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  1. So sorry your are having troubles. I too am having the same issue right now.

    I had my levels rechecked and the results came in last week. Mine were high again. My GI told me I had to wait yet another 3 months to get them checked again to make sure the levels came down. He told me it would take 3 months without gluten to get them down again. I think your results were from your glutening several weeks ago.

  2. You should have no problem, gluten related.

    The health food store where I purchased this item just called me back....she states that she contacted the company, and the product is not certified gluten free, so they would not advise me to eat the product.

    Okay. it's too late, but, is there anything that I can do to perhaps limit the possible effects? I have drank alot of water, but I don't want to get to overly bloated.

    Any suggestions?

  3. I have been praying about this for what seems like forever but now I just hardly have any faith left in God. I could really use some words of encouragement from those who belive in God right now... Thanks everyone


    I think it would be wise to keep a journal with everything you are consuming and how you feel at the begining of the day and the end of the day, it may really help you.

    Don't worry that others are eating pizza and so forth, there is plenty of great food that we can eat being gluten free. Just try and eat healthy right now. I feel so much better when I just eat plain fruit, veggies, and meats. My system is still healing and perhaps I will be still healing for a long time, but with God's guidience and many prayers, I will get there.

    A very wise woman once told me that if I ever feel like I am lost, or I am ever at wits end with why I am going through the things that I have and still am..... " just hold on tighter to your beliefs with God, grab his robe and hold on, pray more"....it can be a test for us and to keep faith at perhaps a very trying time in our lives.

    Another wise women told me to sit and pray to the Lord, then just sit quietly in his presence, perhaps he is trying to tell you his plan, but you are not listening to what you he is trying to tell you.

    These may sound like strange things, but it does help to hold onto to your faith, don't give up, I know it will get better. I know praying for others is also a help to me.

  4. Here's the update -

    I took these pills for almost a week. I did get an email from the company, and I talked to them on the phone...they did tell me that they were gluten free. The person told me that their 6 yr old neice takes 7 of these pills a day.

    I started with the loading dose that was recommended. At first they did give me energy, and I slept better at night(that's not why I was taking them, but...they did). But I think I started to have a healing crisis, but not for sure as I started to do a lot of itching, and had some immediate nueropathy problems so I think they have something in them that my system doesn't agree with. The flyer that came inside the box says there is 82 other ingredients but they were not willing to tell me what they were..so I thought it best to stop taking something that I don't know all the ingredients too.

    I had to go back to the probiotics that I was taking in the beginning.

    P.S. My skin looked awesome all week!

  5. I have to tell you - after this bread was a flop for me - I cut it in slices, let it dry for a day, and made bread crumbs -

    Oh my gosh, my family loved the meatloaf and the meatballs I made with it - I have to say, the meatloaf was so much better than I ever remember it. I froze the rest of the crumbs in little snack bags for the next batch I make up.

    I need to get more sorghum flour and I will be making the bread again soon.

  6. I wrote to Red Lobster and below is the following letter I received from them. I wrote the letter about 2 weeks ago, almost forgot that I wrote it....but the response came back yesterday.

    It sounds like that Red Lobster is a very unsafe place for celiacs! Please read.

    "Dear ***

    Thank you for your interest in Red Lobster; it is always a pleasure to hear from our guests.

    We currently do not have any menu items that we can guarantee are gluten-free, but we are working to develop more allergen-free selections.

    Red Lobster's kitchens are not allergen-free environments and neither are those of our suppliers.

    In addition, all of our fried food selections are prepared in shared fryers and our grills are shared cooking surfaces. Because of these processes, we cannot guarantee that seemingly gluten-free items have not come into contact with gluten.

    To minimize potential contact with gluten-containing items we suggest ordering steamed crab legs or steamed Maine lobster, broiled fish or chicken with no seasonings or marinades and steamed vegetables with no seasonings.

    Please speak with the manager and your server prior to ordering to alert them of your specific dietary restrictions.

    Again, thank you for taking the time to contact us.



    Senior Guest Relations Representative"

  7. Went to PF Chang's tonight. Hadn't been there in forever. My friend and I started with the chicken lettuce wraps. About half-way through my first wrap, our waitress comes out and says "I hate to do this to you guys.. but those aren't gluten-free." Luckily it wasn't enough to make me feel sick. But just thought I'd throw the warning out there. And, at least they noticed before I was through with it! :huh:

    Did she bring you other lettuce wraps? What was in them to not be gluten free???

    My husband took me to the one in Pittsburgh about a month ago. My first time there, and my first time out to eat in I can't even remember how long..... anyway, I was soooo sick! I lost 9 pounds in just a 24 hour period. It took me over 8 days to start to feel better.

  8. Dear Paulina, and Ursa Major

    Thank-you for responding and your help.

    My symptoms have been slowly getting better, in the beginning I was almost bedridden, couldn't even turn my head, and my lower back was full of aches and pains. I see drastic improvements....hubby and I were even talking about that the other day, I couldn't even drive back then.

    My first blood tests were very similar to these...but I was not eating very much at all of anything at the time I was dx'd and everything still registered.

    They were when dx in Feb/07:

    IgA 55.9

    IgG 4.8

    T trans 89.1 and 87.2 (this was run 2 times 10 days apart)

    Now 9/07:

    A Gliadin IgA 53.2

    A Gliadin IgG 11.3 (okay) - up

    t Transglutyamin 85.3

    Immunoglob A 336 (okay) - first test

    I was told that I had a good test in between the first and this one...but I have no recollection of that, nor no copies of the test.

    DR said that it will take 3 months now to get this out of my system...it would still show so I will need another blood test in Dec to see results then.

    I was officially dx in Feb - went off gluten, but had the trial and errors in the beginning, but thought I was doing so well.

    Hardley eat anything processed at all because of the neuropathy I used to have, and trying to get rid of all the bad stuff..

    My house is totally gluten-free, noone eats gluten there....my little girl needs to be gluten-free too. She is doing fabulous!!! We got rid of all the gluten pans, plastic, toasters, etc.... I threw away all flours, noodles, mixes, etc...

    I didn't feel sick after wendy's but Pf changs - it was sooo good, but the next 4 days, I was sooo ill. I had been glutened for sure. That was over a month ago.

    The dr's in my town are not very helpful at all! Noone wants to spend the time to help at all, the usual - 15 min appt, don't eat wheat/gluten....just as most people on the board, I have been reading books about celiac, and looked up information, and received so much useful info from others here on the board.

  9. Hi~

    I have been so good in watching EVERYTHING ..... somehow something escaped me -

    A Gliadin IgA 53.2

    A Gliadin IgG 11.3 (okay)

    t Transglutyamin 85.3

    Immunoglob A 336 (okay)

    The dr called today and just told me to stop eating gluten - I have never intentionally have eaten gluten since I was dx

    I went over and picked up my blood work, and I see it is not good, but as usual nothing was explained to me - I know the one is for antibodies = first time trying to read this myself, and could use some help or pm me, please

    This explains why I lost another 9 pounds - Hubby took me out to eat a month ago = once at pf changs ( 1st time out at resturant - ordered off gluten-free menu - all of us), and one time chili at wendy's - (no crackers) would I still have that in my system to register on a blood test? I was told it would take 3 months to get my system back in order.... then I have to do another blood test.

    I have been so faithful to cooking everything myself, I guess I just wanted to be human again, and I am suffering.

  10. I feel so bad that you are having a terrible time. I know exactly what you mean when you say how sick you are, but others say that you look good. Take one step at a time.

    I can not wear bandaids as I have a permanet scar where the last one was. It was as if my skin melted under the bandaid.

    Does your skin appear to be more wrinklely looking, almost like old people skin? (sorry)

    If you bring it up to a dr sometimes they blame it on dry skin, or compare theirs to yours...it's patronizing!

    I am not sure about your religion....but how about communion wafers, they are made of wheat, and I was taking them, and it was making me so sick, it felt as if my skin was burning.

    What about any new make-up - like lip gloss, or lip stick, I was using a Bare Minerals lip gloss, and found out it wasn't really gluten free like they said.

    Emergency room doctors have one thought on their minds, try to fix the immedate problem and then send them on their way. When I was having similar symptoms as you...I had one ER doc tell me not to come back unless I was having a heart attack, or stroke, otherwise they could not help me. Unelieveable! Now if I go in to the er, I make mention of that everytime....and I get someone else.

    Have you changed anything to what you are eating? Try and recheck any ingredients... Sometimes when I am ill, I can't concentrate and I don't read the ingre. very well. My daughter sometimes has to recheck my ingre. for me because of the concentration thing....or lack of it. Keep a food diary for a bit, they may help with an elimination diet if you need to try that later.

    Sometimes if the item is made in a factory that uses gluten, you can get cc in the product. My doctor tells me that it is almost impossible to not get gluten into non gluten things if it is made in a factory that has both products. Try eating just fruits, vegs, meats, brown rice.... nothing processed for a bit. Whole grain rice, bananas, and applesauce may help with the D a bit.

    What about your water, is it city or well water? Try some filtered or bottle water for a week, give your good bacteria a chance to come back if it was clorinated and you did get glutened a while back.

    Do drink some propel...I know that it is processed, but it can give you some needed vit b vitamins, and help with your dehydration, I used to get dehydrate alot, but I now know that it was from inflamation of my intestines - so much water was going there to make D that I was dehydrating.

    Does anyone remember the rule with gatorade> if you taste it and it is really sweet, you don't need it...in other words you are not dehydrated. You are actually suppose to sip it every few minutes too, a little bit at a time...then when it turns sweet flavor your electrolytes are back to normal.

    Have you made a regular appt to see a doctor? It might be wise to schedule an appt with your reg doc, and even a GI doc if you can. Bloody stools need to be checked. Perhaps you can ask for a CT scan to check for anything underlying.

    It sounds like you still need to rest! Don't worry what others think, clear your mind and take it easy... Please keep us posted how you are doing. I hope that you feel better soon.

    Think about making an appt with your reg doc.

  11. I have noticed that if I accidentially ingest wheat - I itch, itch, itch, then terrible D - and no sleep. I know right away it was wheat with the severe itching. It almost feels that you have bugs creeping. I have itched so bad that I caused black and blue marks.

    When I ingest barley, I get a brain fog first, almost feel like I have an overdose of something. I had some nacho cheese that had malt barley in it awhile back, wow, did I react so differently than when I had wheat.

    If I had whole wheat, that was the worst....I would bloat, and bloat, until I felt like I was going to burst, severe constipation to the point of vomiting because of the constipation. I did have other symptoms, but they came in different order and different strengths per different glutens.

    The only way I knew what I had, my little girl found it in the ingredients, for some reason I read right over them, but that was in the beginning when I could hardly function let alone read, or think.

    If you can figure out what kind of gluten that you accidentally had, keep a journel, you will be suprised that you can have such different reactions to the specific gluten you had.

    p.s. I react with the slightest amount of gluten...just a speck will set me off.

  12. This is a good list. I would also add that since the size of the market into the equation. Manufacturers are unable to take advanage of "economies of scale" like they would if they were producing a higher volume.

    Also, they charge higher prices because they can.

    It is hard when one does not have access to a kitchen to cook from scratch. I have been able to keep our grocery bill almost the same as it was pre-celiac disease, but it is because I buy almost no prepared gluten-free food. Would you be allowed to get a crock pot or hotplate to cook more meals for yourself?

    There was a spot on the news tonight about food prices going up....and up and up. They said things that have been the same price for several years now are about to explode in price. Wheat is going up - glad that I don't eat that now, lol

    Thanks for the hummus receipe! I too will have to replace quinoa with the oats with the granola receipe, I have eaten that before. I think quinoa is one of the oldest grains on earth...It has been around a long, long time. I wish I could remember the story about it... not remembering is still a problem for me with the celiac, I hope within time that will go away.

    The people on this board are so helpful, I love coming on here...what a blessing to be able to come to the chat and learn more and more everyday.

  13. Hey guys!

    I buy my charcoal and probiotics at Whole Foods. My friend with Celiac was saying that the gelatin and cellulose in capsules are made from grain. most of the time. I have no idea if that is true or not.

    Do any of u buy ur charcoal and probiotics at whole foods?

    Can you please tell me what brand u buy that is gluten free or that does not make u react?

    I have been super sick this week and who knows if the two i have are causing it or not.

    Thank u!

    -Ali :)

    Yes, I got probiotics from whole foods. Udo's super 8 (my daughter takes this) and renew life criticial care 50 billion, and renew life adult 15 billion (other daugher takes these - helps to keep her well, better than vit c).

    On Monday I am switching to a new one....Dr. Ohhira's probiotics 12 plus. They have vitamins, minerals, and amino acids. You have to take a loading dose of these, so I may be feeling a bit down after I start. But I have good feelings about this one, I have heard a ton of great things about this product.

    I have been sick before taking probiotics...that is actually a good sign that they are working. It was my first kind,

    flora jen3, I got them from a pharmacy....but after a short time I was okay... I did like that brand, it just wasn't strong enough, I have to take them to many times during the day. Perhaps you cut back on the dose and then build up to what you are taking. Nature's way optima was one that I could not take very well, I think it was the capsule, if I opened up the capsule I was okay, but taking it with the capsule, I was in agony.

    I have come a long way, and I believe the probiotics have been a major help in that!

    I have not taken a charcoal pills, I have thought about it, but haven't

  14. I dont understand why this stuff is so freaking expensive.

    I was in our overly expensive health food store this morning....and I asked them the question - why does everything gluten free cost so much?

    There response was " because they have to put more of the good stuff in, without all the added fillers and other junk. "

    sickchick - do you have a good hummus receipe that you would share with us? Thanks for the granola receipe.

    Thanks everyone for the lists, it is appreciated, I forget and when I see them again, I get to add more things to our everyday meals and snacks.

  15. Hi Mrs. M-

    Are you recently diagnosed? I felt like I was in a food rut in the beginning too.

    Here are some things I eat semi-regularly...

    Breakfast: gluten-free cereals, yogurts, fruits, fruit smoothie shakes, eggs, breakfast burritos made w/ rice tortillas, breakfast pizza topped with scrambles eggs- gluten-free sausage- cheese-etc, omelets, gluten-free pancakes, muffins, frozen gluten-free waffles, gluten-free bagels and cream cheese, quiche, cinn french toast

    Lunch: rice tortillas w/ tuna or gluten-free meats, gluten-free hot dog, gluten-free pizza, soups of all kinds chowders- homemade and store-bought, rice cakes with tuna, gluten-free pasta salad w/ pepperoni (hormel)- cheese- tomatoes- black olives- broccoli, chili, cold rice salad, tomato-cucumber salad

    Dinner: eggplant parm, chicken parm, gluten-free pasta w/ tomato sauce or pesto, shrimp and veggie grilled kabobs, "breakfast dinner"- see above!, risotto (my fav), turkey- mashed potatoes-stuffing(cornbread), grilled zucchini, greens, spanish rice. meatballs, lasagna, paella, quiche, stuufed chick breasts, stuffed peppers, meatloaf, spaghetti squash, portabella pizzas

    Snacks: blue corn chips w/ hummus or olive tapenade or salsa or guacamole, veggie dips & veggies, stuffed mushrooms, jalepeno poppers, smooshed fruit snacks, cocoloco bars, m&m's, fruit kabobs

    I left out the sweets because you mentioned no sugar. Just some ideas- good luck

    I thought mushrooms were out on this diet? They are a fungus and it helps feed the candida, please correct me if I have this wrong. Mushrooms were one of my fav things, I have such a hard tme eating them anymore, I seem to get very ill after I do. No breads, very limited dairy, only yogurt.

    Also, you have m&m's listed, and fruit kabobs....I thought they were a no no too? I was told pretty much vegetables, no potatoes, and meats, some fruits could be added in after a couple of weeks.

  16. I moved two months ago and my allergies were really acting up. I starting taking Benadryl, like four times a day, to keep down my allergies, but I started getting "glutened." I couldn't figure out where I was getting the exposure, and thought maybe it was the new environment and we were going to have to move! Then, I figured out that Benadryl was questionable, as they can not say for sure where the ingredients come from. Well, take it from me - there is gluten in it - probably low levels. I switched to Zyrtec (hate to change anything in my life), but I am SO much better. My stomach is as flat as a swimsuit model now! I have been border-line 5 months pregnant looking for 2 months. Just thought I would share. :)

    I had called the company about benedryl - their response was that they could not say their product was gluten free for sure. They do not test for it.

    I switched over to clarton. My little girl takes zyrtec.

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