Meaning I can go to bed, sleep about 4 hrs and then I'm up.......the longer I'm up, the more apt I am to have coffee.
If I try to go back to sleep, I just lay there with my eyes closed and mind wide awake.
I've never had the coffee issue before going gluten-free - I could go to sleep after a POT of coffee!
Now it's all different.
I am not always tired when I know I have to get I usually end up having a drink (mixed or wine) before bed to 'relax' me....and I've never been a lightweight on that either.
But it does the trick.
There's times that my sleep is good and then times that it is restless or limited......due to dreams or nightmares or noises.
I do notice that the sleep patterns have definitely changed.....along with my senses.
I'm guessing my hightened senses has something to do with the sleep issues.
The only time I really get tired is at work after I've eaten a lunch that was bigger than I'm used to.
Maybe there is some truth to what was said about eating and sleep.
But I'm not one to eat before bed.
It just doesn't seem normal..........but then again, I'm learning to be abnormal compared to the gluten life.
Sudden Insomnia After Going Gluten Free
in Related Issues & Disorders
My sleep pattern goes thru spurts.
Meaning I can go to bed, sleep about 4 hrs and then I'm up.......the longer I'm up, the more apt I am to have coffee.
If I try to go back to sleep, I just lay there with my eyes closed and mind wide awake.
I've never had the coffee issue before going gluten-free - I could go to sleep after a POT of coffee!
Now it's all different.
I am not always tired when I know I have to get I usually end up having a drink (mixed or wine) before bed to 'relax' me....and I've never been a lightweight on that either.
But it does the trick.
There's times that my sleep is good and then times that it is restless or limited......due to dreams or nightmares or noises.
I do notice that the sleep patterns have definitely changed.....along with my senses.
I'm guessing my hightened senses has something to do with the sleep issues.
The only time I really get tired is at work after I've eaten a lunch that was bigger than I'm used to.
Maybe there is some truth to what was said about eating and sleep.
But I'm not one to eat before bed.
It just doesn't seem normal..........but then again, I'm learning to be abnormal compared to the gluten life.