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  1. I would love to hear from others who have had career interruptions from Celiac.

    Oh my heavens...I don't know where to begin.

    For my profession I did in home parties for over 6+ years, In other words I worked for myself as a consultant of another company. My hubby would go to work, I would be home, he came home, I could go to work...and for about 4 hours I would be gone about 4-5 times a week.... great choice for me as I have been stay at home Mom for over 18 years. This got me out of the house for a bit to socialize, and work at the same time, a win-win situation. Anyway, I worked at my business for about 7 years, during that time I became a leader, went on 6 wonderful trips that I earned for free, and was selling over $60,000 in product a year. My present and future was fabulous with this company. I was usually in the top 100-200 of over 47,000 plus consultants. Some times I was in the top 10, and last August I was #2 in the US selling over 13,000+, just that month. I was good at my job! I was looking to be able to financially help my daughter in college, as most parents do.

    I fell sick last Oct, there are no sick days with your own business. I lost my leadership, and my income....could not work, then hubby had to take a family leave to help to take care of me for about 4 months, more income loss. We have even had to cash in 401K, and unfortunately live on future income. It has been a major, major struggle for us. I feel like I let people down, couldn't fulfill my obligations, with business, household, as a mother and wife. I also had cancer, people can understand that....but they can't seem to grasp celiac disease, and all my new health issues with that. It seemed like I was making excuses all the time about not feeling well. I was so horribly ill, and I am still not back to fully recovered yet.

    I miss my income, I miss the people I used to sell with, I miss the people that were my hosts, and hostess, I miss the guests at the parties.

    I was a candlelady, and loved, loved, loved my work. I was my own boss, that made it so great!

    On the bright side of things, I didn't get fired.

    I am now starting back to do this about 3 times a month, it is not the same- and it is overwhelming, but it is good for me to be apart of the living again.

  2. jmd3 -- Do you find that all margarita mixes are OK? I would hope to find something that I can always have in a restaurant or bar and not worry. I would also be concerned if the bartender made the drink the traditional way with something like triple sec; I don't think those things are distilled, but finding good info on this entire subject is difficult. It seems like most of what I find is about avoiding yeast (and other things) due to a candida overgrowth, which is completely different.

    I am not sure, I only know the jose cuervo, and Mrs. T are gluten-free for sure. IF there is any you want checked out see if there is a toll free number to call and ask. Find out what is used at the bar, perhaps they are using one of the safe ones. Most places use a Dailey mix around here, or a lemon juice with some simple sugar, the second of the two is gluten-free ,not sure about Dailey's brand.. You could talk to the bar and see what they use, and perhaps make a suggestion to carry jose cuervo for you.

    I know that most bars use a 3 part santitation system (some only use a 2 part) when they wash glasses.....the first part just being a rinse, then the wash, then the sanitizing rinse. I would be very careful about this as well. Glasses containing beer would first be rinsed...thus having beer in it....but all the glasses go through the same wash system. Looking at that way of washing glasses, it totally scary to me now-a-days. (CRAP from the glasses would be in the first 2 sinks, then the sanitizing system.)


  3. I use Tom's of Maine. I love this company they list the source of all the ingredients and what they do. No weird chemical names or additives and also soy and dairy free. I use the cinnamint with Myrrh, tastes great and seems to help with my nightly plaque formation from dry mouth and sleeping with my mouth open.

    I agree with you - Tom's of Maine is great! I use the apricot that does not have fluoride in it - my dd does also, being fluoride free helps her thyroid. I recently called the company when that big toothpaste scare was out a couple of months ago, and they were very nice to converse with and helpful. I don't think I will ever switch toothpaste again.

    Just to mention when I talked with the manuf. of colgate company , they told me they can not guar. that the toothpaste were gluten-free. They issued a check to me for the 2 tubes I had just purchased becasue of the no guar.

  4. I take Rainbow Light Healthy Family Multivitamin powder. Since it is a powder it is more easily absorbed and I can tell the difference in the way I feel. Some places that carry the brand but not that specific product will order it free of additional charge.

    Do you know if it is dairy free - the casin? I know that it doesn't have lactose. Is there a toll free number on the package to see if it is CF too?

  5. I share your happiness! I was dx'ed after 13 years of unexplained illness. I immediately tested my three kids. My dd's test was 1 POINT below positive. I had her gene tested and she is DQ2 so she went off gluten. WHAT A CHANGE! I posted recently about the wonderful turn around she has made. She isn't officially dx'ed but there is no way you could convince her to eat gluten again. Our lives have been restored. Our boys gene tests are in the works and they will go off gluten as well if they have the gene.

    Andie, the story about the brownies is just fantastic! That made me tear up!

    Just wondering what you did to get the dr to give a gene test??? I have taken my daughter to 5 different dr's and they flat out refused to give her the test!! ( I have the DQ2 gene, and DQ3 gene, and officially dx'd )

    She is off gluten and has done so well, finally after 12 YEARS SHE finally slept through the night! She has Hasimoto's thryoiditis, but I know she is celiac as well.

  6. how was your trip? we are going to basically the same place next month and are staying at paradise village. my daughter has Celiac disease and I am wondering how it is going to work...any tips?

    I have had good and bad experiences in Mexico - I believe my celiac trigger was in Mexico :o( I think Elizabeth from the view - her trigger happened in Mexico also.) Anyway, my bad experience was a very upscale resort, and did not eat off property. (Cancun - very bad experience) I had to go back to Mexico for business and dreaded it tremendously, Cabo San Lucas - ended up being a fantastic experience

    I spoke with a dr that was vacationing there too, and he told me that Mexico doesn't seem to have many of the auto-immune diseases that we have here.

    Do you take a probiotic? You should take a gluten-free one starting at least 3 days before travel...Continue taking it while you are there. It will help protect your intestines incase you get an issue with your intestines..or D.

    I hope that you have a wonderfully safe trip!! Make sure you tell us about it when you get back!!!!

  7. Ok, I think I can write about it now without popping my cork.

    Went to a medical meeting last week about constipation, and asked what I thought was a reasonable question about the incidence of celiac disease presenting as constipation in his practice. He asked if the audience believed the incidence in the population was as reported, and too many of them(mostly GI's in the room) said no.....it was more rare than 1 in 133! He's even a native Australian!!!! The speaker said "everyone now thinks they have a 'touch' of sprue" and that it has built up into cult status!! I felt like I needed to be physically restrained !! I carefully took note of the ones nodding their heads to Dr R. McCallum's opinions. He is at the University of Kansas, and is a dept chair for GI motility. I basically decided to "behave".....I can learn more about them and their attitiudes if I keep my cool. But I wanted my "cult" friends to know!!!!!!!!!!!

    I get so frustrated when I hear this.... and it recently has happened to me

    Given my terrible health history in the last few years...I want to have my children tested for celiac, my childrens pediatrican spent 15+ min telling me that "everyone thinks they have this, and are just jumping on the band wagon to be a part of it" I can't get the ped to examine my children for 15 minutes!! I made another appt with the joint Ped Dr in the office, and he won't test them either, he told me to take them to a GI doc... so I did, and he won't test them either.

    Agh, it is a revolving door!

  8. I just had 2 little GS come to the door selling nuts, candy, choc covered pretzels, candles, etc - (Our GS don't have cookie sales until Jan.) The packaging is official GS marked. I think they had a lot of options for people with celiac. I will read the can carefully, but DH will probably take a can to work, and DD will probably take the other can to school. It was a win/win situation!

  9. Not sure if all threelac is made by the same company....but the page I found here is their quote -

    "ThreeLac and SIDE EFFECTS

    Since Threelac is not a medication, there are no side effects. You may experience cleansing symptoms such as rashes, headaches or constipation as the toxins exit the body. Oxygen Elements Plus, LHB or ACTIVE ENZYMES and fiber are recommended to help with this cleansing process. Drink lots of liquids.

    Is ThreeLac cultured in milk?

    No, the flora in Threelac is not cultured in milk, nor are there any lactose or dairy products in Threelac at all.

    Do These products Contain WHEAT, GLUTEN or CORN?

    GHT makes every effort to avoid common food allergens in their products. ThreeLac and all products are free of corn, wheat, and gluten.

    Is canola oil safe?

    There is a lot of confusion about canola oil's safety. While the Internet can be a great source of information, many rumors and urban legends have circulated on web sites and been passed along in e-mails. Urban legends usually warn of dire consequences from something perfectly innocent; they often relate a story about someone who had such a terrible experience with something, yet that person almost always remains anonymous. These often frightening stories or accusations usually lack enough detail to make scientific, logical evaluation of the claim. Our own study and use of canola oil leads us to believe it is as safe as most other vegetable oils. Many common items in health food stores have Canola oil as an ingredient.

    Canola oil contains less than 1 percent erucic acid. Actually, another name for canola oil is LEAR (Low Erucic Acid Rapeseed) oil.

    Taking Oxygen Elements Plus with MEDICATIONS

    Oxygen Elements Plus (OE+) increases absorption of nutrients and ALSO OF ANY MEDICATION. Therefore, if you are taking any pharmaceuticals (including inhalers for asthma or emphysema), take the OE+ an hour on either side of your regular medication. Other than that, it should not interfere whatsoever with any prescribed medication."

    I hope that helps.

  10. Is threelac enough to stop candida by itself? It is a probiotic and not an antifungal. I have been using threelac and Grapefruit seed extract together and noticed some pretty bad die off like symptoms. Should i ditch the GSE and just use Threelac, or should i continue with both? I want to rid the candida, but i dont want to be miserable while doing it. Has anyone else had these symptoms while treating candida: Bloated, headache, nausea, major fatigue, burning eyes, and dizzy spells?

    Someone told me that threelac has gluten in it, I wish I could remember which glutenous protein it is. It is suppose to rid yourself from "Bloated, headache, nausea, major fatigue" I would check to see what exactly is in it to make sure. Check to see how they grew the bacteria, was it grown on a barley base? But I am told that healing crisis would make your feel this way.

    But from taking a probiotic that made me feel the way you are describing, I WAS glutened from it, I failed a blood test and I had been taking it for about 3 weeks....I kept getting worse.

  11. I am wondering if gluten intolerance or celiac can cause severe headaches/fatigue/nauseousness/dizziness?

    My 14 year old daughter has had these symptoms for the better part of a year. It started with fatigue, then came the headaches/dizziness and nauseousness which were brought on seemingly by physical activity. Activity makes it worse (at least at first it did). In the midst of this, she was diagnosed with Hashimoto's (which I also have), but that was caught fairly early before the antibodies became too elevated (and other labs were still in normal range).


    I have celiac disease, and my daughter has hashi's, and an obvious goiter, but the doctors have not given her any med's yet. We have stopped gluten for her, and she is doing soooo much better. Even the physical activity after effects are better. She has severe headaches, where she would see colors, otherwise known as migraines. Her headaches are very now rare. After exercise my DD used to have terrible side pain, cough for a long time, and have asthma problems. I have also introduced kelp in her diet, and her blood tests have stayed the same, no better, no worse. For the last 3 years she would get up in the middle of the night every night to go to the bathroom... her age should not. Now, it is very rare for her to do that.

    It was my DD's decision to stop gluten, and then she had some wheat soft pretzels while at a friends house, and she called in the middle of the night to come get her, she had terrible itching, breathing issues, and more, ....now she is all for the not eating gluten, she hasn't had an issue since. She is eating so much better - fruits, veggies, hormone free meats, eggs, yogurt, gluten free pancakes with fruit, etc.... there are so many options.

    I can't tell you what it has done for her physically - it is wonderful. We pack her lunch everyday - organic juice, veggies, fruit, yogurt, and then chicken legs, or hamburg patti, or thin pork loin slices.....she is loving her lunches, and it shows on her skin, and her daily regimen.

    Her pediatrician is not very happy with her stopping the gluten, says it is unfair to her-

    ....But she hasn't had to take Zyrtec everyday anymore!!!!!!!!

  12. No, No, No, I do not take communion anymore :o( , and I am Roman Catholic. Before I was diagnosed and I was in and out of the hospital so much I was taking communion every time I was in the hospital. Then during the night, I couldn't sleep, my blood felt like it was burning, and I was constantly telling the nurses - "I feel like I was poisoned" I was sick, sick sick after having communion.

    Now, when I am in church, when we say the prayer - "only say the word and I shall be healed" - well, I feel that I am not suppose to have it....( I overlook the first part of the prayer that states " Lord, I am not worthy to receive you...." ) I get way to sick when I take communion, and unfortunately can not have it anymore.

    It has been a very hard adjustment in church, but I know that God understands.

  13. For sure I would try and bake the dough a bit before adding any toppings or cheese - it doesn't taste doughy that way.

    I have been using chebe bread for my pizza and I pre-bake it before I put the toppings on. Comes out great - Infact my DH loves it, says it is better than regular gluteny thin pizza crusts

    You may want to try and spread the dough on parchment paper -- I heard that it works great, I have not tried it yet, but just got the parchment paper at the store this weekend.

  14. We will be travelling from Winnipeg (Canada) to Disney World. There will be 2 full days (1 down and 1 back) in airports. We go through Toronto and Philadelphia on the way and Chicago on the way home.

    Everything I've read on the message board says don't eat in the airport.

    So, what the heck can we take?

    My husband is not the type to survive on pretzels all day. He is a big guy and works out all the time. We will take some protein bars but he needs real food. Salads wouldn't even cut it if he could get them. We can't take ice packs because they are liquid. So that means no meat, cheese. We can't take fruit or veg across the boarder. What am I going to do with him?


    I had to go across the boarder - my two doc's - gi and family doc - each wrote a note that I had to carry gluten free drink and food with me at all times. I only had a hard time leaving the us - every where else was fine.

    You can take the fresh fruit/veg's on - I don't think you can leave the plane with them - that would be fine if they are eaten on the plane.

    canned tuna/chicken

    gluten-free crackers to put the chicken or tuna on.



    canned fruit - not fresh

    bag of gluten-free cookies

    special snack bars - like lara, etc.

    Make sure you put some of those things in your suitcase for on the way home....but put them in a ziploc incase they open.

    There is really a lot of things you will be able to take, remember it is a vacation, so have fun!

  15. I still have my bad days, but I was like you for a long, long time. I still have set backs, and I think it is because I am still learning.

    I eliminated one type of probiotic that I was taking, and I got to feeling better. It did say it was free of all gluten, corn, dairy, soy, etc.... but since I stopped taking it, so much better. I am just taking the first probiotic I started with - Flora jen 3 - really like it alot! It says it is like eating 10 yogurts a day.

  16. Anyone have either adrenal fatigue or a candida "growth"/infection in their body?

    If so, what are your symptoms, how did you get diagnosed, & what are you doing to treat it/them?

    I'm seeing my primary doc later this week & want some info so I know what to ask for.

    I've already taken some online quizzes for both adrenal fatigue & candidiasis, and scored very high

    for both. But are these things that a regular primary care doctor would be likely to diagnose? & how?

    Thanks so much.

    I scored over 350 on those quizes for candida - My GI doc kept telling me that he did not believe in the candida - I sure believe in it.

    There are tests that your doc can run - blood, breath, and I believe even some skin tests. My doc refused to do anything but tell me to eat yogurt - that would fix it - He says yogurt fixes everything. I can't seem to eat milk products yet...so that doesn't help me at all.

    Since I couldn't get any docs here to help me, I started taking the probiotics, I also see someone who gives "footbaths"

    They are fantastic! You put your feet in a (plain) water plastic tub - then a negative ion charge goes into the water - and wow - for about 25 minutes STUFF comes out through the bottom of your feet, yuck! You also drink water to help flush your system. I had the colors beige, then mostly orange, then a small amount of dark green - (yeast, inflammation, then bile). They can tell by the colors of the "stuff" that is in the water to what the issue is. The water color at the end was so gross...a dark rust color.

    Anyway, my first one I did have yeast - it came out and it looked like yeast that you activate in warm water...but not so much of it, just a small amount - I had more inflammation than anything else. I guess what ever the most problem in the body comes out the most, then the next, then the next...so who knows what I will have next time. I am having another footbath the end of this week, or next when ever she can get me in. I am looking forward to going again, I am only going once a month.

    I didn't feel any different right away, but I sure could tell some of the swelling went down, but by the third day, I was feeling pretty good.

    It might be kniesiology??? Not sure - she has been doing this for about 2 years, and almost fully certified.

  17. There is a store in Indiana , Pa that carries alot of gluten-free products also.


    The store is BTN - or Back To Nature. It is a nice store, however the food prices are very high - at least 15% or more compared to most other places. If you go there try and go on Friday afternoon as most of their stock comes in late Thursday and they don't get it stocked until after 11:00 am the next day. If you end up buying a case they will give you an extra 10% off. They do have monthly sales, and they put out a monthly flyer for the sale too. The people are very nice and helpful...but again they are a bit higher priced than usual.

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