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Rice Krispy Treats are absolutely NOT gluten-free, so be careful. Sometimes you may not react, but damage is still being done to your guts. There are so many yummy cakes - that taste just like real cake. Cherrybrook kitchen (Open Original Shared Link) is a good example. It bakes, looks, tastes just like real cake. How about Betty Crocker: Open Original Shared Link - you can probably buy those right in the regular stor. Don't ake away your mom's good time - just find an alternative:) Happy birthday!!!
You are not crazy! It's totally true. I tried the same thing last summer with sugar (obviously including chocolate). OMG!!! Same thing - first day was not so bad, but by the third day my head was pounding so hard I had to eat some. It was a violent experience. I think about my need to quit almost daily, but feel helpless. I guess it is like any detox. We would need to fight through the hardest days and come out the other side.
I hope so! I eat them all the time.
How about raisins, fruit roll-ups, popcorn, rice chex/trail mix, peanut butter/jelly on gluten-free rice cakes, popcicles, apples/carmel sauce, all fresh fruit...that's all I can think of right now. Don't forget marshmallows, chocolate chips, sunflower seeds, gluten-free icecream, and all kinds of gluten-free cookies you can bake at home: Open Original Shared Link.
I know they probably want to just go to the store and by easy snacks, but you might have to pitch in with the prep. This type of stuff is healthier!
Remember: where there's a will, there's a way!
Some of your symptoms are the same as what I had been experiencing. I lost the use of both legs, and that was actually long after going gluten-free. What I didn't know, was that there was too much damage to the digestive tract for proper absorption to take place. So I continued to get worse even after having gone gluten-free. Finally, after researching, and thanks to this board, I narrowed it down to vitamin B12 and magnesium. I first started with the B12. A sublingual methylcobalamin type. There was improvement, but not nearly enough. Then I added the magnesium, and I was back on my feet in about two weeks! After well over a year of not being able to walk, it seemed like a miracle. I also had the numbness, tingling, spasms, balance issues, and had trouble gripping even small, light objects enough not to drop them. I have also found that a good, strong multivitamin (with co-enzyme forms for all vitamins), has been very helpful.
Personally (and I'm no physician), I don't think your doctors have been qualified to really help you. I don't think you have fibromyalgia, nor do I think that antidepressants are what you need. Nobody gets ill from lack of pharmaceuticals. But nutrient deficiencies effect millions every day. I heard a recent statistic, that over 70% of Americans are deficient in magnesium.
Here's just one of numerous articles which you may find enlightening:
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My advice is this: take the advice of people who have been there (as long as it is not harmful) because doctors just don't have a clue. I was on Prozac for 10 years. We all have many different issues that play into our overall health. For me it was an allergy to mold, thyroid, and last but NOT least, gluten. Once each of these issues were uncovered, I bagan to regain my helath and to answer your question, yes, I have regained my life. I work from home, and don't feel comfortable going out into the world yet. I am 40 and been on the road to recovery for 8 years. First, I discovered an undiagnosed thyroid issue, then I moved out of a moldy house, and 3 years ago discovered the icing on the gluten-free cake - no more gluten for me means a new life! Now my 18-year-old is also on the road to good health after he also went on the diet. Life is a journey and not GOOD answers come quickly and healing doesn't happen overnight. It took me a long time, but it was worth it. No, I never eat out, but I love to cook and my hubby doesn't care as long as I a cook a yummy meal. Someday maybe I will, but for right now, I'm not ready. Cross contamination (CC) is very easy to let happen. Sponges, tephlon, counter tops, and kissing (my husband had to switch to gluten-free beer). I am so sensitive that I have to be careful of soaps, shampoo, etc... You can google anything you use and find an answer somewhere out there in cybersapce - especially on this board. But be careful, as old info can be out-dated. My most debilitating problem with gluten: fear and anxiety. I had severe panic attack everyday. Every time I ate my whole stomach area felt like a bundle of nerves that just reached up thorugh my chest and into my brain. Now, I am medication free and anxiety free! You can do it too, if you just have faith that you deserve to be healthy and happy and that there are answers. However, you will have to find them - doctors do not have them. I like Rice Guy's vitamin advice - it is very important to build your body's defenses back up. Learn how to manage your diet. Read everything you can find on the subject and connect you situation with other's stories and figure out how they are managing their situation. Find a support group - that will help also. Hang in there.
You're very welcome.
Many begin to feel markedly better in a few weeks. Some even in just days. For others it takes months, or even years. However, the sooner you give your body what it needs, the better.
Additionally, many on this board have found that it helps a lot to stick with whole, natural foods, and avoid the prepackaged/processed stuff. Buy plain, raw veggies, fruits, whole grains (e.g. brown rice instead of white, etc), and so forth. If you eat meat, buy that plain too. Do watch out for other intolerances and allergies to show up, as it is common, especially once you're gluten-free. Dairy is perhaps the most problematic of these. If you do find dairy to be a problem, there are many alternatives (Rice Dream has gluten).
Reading labels will become second-nature to you. Contact the company before eating any questionable product. The members here are wonderful at pointing out the best products, helping with recipes, and practically anything else you need to know.
I pretty much only eat whole foods - I do eat Nutty Rice for breakfast and certified gluten free cookies (Enjoy Life), but other than that it is straight fruits, veggies, meats, and dairy (it doesn't bother me anymore). I got my vit levels tested and they were great, but I think it is because I have been on the diet for a long time and the positive affects have started coming through. My neurological symptoms are directly related to gluten exposure - not vitamins; however, all celiacs should take a supplement. Because I am so clear of it, the slightest amount is very notivalbe, so I am sure when this happens to me (like yesterday - and still trying to figure out the CC issue). It also is an issue with my eyes - they get blured and sometimes I have double vision (happens rarely now - yay). Stay on the list and keep asking questions - people will have good answers. I don't have all of the answers - I only know what works for me - no gluten - ever.
The anwser to all of your questions are YES! They also thought my symptoms were MS-like. it takes a long time to get all of the gluten out of your system, so be very careful and read, read, read. I also didn't come up positive, but there is no doubt that I have it. I got "glutened" yesterday and had a night terror last night - waking up screaming - gluten is the only thing that does that. When I have gluten, I have trouble balancing and walking. After two years on the diet, I can say that I am so much better, with almost zero symptoms - but when I get even the smallest amount, the symptoms all come right back. Kepp the faith and maybe even a diary of what you eat so that you can see patterns of what is bothering you. Vinegar also makes me feel sick - but not gluten symptoms. Good luck - and don't cross contaminate (CC)! I did that for a year and it held up healing like crazy. I can't even breathe it.
It is very dangerous. Read this post from Snopes.com to get the details:
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I frequently rinse my mouth with it and accidentally swallowed it once and became very sick. And it wasn't a lot, just a small amount in water.
Hope this helps.
I will try them...thanks a million! If anyone has any others, please share.
What off-the-shelf shampoo/condition do people use? I currently use Neutrigena Clean, which is gluten-free, but it just doesn't do a good job and is hard to find. Any ideas? Pantene makes me sick for some reason.
Please don't give up on having a peaceful, healthier life. I too, came back negative for Celiac, but obviously have a severe gluten intolerance, as I cannot even breathe it without getting this weird panic/sick feeling. Since I have been healing for the past two years, that has gotten less severe, but I won't ever eat in a pizza place! I feel some regret that I "lost" over two decades of my life to gluten issues - I was up to several panic attacks per day, had terrible asthma, and other issues, all related to my diet. It took over six months to really be "free," but it did happen eventually. My biggest issue at first was identifying the ways I was exposing myself - I CC'd everything for months! I cooked gluten meals for my family and was constently breathing the flour dust/fumes. Now, thank God, I am a different person. Depending on how long you have had your issues, that can affect how long it takes for the anxiety and constipation to clear up. One exposure for me and it still takes 3 days to recover (and over a week to go to the bathroom). My husband had to switch to gluten free beer because just kissing him or being exposed to it messed me up inside. Take the time you need to figure out your triggers and be patient. One thing that used to happen to me that I forgot about was I had terrible nightmares and couldn't sleep - for years. I had an exposure the other day and had the weirdest nightmare ever! Your diet can mess up every single system in your body, so be patient. You didn't get sick over night and you won't get better that way. I also know something else: you might feel worse before you feel better. When our bodies clear out toxins, we feel sick. Meditate, pray, sleep, and be as focused on good health and positive thoughts as possible. Don't give up!
Thanks! Luckily, I am only allergic to nuts at this point - and of course I can't have gluten.
This looks very good.
I had these in my freezer. We just tried them tonight. Very good! No dairy, soy or eggs in them either. Also got the banana bread. Daughter loved that. We have yet to try the cinnamon bread. I buy the chocolate cupcakes for daughter to take to parties and such. She prefers the vanilla but they are only mini muffins so harder to transport. I also got her some personal vanilla cakes.
I might be missing something...what is the name of the product? It sounds good, and I see you are also allergic to nuts.
Does anyone know of a US-based testing lab similar to York, is that the best one to choose? Has anyone else used it, and if so, were you happy with the results? Do the results have to go straight to a doctor? Here is the URL: Open Original Shared Link
Hey, so I've been a year gluten-free since my celiac diagnosis. I've been doing really good but the past couple weeks I'm having yucky tummy again. I thought maybe I accidentally ate something with gluten but I can't think of anything I've eaten that may have gluten and the symptoms are persisting. The only new thing I've added to my diet is spinach salad since it's nice and light during the summer. Is it possible to have an intolerance to spinach? Anyone have thoughts on this.
I am allergic to many raw veggies and fruits (spinach is one of them). Some give me "tummy" trouble, while others just make my mouth itch. I solve this by blanching (a quick boiling or hot water bath for the offending veggie or fruit), while trying to maintain crispness. I've known others who microwave the food (salad!). I hate microwaves, so I don't do this. It isn't always the best option, but you might find that it minimizes your stomach issues.
I wake up screaming - this is something that started when i was 19. My husband has to shake me to wake me up. I have frequently thought dead people were in the room. One night I fell/rolled out of bed and really hurt myself. It doesn't happen hardly at all now that I am good about my diet - but I also get it when I have other allergic reactions. Now I know I am not alone. I just thought I was crazy.
You could be allergic to eggs, which can cause digestive issues; however, Rice Dream makes me sick (I think that's what you wrote, or was it "rice cream." I am not really sure if there are issues with these products regarding gluten, but Rice Dream definately gets me (I havent' heard good things). My suggestion would be to give yourself a few days without eggs and try eating them again - without any other new or questionable food. You will know if it is eggs quickly if they make your stomach upset. Eggs are so good for you, it is good to eat them if possible. Plus, they are great as a binder for gluten free recipes.
I use gluten free products - just in case. I know that I get my face cream on my lips, as well as shampoo and conditioner can possibly get past my lips, once in a blue moon. I use Dove Sensitive Skin soap and Neutrogena Clean Shampoo & Conditioner. I also use Neutrogena Emulsion Lotion (wonderful) scent free. I know it sounds gross to think of these things going into your mouth, but it is on your hands, water is running down your face, etc... This is my way, but not everyone believes it is an issue. I got sick of thinking, "could it be this, could it be that..."
I broke out in the most horrible red blotchy rash and I think it might be from either the tortillas/chips or the gluten free rice chex cereal. Something has been off for a few months with me and I could not figure out what it was. My thyroid levels have drastically changed from being normal for about 1 -1/2 years. The connection to the cereal is that for the past few days I have become extremely itchy and have a red rash within an hour of eating the cereal. I only started eating this cereal around Aug/Sept wen I found out it was supposed to be safe. My thyroid levels changed since that time.
I googled "reaction to gluten free rice chex" and found many people have had bad reactions to it. I'm wondering if my body just finally could not take it anymore and finally broke out. I have been itchy for about a month or so and eat about 1 cup of rice chex every day.
For some strange reason - I don't know what, I can't eat Rice Chex. I think I might be allergic to the mold that comes from processing cereal. I have found ones with a shiny blue hue, which I think is mold. That however, is a guess. I was so excited to be able to eat it, and then I had allergic/gut symptoms. Now I love Nutty Rice, which to me is just as good and doesn't give me any symptoms.
I thought these looked good, but am reconsidering...
This is from the webiste for those who are wondering the same thing:
I use Benadryl Bubble Gum - dye free A LOT. I have no problem with it.
I would agree 100% with this and thanks for adding that! I in no way am trying to get people upset or challenge them in any way but I believe that if you are striving to live as completely gluten-free a life as possible, it's critical to learn the correct way in which a reaction occurs. There is much misinformation out there and people have a tendency to believe what they hear, without checking out it's validity. I know there is a lot of fear out there and it can be hard for some to believe you will not be glutened by going into the same room as gluten but that's it in a nutshell. If you think you are having a reaction by smelling cooking gluten, it's impossible. I, too, have a problem with the smell but it isn't a true reaction. If you get violently ill from something, the memory is there and hard to dispell. I will always hate the smell of gluten bread in the toaster but it definitely is psychosomatic.....which isn't necessarily a bad thing!
It is never helpful to say or imply something is psychosomatic - in my opinion. I had that done to me for years, and guess what...they were ALL wrong!!! If a person feels something is making them sick, and it happens repeatedly, then it is important to stop doing that thing - period. Do we always need to label it? By saying "psychosomatic," a person suggests the one suffering can control it through mental strength. This is not a slam, just a fact. I find people are more supportive when they say, "have you tried this or that..., but I believe you are suffering," not, "it's all in your head." It seems logical (maybe not scientific) that breathing gluten protein floating on the air through steam or heat (which lands in my mucus membranes in my sinuses or mouth) could be absorbed directly into my system and blood stream - the same way fish cooking swells my throat shut. All I know is that it happens. It happened when I didn't believe it could happen. We are all on our own unique journey of understanding - each at a different place in the road. All of our experiences are completely different - and realities. We need to honor that.
I have a nut allergy and am so excited about Namaste I can't stand it!!!! Thank you!!!!
I am so sensitive to airborne wheat and gluten that I have reactions to boiling noodles and cooking bread. My gut swells (not in my head) and I get the all-too-familiar rush of strange feeling through my stomach, which I used to think was panic, but now only have when I am exposed to gluten. Maybe I have an allergy or severe sensitivity, but I KNOW this happens. In the beginning of my plight, I didn't even consider it a possibility because "experts" said it wasn't scientifically proven. Don't even get me started on the hard facts the scientific community has damaged me with over the last 40 years. I figured out that breathing it made me sick one night in the first six months of trying to perfect my diet. I was leaning over a stack of full pizza boxes, visiting with a group of women at my church. I stood there for a long time, smelling and breathing the dough fumes. Now, I didn't eat hardly anything that day, so I was sure it wasn't something I ate. I had a HUGE reaction. And then, the connection came. I am a purist with food & CC OCD who weighs 105 lbs. - I only eat whole foods, proven gluten free foods, or Enjoy Life because I have many food allergies - I eat pretty much the same thing every day. I do not "accidentally" get glutened, not with sponges, not with pans, not with shampoo - nothing. I began to see an emerging pattern. One day I was in the kitchen when my hubby was cooking pasta. I breathed it and had a similar reaction. This happened several times before I would believe it. Once I separated myself from cooking gluten, my whole body took a new turn toward better health.
My whole life people told me I'm crazy - I don't understand my own body - my ideas must be crazy because "science" hasn't proven it yet. Doctors also didn't diagnose my thyroid properly for 10 years, or my celiac for 20, or my food allergies as a child, or my mold issues, or my metal filling poisoning - which they still deny. They said every physical issue that has led me down this difficult path was in my head and said Prozac was the only answer. This has become my philosophy: if I believe something is making me sick, I don't look to anyone to validate it (I still feel guilty until I have been so fed up with symptoms that I take action). People don't understand, and they can only speak to their own experiences and what they have read. Feeling isolated and alone can make our health worse - so believe in yourself! I always wonder if seeking out people in the same difficult place I am in is the best place to turn - but not all the time - people who are also struggling can have a difficult time supporting sometimes. The wrong support can be worse, and then you feel like if they don't understand, who will? I will tell you - we are all different and our bodies react differently. Maybe you are like me and don't just have celiac, but an allergy or intolerance to wheat/gluten. If this is true, breathing it will cause issues.
When you look at back at the history of medicine - it has been wrong A LOT. There have been doctors who cut people's brains out because they were "crazy," promoted smoking as healthy, and many, many other intensely awful things. They promote drugs and vaccines that kill people, and then deny it until they can no longer get away with it. I don't mean to be a doctor basher - what would be do without them? I am just saying that they know what they read, which is a drop in the bucket of what is the truth. We know very little about the workings of the human body. The lucky ones are those who are willing to read and interpret their own symptoms, working diligently to live a healthy life through their own research and trusting their instincts. If it wasn't for my husband watching a tv show with Katie Couric, I would still be eating gluten and living in hell. If it wasn't for my cousin, I would never had continued to pursue a thyroid diagnosis. If it wasn't for my own strong will, I would have listened to every well-intentioned person out there who said I couldn't possibly know what was wrong with my own body. Now I am clear-minded, healthy (most of time), productive, and NOT on Prozac - thanks to people who believed me, people who didn't (because they made me fight), and my own belief in myself. Wow - that was a sermon! Sorry about that.
"gluten Free Pebbles" I Think Not!
in Gluten-Free Foods, Products, Shopping & Medications
I have been eating all of the Pebble products for years and have never, ever been glutened. In the beginning of my diet about 4.5 years ago I would question everything I ate with the slightest sign of intestinal distress. I trusted nothing new. I even cut out certain gluten free foods because I THOUGHT they had made me sick - really missing out over the years. It might be the high sugar content or the dyes in it, but not gluten. I cannot have a DROP gluten, and I know they are safe in that area. Please don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to question your reaction, I just hate to see you blame the wrong source. I also don't want others to read this and be afraid of Pebbles. Not all foods work for all people, but it is not always gluten that is the cause. - Holly