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  1. did you get a second opinion or do any research on that bacteria they told you every one has? that sounds off to me but i've never been told i had a bacteria in me.....hmm.....could you have a subsequent kidney/bladder/UTI ? i'd find out the correct spelling of it and do some research.

    I didn't mean to miss lead you.... I have the bacteria showing up in weird places. I have had 3 different doctors fing ot over a 4 month period. It is Serratia marcescens (sermar) - but everyone does have it in there system. You're not really diagnosed with it, unless shows up in weird places, or it is making you ill. Mine is. I have had to be on cipro for several months - thus destroying my internal gi even more.

    I am thinking I am eating gluten free, but apparently I am not. I am reading everything on the label, and then usually calling the company to make sure. I think I will start off tomorrow with just basic rice cereal, and just do rice,bananas, applesauce, plain chicken... anythoughts?? I found out that even benydryl can not say they are gluten free, so I have switched over to clariton for allergies that are showing up for no explained reason.

    My frustration level is a at all time high, I brake down so easy. So against my whole personality. It seems that noone wants to hear my problems, that this is nothing, what a major struggle! Sometimes I don't even want to get out of bed because of the hassels.

    Our town has just started a support group, but it only meets every 3 months. Unfortunitely, the next meeting isn't until June. They are trying to form a chapter with the celiac org group....

  2. Yes, alamaz, that is how I feel!!! My head feels so awful!!!

    I have been very careful to eat only gluten-free foods. I pick several items each day and actually call the company to see if they are gluten free. - Most of the items are marked gluten free on the box. I am trying to eat fruit and vegetables and plain meat. I am afraid to eat!

    I have had so many tests of my whole body, and every kind of blood test that you can imagine...the dr's can't seem to find anything.... You name the test, I believe I had it. The only thing that shows up is some sermar ( a bacteria) - serratia something....It has shown up on my cervix, in my urine, but I have no symptoms. I am told everyone has this bacteria in there stomachs and so-forth. I got very ill last June on a trip, with giardia, and I have had the pain ever since, but the dr's say that has all cleared up. My colonsocpy shows no sign of anything on my side at all.

    It is so frustrating, and stressful. I get so teary all the time too. Little things send me over the edge.

    It just seems like I can't get better.

  3. I feel so strange....

    Newly diagnosed in Feb - only by bloodwork, the endoscope did not support the celiac - however, I believe the Dr.s as my itching and burning sensations has stopped...but that is all that is better. Only been gluten free for about a month, and I still feel the same. I still have pain in my R side pain. Sometimes I double over in pain. I even have little red dots everywhere...most on my abdomen.

    My head always feels full - like there is a lot of pressure, as if it is going to explode, at times it is hard to turn my head. Sometimes it feels as if it is cracking, My ears feel like they are full too, and my throat sometimes hurts. I get dizzy if I look down, and sometimes when I look up. It's like a fog in my head. Sometimes it feels as if I am drunk all the time, and I haven't had any alcohol for over 6 months....If I lay down...(that is all I am doing lately) most of the bad feelings go away.

    I just started to take probiotic dietary suppliment, (gluten free) hoping that will have my side pain.

    I also take a muti-vitamin ( gluten free) and I have to take an anxiety pill (gluten free)at bedtime, just so I can get 4 to 5 hours of sleep at night. I seem to crack with just a little bit of stress, I can't tolerate much.

    I have been miserable since Oct 06

    Had full body scans, and even mri of my brain, good news there...

    Any suggestions, does anyone else have problems with there head??? Is this a side effect of celiac - Or am I just going crazy?

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