I am having trouble working for them going through all this lol..
Ive been trying to cut all carbs but I get fatigued and my job is very physical and Ive just had 5 weeks off ready for my gluten challenge so need my job to pay for all these blimming supplements..lol...
We will get there if you ever want to contact me as I am doing the same thing my email is:
Take care
Mand, That makes sense about not absorbing medicine properly. I went on the gluten free diet the beginning of the year. I'm hoping the diflocan worked. I stopped eating yogurt for awhile. I am now trying to eat a yogurt a day. I have read that it is common for this to happen after going gluten free. I have had so many weird drug reactions over the years. Try to avoid taking anything I don't have to. Those suppository yeast infection things don't work at all. In fact they make it worse. I did find out some of the over the counter ones can contain gluten. I hope your homeopath figures out what is causing your problem. It sure isn't fun at all. Keep me posted. Take Care, Wendy
Wowser, I how are you??
Have you still got thrush or has is gone??
JUst wondered I finished my challenge had my biopsy and now looking to tackle candida but cant cut all carbs as I end up fatigued then I get down then I have to physicaly lock myself away from food..lol..
JUst wondered how your doing matey
A whole bunch of people here react to Bob's Red Mill and other and other processed or prepared gluten-free food, so you're not alone there, even though I know it's really frustrating. I'm really sorry you are having such a hard time coping. Do you have people you can talk to about how bad you're feeling? At least you can know that people here sympthize with your situation. I wish I had better advice, but all I can really do is send a positive hopeful vibe in your direction. Keep coming back to update us on your situation, or rant some more if you feel like it.
HI ya..
I have problems with anything from gluten free range as is all packed with sugar and yeast and I have candida..so it feeds the yeasties..Obvisouly whole foods are okay but I cant eat the gluten-free bread or anything defo cant eat coco powder..
Good luck we will get there in the end ...My dad said to me this morning some of it may be state of mind as when it goes on for so long and it restricts your life you get down and when you get down you can cause problems like I get constipated when I get down...
Take care matey..x
Mandy, feeling fatigued and depressed might have nothing at all to do with just eating vegetables and meat (that is all I can have, too). You may just have withdrawal symptoms from finally eliminating gluten again!
Those withdrawal symptoms could last up to two weeks. So, give it that long before you decide that the SCD diet isn't working for you.
And it is true, vegetables will supply you with all the carbs you ever need. NOBODY needs any grains to be healthy, that is a complete myth.
Thanks for replying
So do you think its best to cut out carbs from the diet?
It is so hard as candida diet is no sugar, fruit, yeast , moulds, celiac as you know is quite restricting but some people say you need to cut them out to kill yeasts. I am also cutting out any form of dairy, soy, peanuts as I think they disagree with me. If I cut rice and potatoes theres not alot left to eat but veg and protein.
I just feel like its dominating me as a sperson and it all gets on top of me now and again. I dont even reconise my self when i look in the mirror I look awful!
Hope your doing okay, its nice to be able to come and speak to people who understand what your going through.
There is an artery called the celiac artery but it's name has nothing to do with the disease. Celiac does cause inflammation and can cause it in the blood vessels. I am glad you checked this out with your doctor.
When you are saying you are doing no carbs does that mean that you have also cut veggies out of your diet? They are a good source of fiber and good carbs.
If you had a good result on the diet for heavens sake if the tests come back negative don't think you don't have a problem with gluten.
Since you said you got relief on the diet I would get back on it very strictly for a couple of months and then if you are still having problems you can ferret out the other possible problems. If you try to do to much at once you may end up confused and possibly eliminating things you don't need to eliminate. The one thing that almost all celiacs need to give up in addition to the gluten is dairy. Drop those two for a bit THEN concern yourself with other possible intolerances.
Thank you for replying..
Yeah I know I shouldnt try and do to many things at once but this has been going on for so long and Ive been given Homeopathioc diet for candida I think I still have that because of celiac and gluten-free diet and no dairy or nuts etc...
The first day I thought Id try specific carb diet and just eat meat and veggies and see if I have a problem with rice etc..but then started to feel fatigued by second day brain fog etc..so today I thought Id have some rice and now I am thinking wish I wouldnt of had the rice..and do you know what I think all this is making me so depressed I feel like I am trapped in this horrible "Ground hog Day thing " that wont go away...I was so healthy before..sorry I am so upset today feel like giving it all up ..
Maybe I am being to hard on myself as its only day three of diet ..I feel so down and negative about myself look tiered all the time and drained which has zapped all my confidence..
Sorry going on and thanks for your support
Hello All hope your all well..
Ive just finished my gluten challenge and glad to be back on diet ...
Ive got to wait a month for results and I am so scared that its not gonna be celiac I have all the symptoms and respond with diet but this has gone on for 15 months and I think I ve lost my confidence that I am ever going to get back to normal..
I apparently had a bad case of Candida so this time I thought I would go carb free aswell..
Well, first day I was buzzing as didnt have to eat gluten..as I know my tum swelling goes down and taht has been sooooooo uncomfortable..
I havent felt hungry on the carb free diet but after 2 nd day have been feeling really tiered and not sure if I am constipated as go a little but always have that feeling in my tum not quite evacuated stools...
I had stopped sugar, carbs, yeast etc to starve candida but do you think I really have to stop all carbs..is it really necersarry..or do you think taht my tum being swollen is just gonna take time to go as its healing...
I know I have a reaction from sugar fruit, chocolate etc
Also I have had these strange veins that have dialated round my eyes and spoke to an optician as have had dry sore eyes too and she said it could be celiac artery???? Any one heard of that ..I asked doctor (not my normal one) and he said you have always had them they just dialte when your hot but they wasnt there before....
I am not sure whether its best to do no carb and be constipated or just have a small amount of rice a day ..Please advise....thanks well down at the moment ..
After 2 days Ive lost loads of weight straight away I think when eating wheat I get water retention aswell..
XX Mand
I too am a fitness instructor and presenter - I teach as many as 15 classes per week. When I get glutened and my belly swells up and I feel exhausted - I find it very difficult to strap on my microphone belt (my poor swollen belly), let alone teach a class. I also found that my bladder is ultra-sensitive when I get glutened, I have trouble doing any running or jumping because I feel as though I can't hold in my pee! The worst for me though is the humiliation of teaching a class in my skimpy uniform, with a disgusting bloated and tender belly.
My solution has been to teach dehydrated and not eat for a day after gluttening to ease the belly - but I haven't stopped teaching. Because even though exercise doesn't feel good when am glutened, not exercising makes me feel infinitely worse. Like I am an invalid. Exercise keeps me in the land of the living!
I saw someone else mention ataxia - being gluten free for almost a year now, my ataxia has never come back. I used to wake up every morning on 'stump feet' where I felt like my feet were amputated...it would last for the first hour of every morning (try teaching an aerobics class without feet! Lol!) but since going gluten-free it has never come back, even though I have gotten really badly glutened a few times. (okay, like many many times...but am getting better at avoiding the poison!)
I recomend doing a detox program when you first go gluten-fee, and following that with a three day fast. It seems to really clear and clean my whole body out and promote intestinal healing. I try doing this a few times a year now to give my whole system a break.
Hello there...
I hope you dont mind me asking as I am too a fitness Instructor and was supposed to be aompeting before this all happened. I get really bad destion too my belly gets so massive and hard I used to have a flat tum with a sick pack and just wondering if my tum will ever go back to normal??
I have just finished a five week gluten challenge so my tum is soooooo sore at the mo and I have decided to do just meat and veg for a while to give my tum a chance to recover. Before the challenge I had been gluten free without realising as I was on a candida diet for 7 months but homeopath said I could have rye...so when ever |I ate rye I got bad tum but other than that felt alot better.
When I had rice I seemed okay my belly went down a bit but not completley ...did your tum go down on the diet ???
Nice to speak to a felolow instructor I bet you understand the big belly bloat nightmare even more being into fitness...
Take care xxmand
uhg today is day seven just in time for easter dinner, im italian and going to eat pasta, but oh is my tummy sore today! we went out for italian last night and drank beer, a glutteny of gluten.
overall my challenge didnt turnout quite like i expected, i found more neurological stuff like headaches and brain fog, i have had a headache for a week now, and some days im sooooo tired and stupid feeling. my bowel movements have been about 4-5 a day, some worse then others, but man that smell is back. sore tummy off and on, some nausea. hives and swelling have been a problem as allmost everything with gluten in it also has soy. we will see what today brings, i just want my tummy to feel better before company gets here, would love any feedback on gluten challenges from everyone here!
have a great easter everyone!!
I am on my 5 th week of eating gluten biopsy tomorrow...
I feel sooooo depressed suicidal..massive belly and very sore..I had more issues with big bulky stools or constipation now I have direah and cant wait to get back on diet ..
Ive also had a weird coldsore for the whole time which just wont go it just sits there as if its waiting to come up again in a funny blister..I dont want to go anywahere cant stop crying..and keep getting the urge to eat loads of chocolate as I wont ever be eating it again after this!!!
Keep smiling ..how long are you doing it for ????
I am so sorry you are having to go through this. I agree with previous poster but I think you have one more option. You are only a couple days from the scope, a third option would be to stop the gluten and get the scope done anyway if you really need a doctor confirmation. I doubt you will heal enough in 2 days for it to imact the results too strongly, but I could be wrong on that. From the sounds of the way you are feeling no matter what the outcome of the scope you should get back on the diet.
Thanks guys for responding. I know I must sound mad to go through it but I need to know and they wont look into any celiac other conditions unless I get diagnoses. I suffer candida and if they diagnose celiac they will prescripe me nystain to kill candida. I need to know as its a life long change for my own peice of mind.
I am also suffering with facial swelling really puffy face cold feet etc not sure if its celiac or thyroid but one thing at a time ..I sound like I am 80 yrears old..ha ha ha..
At the begining I thought mm enjoy bread whilst you can but now uugghhhh hate it now and chocolate posion thats what it is !!!
Thanks again I 'll post when I have some news of biopsy..
KIndest regards
You are right I'm a female. I don't use panty liners. He did take a culture. The itching has seem to have gone, so I'm hoping the diflocan worked. I so hate take medicine.
Hello ..
I am suffering with candida a massive yeast infection and I am waiting to be tested for celiac I did candida diet for 7 months and it didnt work homeopath said there is an underlying problem tahts why yeast wont go...so I ve now been told once i get back on celiac diet to heal tum and do candida diet aswell it will go ..as celiac is the underlying problem..
Consultant said to me about the itching (thrush) to take one tab difflucan..but it didnt work and she said it would probably be because celiacs dont absorb tablets, vitamins etc normally so it wasnt going...
Are you on the celiac diet??
Take care
Hi all hope you are all okay..
I am having biopsy Tuesday and I am worried as I feel really bad ..I have been eating it again for 5 weeks and Ive started getting major D straight after eating..do you think this means I am alot more damaged than I was???
I feel so ruff fatigue, sore eyes, depressed, massive belly, tounge is sore and keep gettig bad breath, sickness..feel like I have got a massive hangover like never had before...
I am just a bit worried but only two more days to go then back on the diet I cant wait ...
Hello everyone I hope your all getting better ..X
You may have read my last post I am doing gluten eating for my biopsy which is TUesday and I have been eating for 5 weeks which has been awful...
Cant wai to get back on my diet and start getting better and also get rid of candida aswell...
I wanted to ask if any one has badly dehydrated skin, bags under thier eyes, cant sleep, the worst one which is getting me down is I have this strange little vein which has popped up which starts in teh corner of my eye and goes up across my eye lid..and its really puffy and it looks horrible (sorry for being Vien)....I am just worried as it feels like I am falling apart from this celiac and I look awful...
I have been so depressed and bad self image low self esteem whilst eating gluten I have had to go straight round my sisters when I ve eaten as I am worried about what I might do to myself as I getr suicidal thoughts through my head..
Ive also noticed when I eat chocolate I get a bit constipated and feel phyically sick and bad tum and have to sleep ..if I just eat gluten stuff bread etc..I go to the loo straight away but its so sticky it sticks to the loo and is big bulky and sometimes I get direha...god knows..sorry about the poo discription
Keep your fingers crossed guys for me..I hope it is celiac as Ive had enough of trying to work out whats wrong ...
Hello everyone..
My names mandy ..
After a long 14 month sof illness ..misery giving up my home etc..I THINK and hope I am on the right track..
I am doing challenge ready for biopsy as been so ill it all started after I had surgery and loads of antibiotics ..oh and also got made redundant after reporting sexual harrassement..so could be any one of these things that have triggered it..
My main symptoms are gi symptoms when it all started 14 months ago I had massive distention, constipation, diarreah, seizures, really bad deppression, anxiety, low self esteem, heart burn, pains in stomach, thick rash thing at base of my bum crack excuse my explanation!!!! I do suffer from herpes and thought it was that but I dont think it was now I am looking into this whole celiac thing..
Also, today my lip looks like I ve had btox and I have what I thought was a cold sore but does anyone get lots of little blisters on thier lips? I have 4 on my lip and one on my skin below my lip and you dont normally get them there do you??
May be its the stress of the challenge as I feel so ruff all the time and I am going out of my mind stuck in here as never feel up to go anywhere and I ve been signed off work til test got another 2 1/2 weeks yet ..
Oh well at least the sun is shinning ahey ...hope your all getting better..better..or recovering well
Take care everyone
and I have blisters
I think it is way to early to draw the conclusion that gluten isn't a problem. If you are going to the doctor's tomorrow and you get the blood test then, you can go gluten-free after that. Just remember that the blood test isn't 100% accurate and many people who can't have gluten do not test positive via blood test or endoscopy.
I went gluten-free the same day I took my blood test. It came back negative but I was feeling so much better that I didn't care what the test said.
The first month of gluten-free for me was up and down. I had good days and bad and I couldn't figure much out with the food diary either. I now know that it takes me 3 weeks after being glutened to feel 100%. I get progressively better but don't feel wonderful. It took me a few months to find the rest of my food intolerances because I had to get the gluten free part of the diet down. Also, I had a stool test and I had an amoeba, bad bacteria and almost no good bacteria. I had to take antibiotics for that before I felt great.
So, who knows why you are doing ok with eating tons of gluten. If you go completely gluten-free for a month and don't feel a bit better and your blood test is negative, then it might seem like you can tolerate gluten. Other than that, try to take things slow and appreciate the good days. You will have more and more of them.
Hello there ..hope you dont mind me posting to you...
Youve mentioned bad bacteria following a stool test which has promoted me to ask you:
I followed an antifungal programme for candida before I found out about celiac which I waiting to be tested for via biopsy I am assuming that if I have celiac then this may be why I cant get rid of the candida as I went on the strict diet for 7 months and I still react very badly to sugar and yeast!!!
How did you find out what antibiotics to go on? Did your doctor prescribe them? Was it your doc that did the stools test?
Sorry about all the questions Ive been ill with this for 14 months and I ve lost all confindence in the NHS as they never tested me for this at the begining and I have tried the diet and felt much better apart from not being able to eat sugar yeast..and as you know celiac diet is very restricting and I cant cut out sugar, yeast, go gluten-free, no soy, dairy, nuts...etc..he he what a blimming nightmare..
The worse of it is that Ive just started a new job at the hospital and now they think its celiac Ive been put back on eating it and have been too ill to work...I feel so guilty but if its the hospital telling me to be ill then not alot I can do about it..
Hope your okay and doing well on your diet ..
Take Care
Does anyone else get very antisocial when glutened? I normally love to chat, and hang out talk, love parties, and all. But once I get glutened, I don't want to chat, I don't want to go out, I just want to hole up and be left alone.
(By the way, I don't have "d" when I had/have gluten, I head straight towards constipation, so a bathroom issue isn't the problem.)
I was just curious. Since I am SO grumpy and off, and decided to cancel the babysitter for tonight instead of going out to a cool bonfire party. (not like me) And, I am wondering if I got glutened, since I take awhile to show signs of it. But this is def. how I used to feel.
Yep, I am doing the challenge at the moment on day 19 got to do 4 weeks leading up to biopsy and I feel really down, moody, bitter towards people who dont understand or support me, bored with it, cant be bothered with any thing..
So yeah I think its a sign..but then if you are uncomfortable as youve not been for a P in so long and your tummy is so tight where its the size of a woman about to give birth and your backs playing you up ..may have a bit to do with it to matey....
I tell you what though I get worse emotional issues if I eat sugar..but thats coz I also have candida..
Keep smiling and keep gluten-free..
Take care mand
Hi Mandy, I am sorry for not responding earlier. I have a cold, fever and inflamation in my throat and can't think so clearly. I am sorry to hear you are still suffering. Candida and/or Celiac causes leaky gut and that is why you are feeling so anxious and disorientated. It causes holes in your gut that lets in all sorts of food particles and stuff in your bloodstream that is not supposed to and reaks havoc with your neurological system. I am sorry to say this but you may most likely test negative for celiac. If you read on this forum more you'll find many of us who test negative but still respond and improve greatly on a gluten-free diet.
At this stage I can tell you that getting rid of candida for me involved eliminating anti-candida formulas etc, focussing on natural stuff and sticking to the candida diet. I stuck to the candida diet which by the way is also kind of a gluten-free diet. (I'd through out the ryvitas if I were you.) I discovered that over the counter anti-candida meds from health stores contained ethanol which is a NO NO if you have leaky gut. It makes your neurological system go into overdrive and you'll become very ill on top of the herxheimer effect. Then I got some natural stuff like garlic, flaxseed oil, pau d'arco, milk thistle (for the overworked liver) and dandelion root. Also eating lots of papaya helps to heal the gut.
It also helps to remember that Candida is not the enemy. It is a bacteria that naturally occurs in the gut. It is just your bacteria balance that is out. Sorry if I am not making sense. I have a fever. Talk to you later...
Ahh...Hope you feel better sorry to hear your not well...
Thanks for your reply x
God I feel like poo..lol..my stomach is so massive all the time..I am so self consious of it so I end up sitting in this poky little room everyday in hiding..
I was just wondering when They do biopsy via endosopy do they look for anything else taht may be going on do you reckon?? I supose the endoscopy in itself may show what ever else is going on..
I just want to give up now and get back to normal but I am on day 10 and counting..
Hope your feeling better soon
Take care
When I had a case of the yeasty beasties (long before I knew about gluten), I didn't eat anything with yeasts or sugars, and of course things like vinegar where out too. So I didn't eat yeast breads, but still ate baking powder biscuits. I avoided all fruits for quite awhile, as well as ketchup, mustard, mayonnaise, many salad dressings, etc. I also took caprylic acid capsules for a short time (I think I only went through one or two bottles). Other than that, my diet was the same, including loads of pasta and other carbs such as rice, potatoes, etc. So I don't think it is necessary to avoid all carbs. As I understand it, the yeast thrives on sugars, and though carbs can be converted into sugars, that's not such a large food source for the yeast if at all. I guess it depends on where the carbs are converted, and what types of sugars they get converted into. I haven't looked that up so I'm guessing based on experience and some knowledge of the digestive system.
The recovery began almost immediately, and I was feeling far better in just the first two weeks alone. The cavings for yeasted breads was quite intense at first, but controllable. I'd have to say it was probably about two or three months before the recovery leveled off, but various symptoms continued to disappear for perhaps years after that. I would point out though that my consumption of wheat was reduced because of the avoidance of yeasted breads. I had been eating loads of that stuff, so some of the improvement I attribute to consuming less gluten.
Thanks Riceguy..
So are you celiac ? Or self diagnosed I know its hard to go back like I am doing to get tested I feel like a crazy woman everytime I eat something wrong..
I think that may be we have had or have candida and if you try and kill candida with a gut thats damaged from gluten (Celiac) then it wont ever heal. So whats I am hoping is when I get back on gluten-free diet and try and kill the Candida it will go once the tums healed!!
Becuase before I saw a homeopath I saw some mad woman who called her self a natruopath and swang a crystal round my head to see my intolerances ..lol..how sad am I..ha ha I was so desperate to get better ....and anyway..her diet was just rice, veggies, meat & fish and bio fat free yogurt and I did feel better but whenI saw gail the homeopath she said I could have rye but ryvitas upset my tum which would be why celiac makes so much sense...
So you got better once you removed the gluten? and did the rid of the beasties....??
Thank for responding dont know what i would do without thi siste at the moment. I feel so down and trapped in my body and I just cant relax at all. Oh well have to try and keep smiling through this horrible challenge..
Take thanks again...
Candida takes awhile to get under control and it sounds like you have it pretty bad. I don't think it would of went away iin just 7 mo. because you were eating rice and milk. Thats enough to keep them alive and well. Even some vegetables.
I hope you get the diagnoses you want if its celiac but don't be surprised if its not. I've opted to forgo the wheat eating challenge because even though it sounds like I'm celiac I also have the same history of candida yeast. So it may be that one causes the other but who knows what comes first. You might test negative and still get it down the road if you continue to eat gluten.
I understand about getting a doctors excuse for your disability to work tho and hopefully you can get a better understanding of what your dealing with.
It's pretty hard to starve yeast if your eating bread so I guess try the best you can to eat so your bowels move. If fruit makes you constipated then maybe again its too high in sugars. Try and eat so that the only carbs your eating is the wheat you have to eat. Make everything else leafy green vegetables and protein. I have a large green salad with protein for lunch and two vegetables that are low glycemic for supper again with as much protein as I want.
For breakfast I usually have two egg omelette's with veggies and ham or leftover chicken, turkey sausage etc. I gave up on the kefir and yogurt. They just give me problems. I do take a strong probiotic. There are so many anti fungals and I really don't know what is better then the rest.
Stay away from the refined flours. Drink lots of water...that is so important.
Let us know how your doing. I feel bad your going through this and I hope yur getting some support from friends or family. If not don't give up we'll help you get through.
Sorry Gail its me again...
Have you gotten rid of Candida then? Is it possible to get rid of it? If you have can you eat normal now?
Thanks sorry about the hot seat and loads of questions..xx
Candida takes awhile to get under control and it sounds like you have it pretty bad. I don't think it would of went away iin just 7 mo. because you were eating rice and milk. Thats enough to keep them alive and well. Even some vegetables.
I hope you get the diagnoses you want if its celiac but don't be surprised if its not. I've opted to forgo the wheat eating challenge because even though it sounds like I'm celiac I also have the same history of candida yeast. So it may be that one causes the other but who knows what comes first. You might test negative and still get it down the road if you continue to eat gluten.
I understand about getting a doctors excuse for your disability to work tho and hopefully you can get a better understanding of what your dealing with.
It's pretty hard to starve yeast if your eating bread so I guess try the best you can to eat so your bowels move. If fruit makes you constipated then maybe again its too high in sugars. Try and eat so that the only carbs your eating is the wheat you have to eat. Make everything else leafy green vegetables and protein. I have a large green salad with protein for lunch and two vegetables that are low glycemic for supper again with as much protein as I want.
For breakfast I usually have two egg omelette's with veggies and ham or leftover chicken, turkey sausage etc. I gave up on the kefir and yogurt. They just give me problems. I do take a strong probiotic. There are so many anti fungals and I really don't know what is better then the rest.
Stay away from the refined flours. Drink lots of water...that is so important.
Let us know how your doing. I feel bad your going through this and I hope yur getting some support from friends or family. If not don't give up we'll help you get through.
Thanks Gail that really means alot..it does help when someone knows what your talking about..
I was surfing the net yesturday and read about biopsys and how they can show candida and Ive been trying to stay away from sugar and yeast so I dont make the Candida worse incase its just that still.
So, after reading I thought dam maybe I need to just eat everything and if they dont see the celiac they may find the candida and be able to help me with that...
I feel SOOOOOOOOOOOOOoo low today I ate a few jaffa cakes and stuff with sugar etc bit of a binge and my tum is so large and tight its so tender..but I am still going to the loo where at the begining my bowels stopped..?? Bit weird...
The problem is when I have the sugar its different symptoms I get major anixety and depression which is dangerous as then I feel like giving up and start binging I think I am developing an eating disorder through all this crap...
Okay, so my plan from today is to stay away from sugar yeast and just have ryvitas for the testing to make sure taht I am damaging and straight after the test I am going to do a no carb diet just eat meat fish and veggies and see if it makes a difference.
When I did the diet before my tum went down alot and my other symptoms were no where near as bad but it didnt go..so like you say next time no carbs as it does change into sugar once digested.
Did you notice any changes in your skin with candida? Ive got this strange dent type thing in my eye brow???? But I was getting strange things with my left eye happening so maybe it was damaging my eye???
THANKS SO MUCH ....I am not getting any support apart from a friend in LOndon which is too far to go and see..and knowing you guys are supporting means so much..xxx
I was not self diagnosed but I am a celiac who had a great deal of damage done by doctors who went off blood work. I am a one of the 20% of celiacs that does not show up on blood work. It took 15 years before any doctor reccommended an elimination diet. I was diagnosed by an allergist after I had given up all hope and was close to death.
Rely on your body. I would skip the confirmation by the GI if it requires you to poison yourself for weeks or months to get a firm 'yea you can't eat gluten' from a doctor. If you have seen improvement on the diet stay on it. Oh and on the issue of seizures, I can not speak for anyone other than myself but I have not had a seizure unless glutened since I went gluten-free 5 years ago.
Hi there..
Hope you dont mind me asking you about this - my blood test was negative so I am now waiting to have my biopsy and having to eat it all again. I am getting worried that I havent got celiac I know it sounds crazy but I just want to know whats wrong. It has been going on so long it has become me and if it is I know I can start to get on with my life again and get better.
But like you maybe the tests arent acurate and the diet did start making me feel better so I suppose Id just have to do the diet anyway...
Take care
I have been told that I have to eat gluten for the 2 weeks before I have the bowl bi-opsy otherwise they won't be able to detact celiacs. Really worried about eating gluten as I don't want to poison my body again. My doctor is still saying it is celiacs even though apparently the blood test for celiacs was negative. Although the tests did show a bowl irritation of some kind. The doctor has not mentioned at all about cutting out dairy. I am based in the UK so maybe things are dealt with differently here. It seems to me that the doctors are a bit clueless. Is it possible that I am in the early stages of celiacs which is why the blood tests are confusing. I know you are born with celiacs but it gets activated by things like stress.
If they confirm I have celiacs I will definatly get my son tested as it will be very likely that he will have it as well.
I will try and get blood tests from doctor so that I can get a second opinion. I am still sure my doctor wouldn't put me on a gluten free diet without good reason. After all it is very difficult to eat gluten free especially when my son still eats gluten.
I will be glad when they have done the biopsy then I may get some firm answers. Things are a bit unclear at the moment
Hi Jenny
I am in the UK to and have been having an awful time. I wasnt tested 14 months ago when I was so ill massive distention, constipation, aniexty, depressed, seizure, thick rashes etc...so I started seeing a homeopath for canida which was the same type of diet as gluten-free but she said I could have rye and they made my tum swell so I stopped and kept to the diet for about 7 months!!!
When she said you should be better now I tried eating and got ill again - spoke to doctor about celiac and he had never tested me for it so I know what you mean!!!
So, like you I have been gluten-free for a while except for a few binges when I was down coz she said I d be better..so I am at the end of week one eating gluten again and I am scared that I am doing more damage but like you I need to know if thats what it is!!
Ive got to do it for 4 - 6 weeks to do the damage??? I feel awful got the worse head ache I look like my tums going to explode and I have all sorts going on..I am so down dont know if I can keep this up much longer...
So it depends on what you think I would of thought you would need to do it for longer - the celiac society told me 4 peices of bread for 6 weeks..
Hope that helped a bit
Biopsy Results And Thyroid Please Help Me
in Celiac Disease Pre-Diagnosis, Testing & Symptoms
HI ya...
Right got my thyroid results and it says TSH : 0.68 the range is between 0.27 - 4.2 so does that mean its normal or low??
Also got results for bisopy but nmot seen doctor yet and it says:
D2 Biopsy
Maroscopic : two pale mucosal fragments 1- 2 mm
Microscopic reveals mucosa of normal villous patten. No evidence or active inflammation or organsims is seen?????
What now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Does that mean I am not celiac??? I am at my last straw now