I'm with you, Karen.
Can't seem to get people to understand the following:
Gluten FREE eating means Gluten FREE. FREE of GLUTEN.
It doesn't mean "maybe, kinda, sorta"
It doesn't mean dabbling in it or "gluten lite"
it doesn't mean 4 out of 7 days and on holidays we take breaks.
It doesn't mean use non-gluten grains, but cook with wheat items.
This thinking keeps people sick.
And gets us the and the thinking that this is a fad diet.
I walked through BJs today and looked at the crackers and breads and said to hubs: Holy Crap--that stuff nearly killed me two years ago.
You are either gluten free or you are not.
No grey area.
"Domino's and the NFCA found that while the crust is certified as gluten free, current store operations at Domino's cannot guarantee that each handcrafted pizza will be completely free from gluten," the company's news release said."
I hate these pseudo gluten-free menus. It confuses the non- gluten-free people who think we can eat at these places because they have the gluten-free menu.