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  1. I also use Vance's Dari Free to make cocoa/hot chocolate. This product is not available in too many places.....I order it online. Better Than Milk Rice powder also works well.

    Try this recipe: Open Original Shared Link

    What ingredients are in Vance's? Is there high fructose corn syrup, or any corn syrup? My system can't function with that? Marshmallows are mostly high fructose corn syrup :( - But I am looking for something for my little girl to drink - she is wanting hot cocoa pretty badly.

  2. I'm currently experimenting with coconut milk. I buy pure unsweetened cocoa powder and add a little bit of agave nectar and some coconut milk. I haven't quite got it perfected yet though, but it's promising. If you can do sugar, that might make it easier to get right, lol. I shouldn't even be using agave. :(

    Just curious why you say you shouldn't be using agave? I am pretty sure it is safe for celiacs. Do you use the raw agave? It is more easily digestible than other sweeteners.

  3. You could do hemp milk as your milk (it's gluten-free, df, sf) and just add cocoa powder. it shouldn't need any sweetener because the hemp milk is pretty sweet...unless you're making it for kids... ;)


    There is also a chocolate hemp milk too - that could be warmed for hot cocoa

  4. Was only here about an hour ago looking, and at the risk of stating the obvious the appearance of this forum has changed. I'm sure it is not the drink I am enjoying at this point in time.

    I am having serious eye issues with reading, it is almost making me dizzy. I will only be able to stay on for a short time, as I was on too long today and have a major headache. Perhaps it is the dark, dark green, and then the extra light. Please tone it down some.

  5. If your not having symptoms that we clearly recognize as gluten just eat gluten till you do. Once you do get noticeablly sick then you can do the diet.

    Unfortunately the damage done to nervous systems, brain, liver and other body functions can be seriously effected long before GI symptoms get severe or before doctors recognize that the joint pain is more than 'normal' with aging.

    HOW TRUE -This is me - AND so many others here on this site! Thanks - you interpreted everything they said just perfect, I understand that! And amazingly how true it was! Thank-you again!

    You say your DH is gluten light? He may want to try being totally gluten free for a bit. He may end up being amazed how many 'annoying' little things are not there anymore.

    Yes, hubby is gluten light, we have no gluten in the house...but he does eat wheat at work - however - he will be off work for several months - His buddies sent him a care box of gluten goodies with cheeses and meat snacks because I make nothing or have anything with gluten here!! We already removed those goodies to send back to his work to put into the cafeteria for others to snack on.

    He will not have gluten for at least 2 full months, we will see what happens

  6. I am not a pro on malabsorption,

    but give her as much breast milk as you can provided you don't take away from the baby!! The great thing about breast milk is the more breast milk you use today, the more you will make tomorrow! Keep up your own fluids, and eat an extra healthy snack or two as you will need it to make more milk. It may make your 2 year olds' stools a bit runnier?? Breast milk is for humans!

  7. I read somewhere that you take your age and then subtract 20 - (that is if you are over 25, if I remember right) - So if you are 50 - 20 = 30 --- that is how many months it will take to get your enzymes and your good bacteria (3 to 5 pounds) back to where it needs to be. Of course that is assuming no problems in between. Try to filter out the chlorine in your water, that helps too!

    I took probiotics for 6 months, and stopped - went right into eating a lot of raw food, about 75%-80% all raw, in fact I have been eating oranges for over a week now - that was one food that I could not tolerate for over a year. My stomach would hurt so bad, it was unbearable! I even had fresh lemon aid yesterday - unheard of for me!!! I know we all have so many issues to deal with, but the more raw food that you eat, the more enzymes you will have to help aid in your digestion. You can only get enzymes from the raw food that we eat...or by pills, and I can't do those. ( If you do start eating raw food - go slowly!) You may find there is still somethings you can not eat....I can not eat dandelion leaves, or kale - I get itchy. You find dandelion leaves a lot in pre-packaged salad bags.

    I was suffering from fatigue so badly, I now eat dulse in my salads, it is a natural form of many trace minerals - including B vitamins too. In a forth of a cup, it has 23% of vitamin B12. I put it right in my salads and it is a natural salt. It took many, many months, while I was so ill and in bed, reading many books to find this natural source. All of the vitamins and minerals from this are natural. It must be in a raw form.

    If the equations above is correct I still have many months to go, but I do feel better excluding white sugar, and flour, I can barely tolerate the gluten free flours at all. Milk gave me the worst side pain anyone could imagine, now milk free, no side pains anymore !! Greens have more calcium than milk anyway, and I was not aware of that. I get ill when I eat many, many processed foods. High fructose corn syrup is a killer for me. ( I now use agave nectar for sweetening things) It is hard at times to eat this way, but my health and my digestions is much, much better. Even my eliminations are much better. Don't get me wrong, I am still in the process of healing, but if I had been eating this way years ago, I know I would not be facing the issues I am today.

    I am just sharing what is helping me, I know that we are all different, but yet alike by a gluten bond. I am just trying something on my own since the doctors here can't even read a simple blood test for celiac for themselves or explain it to a new celiac patient, my husband. When I was dx, I was just told I have celiac, and given a 3 page letter telling me what I should avoid, and somethings I could eat, no other help or advise, not even what celiac was!!! btw, there was not even one fruit or vegetable on the pages!!

    I learned of Lara Bars here on the site from someone saying they were gluten, soy, dairy free - do you know that many of the Lara Bars are 100% raw = healthy!

  8. HLA Class II =

    major HLA antigens are essential elements in immune function:

    Different classes have different functions

    Class I antigens (A, B & C) - Present peptides from inside the cell (including viral peptides if present)

    Class II antigens (DR, DP, & DQ) - Present phagocytosed antigens from outside of the cell to T-lymphocytes

    Locus: In biology and evolutionary computation, a locus (plural loci) is a fixed position on a chromosome, such as the position of a gene or a biomarker (genetic marker). A variant of the DNA sequence at a given locus is called an allele. The ordered list of loci known for a particular genome is called a genetic map. Open Original Shared Link

    Looks to me like he is positive for HLA DQ 2.

    Open Original Shared Link

    Which lab did the tests?

    Thank-you, I will check out the urls

    The mayo clinic ran the test for our local hospital

    Does this mean he does have celiac, or just the gene, we are so confused. He doesn't really have any symptoms, but we were trying to figure out just how bad our kids could be by putting our genes together. He asked the doc for the test, and he said ok, but noone knows what it means....humm

    The doctor doesn't know what to say to him or what to do unless he has joint pain or diarrhea. i guess he's done his job. He had the blood work drawn back in Oct, he has had the test results since 11/1 back, we just found out today.

    Our hospitial lab doesn't usually give results, the day he took the test, they didn't even know what the test was.

  9. I would really like some type of whipped topping for a couple of desserts I'm planning to make over the holidays. I can't find anything in the stores that is dairy-free and soy-free. I've tried the cashew thing, but thought it was gross.

    Does anyone have any ideas? Has anyone tried whipping coconut milk?

    I know it exists somewhere - The Glutnney bakery in Pittsburgh uses dairy free whip topping on their goodies,, but not sure about soy free. I had one of their iced cookies, about 1 month ago, it was great.

    I don't eat many treats anymore.

  10. My DH had a test several weeks ago, and we were finally called today.

    The nurse told me that they don't understand the test and had to call someone to figure out what it meant. And they are still confused.

    On the paper with the test results it says :

    " Tell patient he has a genes found in people + celiac disease (gluten allergy) However, it can be found in the normal population as well If having diarrhea or joint pain Try gluten - free diet otherwise NTD " I can't believe he called it a gluten allergy - ???? The doc wants me to call the hospital lab for interpretation ( they are closed )

    Now we don't eat gluten in our house anymore - because of myself being celiac and my daughter too. So he shouldn't have any antibodies?? Now he does occasionally eat gluten when out, but very, very rarely.

    It has the two genes - off to the side Celiac Genetic HLA-DQ2/DQ8

    But the other tests they took :

    HLA Class II

    Donor DNR

    DR Locus - 7, 12

    DRW Locus 52, 53

    DQ Locus 2, 7

    Method PCR

    Can someone tell me what the test results mean, and what Locus is please? When I had the test results it came back in different form.

    thanks in advance!

  11. I just got an electric waffle cone maker and I'm looking for recipes and any tips. I don't have the cone form so I'll need to improvise. Any suggestions?

    I google waffle cone receipe, and then substituted other things....I didn't keep the receipe though, sorry. They were pretty good, a bit chewy, but we ate most of them before we had ice cream in them. I remember we made some waffle bowls too, we used a larger bowl...and then set the newly removed shell into the bowl and it hardened up fast.

    You can use an empty papertowel roll - I have also used a heavier paper rolled and taped. You have to experiment until you find the size you want.


  12. I just got an electric waffle cone maker and I'm looking for recipes and any tips. I don't have the cone form so I'll need to improvise. Any suggestions?

    I google waffle cone receipe, and then substituted other things....I didn't keep the receipe though, sorry. They were pretty good, a bit chewy, but we ate most of them before we had ice cream in them. I remember we made some waffle bowls too, we used a larger bowl...and then set the newly removed shell into the bowl and it hardened up fast.

    You can use an empty papertowel roll - I have also used a heavier paper rolled and taped. You have to experiment until you find the size you want.


  13. Most likely the corn is a compounded reaction from the original Gluten Intolerance. You should get over the reaction as you heal. Unfortunately, that will take 3-6 months, so be patient and be very careful what you eat in that time period, especially when you start felling better. I was having the same issues with food intolerances for a long time until I figured that out. It was one thing after another. Everyone I know takes Nutric Labs products for rapid healing. I personally use 3 of them, but the ones that will benefit you are their Nutric Life Extends (repairs DNA and cells... also a great heavy metal detoxifier). This will definitely help your healing time, to where you can introduce corn and others that you weren't reactive to in the first place. You will eventually be able to introduce Gluten as well. You will probably be reactive to it forever, but with the healing you will be able to tolerate certain amounts without any reaction. Also, Nutric V-Daily is great for added nutrients. It's a multi-vitamin that is absorbed under the tongue, works great! Those products do not contain any Gluten or Corn. Good Luck!

    ALL of your posts have been about this product - It is great if you are trying to help us, but I was told it has wheat grass in it....that is a no no for celiacs

  14. I know a lady that works for Metagenics and have tried that too. I've had severe leaky gut syndrome and Gluten Intolerance and have been hospitalized several times for it. A great product is Nutric Life Extends. It promotes healing through DNA and cell repair. I've been researching these products for years and this has been the best. If you need to heal any part of your body, that's the stuff. Good luck!

    All 4 of your posts have been promoting this product.... It has wheat grass in it - not good for celiacs

  15. Since diagnosis in April, I've been getting better and better, but when my period comes I get nailed with "glutened-like" symptoms: major migraine headache, the big d for days and painful gas and bloating. Does anyone have any suggestions or remedies that seem to alleviate some of the symptoms? I do have endo as well, and have been off the pill since I can't find a gluten-free/lactose free pill on the market, so my hormones are probably out of whack as well. I know that I am not being glutened, because it is clockwork. I have been enjoying feeling more normal. It has taken months to get to this point and it feels really good. I'm not sure I want to feel nasty for a week every month!


    A little bit of hemp oil will relieve pain. A health store would carry it.

    you can mix it in a drink, or your salad dressing...

  16. I spoke, and ate, at a raw food meeting in Calif last month. I wish I had it within me to go raw food.

    The meal was great by the way and more than enough.

    Open Original Shared Link</a> is a great resource on it.


    I have been so ill, dizzy, drained, bloated abdomen ... I have been trying so many different things, and nothing is working for me at all. I have added in more fruits, and veggies for the last 2 weeks, been feeling a bit better, but not quite enough, I have a slice of water melon everyday, and that makes me feel so great after I eat it. I can honestly tell when I don;t have a salad! I made gluten-free cupcakes last Friday, froze them for the family...I ate only one, unbelievable, I don't even feel the need to have anymore, and there are still 6 in the freezer...( but you know old habits are hard to break.)

    I have to tell you...I have only eaten fresh fruits, nuts (small amount), and vegetables since Monday - It is only Thursday, but I did it 3 days longer than I thought I could...one day at a time! This morning I tried a smoothie - 2 stalks celery, banana, apple, two handfuls of spinich, then some filtered water ... blended it all up and WOW how great it was, it made me feel invigorated! I have been told by a foodie that if I eat some smooties like this my intestines won't have to digest anything, and it can heal faster.... so I am giving it a try. I probably can't do this for to long, but I want to make it through until Saturday morning. I FEEL great, no fatigue at all - I feel like I want to run around the block! Last night I slept longer than I have in many, many months...I didn't hear hubby's alarm go off this morning! First time in a year!

    The only thing that I have had is some gas...but a different kind of gas than eating gluten gas. I have had 2 - yes 2 regular bowel movements in the last two days, and I am amazed!

    Like I said, I am going to try and go through until Sat morning to see how I feel.

  17. I am wondering if anyone has seen Anthony's Way - his short expos on Utube?

    I wanted to post a few not sure if anyone has seen them - what do you think?

    I know that my system can not handle citrus fruits since I got ill, but I can eat watermelon.

    many on the site are suffering from candida and lyme disease -

    Anthony's Way Raw Food -

    Anthony's Way Candida - Open Original Shared Link

    Anthony's Way Colitis -

    Anthony's Way Lyme Disease -

    I prefered the Eric's ones Part 1 and Part 2

  18. When was this? I talked to them about 3 months ago and they said all their toothpastes are gluten free. Conflicting information is SO frustrating. <_<

    I think was back in July? I pressured her a bit to make sure there was NO gluten in the toothpaste, and she told me the usual story...we don't intentionally put gluten in the product, but they could get their ingredients sourced from somewhere that may have gluten. I switched immediately, and they even sent me a check for the 2 tubes I had just recently bought.

    That is when I switched to Tom's Of Maine

  19. Hi all! I recently was diagnosed and am, shall we say, a tad paranoid right now. I was eating a lot of nuts/almonds after I cut gluten out of my diet, but, was still feeling bad and finally figured out that it must be the nuts/cross contamination.

    Are there any gluten-free almond brands that people know of other than Blue Diamond? I am having trouble finding just their plain raw almonds.

    Thanks so much for any help!!!

    You can get some raw almonds at a health food store, or whole foods, trader joes, etc, and roast them yourself. I like them best this way. You may be able to order online?

  20. :) Hi Kristin..

    I am fairly new to this...I haven't officially been diagnosed yet...still waiting on enterolabs..but I am also almost 100 % positive I have at least gluten-intolerance. I looked on the Nutric Lab web page as I was very interested in the supplements you were referring too. However....I found that wheatgrass is one of the ingredients in the one that has 55 fruits and veggies. Isn't this something people with gluten sensitivity or celiacs should stay away from?

    Wheat grass is something that I can not have with my celiac disease.... it is gluten to me

    I had to eliminate dairy because my guts were still churning and it hurt so bad. If I am off for a while perhaps I can retry at a later date. I could hardly eat corn for a while....but now I can so far.

  21. Do I even have to say more then I have one? Do you have one? Have you hit the point where you just want to send her back a year or three? :angry: Somtime this summer she decided I am the worst person. Everything was good until then. I try to talk with her and the smart ass that took her place is the only one that answers me.

    This will go away or get better or something, someday?

    Ugggh - I am on my 3rd teenager. My older 2 kids...now 20 and 24 were a bit better and got over it very quickly, (of course I was younger and not suffering from any illness either). My last teen, KNOWS EVERYTHING! And see feels she has to tell me it all too.( and she too is suffering with hashimotos disease and eating gluten free as a teen)

    I am looking forward to when my children have children :D

  22. So, being a beer girl at heart, and being back in college where beer is life, I was wondering if anyone out there knows a health food store or something like that in VT (burlington area or anywhere in the state) that carries New Grist or another kind of gluten free beer. i miss my beer. :angry:


    Contact the place where you can purchase beer, they would be able to get it in for you.

    Red Bridge is made by Budwiser it is made from sorghum

  23. I went through all the testing and such (blood, stool, upper & lower scopes) for the doc to tell me that I have a bacteria overgrowth -

    Prescribed the antibiotic Xifaxan for about 45 days now - at first my symptoms ( big D, soft stools, fatigue, etc) cleared up quick, but lately (as I am getting close to running out of anitbiotic) they have been coming back, slowly but surely. I've been taking probiotics & trying to stay away from beer (my culprit for bad stomach days). I went gluten free for a while, then my doctor talked me out of it since my biopsy was negative. (Eating gluten at the time of my tests - went gluten free after that, then once all my results were back, about 2 months later, started on gluten again) I've also read a lot about once you get an overgrowth, you're pretty much predisposed to having overgrowths again for the rest of your life.

    Are there any special dietary changes to deal with bacteria? What can I do other than go to the doctor again?

    You can have Jennies coconut macaroons - High in capric acid + lauric acid - good acid for you. Source of MCT's for energy, sulfite free, wheat free, lactose free, gluten free, and soy free.... I don't think the bad bacteria like either of those acids listed above

    A good probiotic - I started with FloraJen3 pills, I put 1/4 tsp. FOS powder in a glass of water - then tried a couple of other brands.... now I am back to the FloraJen 3 w/ the FOS powder - This is like eating 10 yogurts a day, since I have a hard time with dairy this works for me. (I swear by this!)

  24. My lower abdomen didn't seem to get better, I was always in some sort of pain with it. After about 6 months of this, I recently stopped dairy to see what would happen - I very rarely have this pain now... I miss dairy, but I love the pain free abdomen now. Since my dx'd with celiac - I have made some resent mistakes with gluten so I will stay off dairy for several months and then try and reintroduce it to see what happens, but for now, no dairy for me.

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