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  1. Yolo- Thanks! A couple of questions. I have an organic bowel cleanse from renew life that has flaxseed, marshmello, rhubarb root, slippery elm and some other things. It is a 30 day cleanse. I also bought a liver detox from same company that has milk thistle, phosphatidl choline, dandelion root and lots of other things. Do you think I should cleanse the bowel for 30 days before I do the liver detox.

    I am already weak as a kitten and afraid to do anything at this point.

    How long did it take for you to feel better while cleansing?

    Thanks Brenda

  2. Thanks for the replies. I have been eating every couple of hours to try and keep the blood sugar steady. I have always had low blood pressure.

    I had all of my blood work done 6 weeks ago. Blood sugar was fine I was told. I keep wondering if my liver needs a good detox.

    This blood sugar problem sort of comes and goes.

    Has anyone had good success with a liver cleanse?

  3. I am 45 and have been gluten-free for 2 months and cf for 1 month. I tested positive for both through enterolab. I no longer have the constipation or chronic body pain and that I had on a daily basis. Thank heavens.

    My ongoing problem is extreme fatigue, shakiness, weakness, shortness of breath and more headaches and migraines than usual. I seem to be in a constant low sugar state no matter what I eat or drink. I have cut out all sugar , corn, soy as well. I basically eat brown rice, vegs, meat , eggs , almonds and maybe 5 pieces of fruit per week.

    The only thing I wonder about is perhaps this is a die-off of candida due to the diet change. I am not able to do the dishes or much of anything anymore. Things seem to get worse for me as time goes on.

    I have gone through all cosmetics etc. I do not eat out and our entire house is gluten-free/cf as my husband is also newly diagnosed.

    I honestly feel like I am dying. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

    Thanks Brenda

  4. Hi- I had been on 12 different pych drugs over a period of 14 years. Last Oct/07 I decided to go off all meds as my memory and cognitive functioning were terrible. I started taking a vitamin/mineral supplement called Empower plus by a company called Truehope. Within 2 months of taking these all depression and anxiety were gone. I have since switched to a brand that I get from my naturopath which are much cheaper called Selekta. The bottle says to take 6 per day and I take 10. I also add to this 6000 vit d, 3000 vit c, 4000 mg of fish oil, 2000 evening primrose oil , kelp and an adrenal glandular.

    It is not enough to just take the b vitamins as you are propbably deficient in all vitamin and minerals. I have only been gluten-free for 6 weeks and cf for 3 weeks. My only remaining problem is fatigue.

    I would highly recommend working with an alternative doctor who can test all of your blood levels.

    Good Luck


  5. Thanks fedora- I was hoping someone would respond and explain this to me in a way that I could understand. You have done just that. I have been gluten free for 6 weeks and cassein free for 3 weeks. I am feeling much better but still struggle with fatigue. I do plan on remaining gluten-free/cf as I have been really sick this winter.

    I am just so grateful to be here and know what I know.

    Thanks Again


  6. Final Laboratory Report

    Date: 4/16/2008


    A) Gluten Sensitivity Stool and Gene Panel Complete *Best test/best value

    Fecal Antigliadin IgA 14 (Normal Range <10 Units)

    Fecal Antitissue Transglutaminase IgA 10 Units (Normal Range <10 Units)

    Quantitative Microscopic Fecal Fat Score <300 Units (Normal Range <300 Units)

    Fecal anti-casein (cow's milk) IgA antibody 11 Units (Normal Range <10 Units)

    HLA-DQB1 Molecular analysis, Allele 1 0301

    HLA-DQB1 Molecular analysis, Allele 2 0301

    Serologic equivalent: HLA-DQ 3,3 (Subtype 7,7)

    Interpretation of Fecal Antigliadin IgA: Intestinal antigliadin IgA antibody was elevated, indicating that you have active dietary gluten sensitivity. For optimal health, resolution of symptoms (if you have them), and prevention of small intestinal damage and malnutrition, osteoporosis, and damage to other tissues (like nerves, brain, joints, muscles, thyroid, pancreas, other glands, skin, liver, spleen, among others), it is recommended that you follow a strict and permanent gluten free diet. As gluten sensitivity is a genetic syndrome, you may want to have your relatives screened as well.

    Interpretation of Fecal Antitissue Transglutaminase IgA: You have an autoimmune reaction to the human enzyme tissue transglutaminase, secondary to dietary gluten sensitivity.

    Interpretation of Quantitative Microscopic Fecal Fat Score: Provided that dietary fat is being ingested, a fecal fat score less than 300 indicates there is no malabsorbed dietary fat in stool indicating that digestion and absorption of nutrients is currently normal.

    Interpretation of Fecal anti-casein (cow's milk) IgA antibody: Levels of fecal IgA antibody to a food antigen greater than or equal to 10 are indicative of an immune reaction, and hence immunologic "sensitivity" to that food. For any elevated fecal antibody level, it is recommended to remove that food from your diet. Values less than 10 indicate there currently is minimal or no reaction to that food and hence, no direct evidence of food sensitivity to that specific food. However, because 1 in 500 people cannot make IgA at all, and rarely, some people can still have clinically significant reactions to a food antigen despite the lack of a significant antibody reaction (because the reactions primarily involve T cells), if you have an immune syndrome or symptoms associated with food sensitivity, it is recommended that you try a strict removal of suspect foods from your diet for up to 12 months despite a negative test.

    Interpretation Of HLA-DQ Testing: Although you do not possess the main HLA-DQB1 genes predisposing to celiac sprue (HLA-DQB1*0201 or HLA-DQB1*0302), HLA gene analysis reveals that you have two copies of a gene that predisposes to gluten sensitivity (any DQ1, DQ2 not by HLA-DQB1*0201, or DQ3 not by HLA-DQB1*0302). Having two copies of a gluten sensitive gene means that each of your parents and all of your children (if you have them) will possess at least one copy of the gene. Two copies also means there is an even stronger predisposition to gluten sensitivity than having one gene and the resultant immunologic gluten sensitivity may be more severe.

    I am not sure what all of this means. I guess I understand that I have gluten and casein sensitivity. Is this less serious compared to an allergy.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated. :unsure:

  7. Sandra I can relate to how you are feeling. I have struggled with depression all my life. I am 45 and off gluten for 6 weeks. I would not recommend medication as I was on 12 different kinds in the last 14 years.

    I finally went off all meds in Oct./07. I went through the most hellish withdrawal period that you can imagine. I started taking high doses of a pharmaceutical grade vitamins and minerals. The depression is finally gone unless I eat gluten, sugar, corn, soy, tomatoes and a few other additives. I think anyone who is celiac is defficient in vitamins and minerals.

    Don't go and see a psychiatrist as they will put you on meds. I was so cognitively destroyed I couldn't remember my son's middle name. Go and see a naturopath and get all of your blood levels checked.

    In the mean time embrace being angry, sad, frustrated or whatever. Whatever losses we do not grieve we cannot move onto acceptance.

    Good Luck!

  8. Yeah, I do understand how it feels to be exhausted constantly. It does get better, and for me it was magnesium which has helped most. That and just giving the body the time it needs to recover. I would try to sleep a lot, though my body was so messed up I found it nearly impossible to remain asleep long enough to do much good. Thankfully over time it has improved quite a bit since then.

    So from my own experience, I'd say make sure you're getting a good magnesium supplement, and that the vitamins are real, not synthetic.

    Hang in there. Hope you feel better soon!

    Thanks RiceGuy- I take a pharmaceutical grade vitamin from Truehope called Empower Plus. The magnesium I am getting is 480 mg. Do you think I need more?

  9. I haven't posted much. I am 6 weeks gluten free and 2 weeks dairy, soy and corn free. I only eat meat. vegs, fruit and eggs. No processed food.

    I am 45 and finally seeing an alternative doctor who feels I have celiac. I am waiting for entero results. He is also treating me for adrenal fatigue, B12 shots, malic acid and betaine hydrochloride to increase stomach acid. I also take very high doses of vitamins. I also take a salt solution to increase electrolyte balance.

    I must say the constant body pain is much much better now that I am on this diet. The problem is this fatigue which is so severe. I am very weak and tired most of the time. Yesterday I felt so depressed and just cried and cried. I have been very sick for the last 6 months. I have been exhausted my whole life. Depression is something that I have struggled with since childhood. I lost my career in 2004 as I was so burnt out. I took myself off of anti-depressants in Oct/07 and started taking high doses of vitamins. The depression was gone after 2 months.

    I know I am feeling sorry for myself. Most people do not understand how serious celiac is and the damage it can do. I know that I will be understood here.

    Thanks Brenda

  10. I have been on high doses of vitamins and minerals since Oct. 07. My blood tests showed that I am low normal in iron and he prescribed 2 weeks of B12 shots which I gave myself. I have been supplementing with iron for most of my life. I take iron 3 times a week. My doc told me it is adrenal fatigue and is treating me for that.

    It seems that whenever I go off of things I go through withdrawal and fatigue. First gluten and then dairy.

    Thanks for your reply. It helps sometime to know that I am not alone. :(


  11. I can so relate to your fatigue. I have been gluten free for one month. Well.. to the best of my ability anyway. It is hidden in most things. I am now 1 week off dairy and soy. I sleep alot. I was never one to nap in the afternoon but now I do every day.

    I too have thought that maybe I have something morbid like cancer or something. I really feel like crap especially after giving up dairy.

    In fact tonight I just broke down and cried and cried. I am so tired of being sick and tired.


  12. I am new here and only 1 month gluten free. Well... that is I didn't intentionally eat gluten. I have adrenal fatigue, anemia, low low blood pressure, constipation and the worst fatigue you can imagine. I lost my real estate career and have suffered from depression since a child. Oh and I am also a recovering alcoholic. I am treating the above conditions through a holistic doctor. I am also on high doses of vitamins and minerals.

    Now for the good news. Most of my body pain is gone since going gluten-free. The constipation is much improved. I am still super tired. I decided to quit all dairy in order to give my body a break. This is my 3rd day and I am even more tired. I had to nap 3 hours yesterday and today. I have also had more anxiety and dizziness. I have read about withdrawal and wondered if anyone else has gone through this. I have also had pain in my ear canal and itchy ears. Mild headache also. How long will this last? Just when I thought I couldn't possibly get any sicker.

    Thanks Brenda

  13. Silk and Carla thanks for the feedback. I know that I can always go up and fold my arms across my chest and the priest will give me a blessing. I was to sick to go to mass last Sunday so didn't have to cross that bridge. I know I have a huge pride problem. Feeling like everyone is wondering why I'm not going up or not receiving. As if people even notice. I think I will just go up for the blessing and be done with it. This has been a hard one for me. This disease is so life altering. I am still grieving many things.


  14. Hi- I am new here and gluten free for 1 month. I am learning as much as I can. I have a rather unique situation with regards to communion. I am a recovering alcoholic so I never receive the wine and now not the host. I go to a very large cathedral with many people and several different priests. I receved communion over Easter and paid the price for 2 days afterwards. I guess I will just not go up and leave it at that. I think I will just have to trust that God will understand why I am doing what I am doing. :unsure:

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