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  1. I just posted with the same scenario. My blood test results were similar to yours. In addition, I also have Primary Immune Deficency and have an extremely low IGA all the time. Which probably makes the other tests seem like there is no problem. I started monthly immunoglobulin infusions about a year ago but complained to my immunologist that I was constantly getting viruses with diahrea. he didn't know what was wrong.

    The though of me going all out to eat gluten for a biospy would probably land me in bed or in the hosptial. I would be deathly ill and I don't thnk it would be worth it for me.

    I'm not sure if you get all the GI syptoms but that would be a factor for me. I am also finding that I am soy, peanut and egg intolerant. Not sure how this all happened but I do know that I feel better when I don't eat these foods as I become immediately ill after ingesting them.

    So, not sure if this helped you but would love to know how you make out. Good luck.


  2. This is my second time posting and could use some help here. I've been sick for about 10 years with so many different health problems. Through the past few years things have gotten really bad. I am constantly sick and complaining of muscle and joint pain.Without getting into the whole nightmare I will say that I have lost a lot of weight and complained of feeling week, malnourshed, achy, extremely fatigued with constant migraines. I also complained of diahrea and foul smelling gas and bowel movements. I always assumed it was viral because of all the flu like sypmtoms that came with it. I was told it was fibromyalgia. I am down to 92 libs at 5'3.5". I have not been able to put on weight. I have been to many doctors and told them that I feel better when I do not eat so they assumed I was anorexic. Many times after eating i get sick and feel like I swallowed poison. I got so bad that I used to moan and cry in my sleep feeling sick..and so bloated that I looked pregnant! Often times this happened after going out to dinner with my husband. I felt toxic! i went to about 4 GI drs and all said IBS . they also sent me to gyns thinking it was endometriois. ( i had 7 surgeries for it!! and no ENDO) anwyay, my question is that recently I flew out of my state to see a dr for chronic fatigue. I brought some blood tests and he said that I showed strong positive for Gliadin Antibodies. He put me on a gluten free diet and sent me to a dietician. I have been keeping a journal and finding that I am intolerant to a few other things too. A few times I accidentally had gluten in something and I was sick for days. Is the Gliadin AB test a reliable one for gluten intolerance? Other gluten blood tests seem to be normal. I think there are 3 different tests that can be done. The gliadin AB came back with a 63......which was very strong positive. So is it safe to say in the presence on my symptoms and this one particular blood test that I should continue on this diet? I don't know who else to go to. Another interesting thing that I learned on line is that over-exposure to gluten can cause this intolerance along with trauma, surgery, etc. Well...yes to all of the above! My dad is a baker and I grew up in an Italian bakery....bread and pastries were always around and we thought nothing to eat them for desert. I now learned that everything he baked was made with High-Gluten Flour! I never even knew what it was! I'm not sure what my next step should be and don't want to go through another endoscopy or colonscopy only to bve told it is IBS. Could it be that years ago when they did those procedure they didn't even bother to test for gluten? I am so confused!

    Any insight would be appreciated.



  3. Hi,

    I am new to this forum and having a hard time with this diet. I've been so sick for soooooooo long and will spare the details at this point. I've recently been told that I have a gluten intolerance by a new doctor that I went to see. He did some blood tests and it showed that I was very strong positive for the gliadin AB.

    I've been watching my gluten and feeling somewhat better but since seeing a dietician and keeping a food diary we've noticed that I am affected by other foods as well. It seems that eggs, peanuts, soy to name a few have been making me ill. This morning I had some guten free hot cereal and had the same sick feeling. I noticed that it had buckwheat, brown rice and corn sorghum.. I have been eating brown rice almost daily with no problem. Last night I had corn in my mixed vegetables...no problem! I remember eating buckwheat dry cereal years ago and I think it made me ill. The only other ingredient in the hot cereal that could have made me ill was the buckwheat but in researching on the website I read that it is a safe grain. Has anyone else had any problems with buckwheat? Is there anyplace that I can get more information on this? I seem to be having the same symptoms as with the other problem foods: first allergic reaction, sneezing, stuffiness, migraine, then sour stomach, stomach pains and horrible bloating and feeling like gut is on fire (sometimes diahrea)....which persists all day and often into the next. Lastly, muscle pain and fatigue.

    I don't know what to eat anymore and this is getting very upsetting and discouraging. Any insight?



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