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  1. Merika,

    you are so right.......being older and having this disease longer takes more time for healing. I am having a rough time healing and also have other food intolerances so I can't seem to get a good day in there...........add to that Candida flaring up because of all the natural fruits I have been adding to my diet. I't snot easy.

    Who is the respected celiac dr that you saw?

    I called Columbia Presbyterian today to make an appt and of course Dr. Peter Green does not take ins. They suggested I see another dr there but have to call tomorrow for an appt.

    I'm hoping they are more on board that the regular GI's I have seen. I also need a good nutrionist to help me with my diet. coincidentally I got some blood test results today...and didn't evn know my dr was checking for food intoerlances. Boy there are so many! I also had the York testing done and a lot showed up! I didn't need the tests to tell me that I was reacting to foods........ut it made it more real when seeing it on the blood test. So....what I am saying is that from being sick for so long and being undiagnosed....other intolerance have become problematic and my gut is so raw and sensitive. I'm sure it will take a long time to heal. Even being gluten-free for 4 months...my blood results still showed a high Gliadin AB IGG...hmmmmmmmm.... Not nearly as high as before going gluten-free...but still high.

    Time is an important factor...but what you do with that time makes all the difference in the world. For me...I have to scrutinize things a lot better. I'm still learning.

    take care,

  2. Hi Kait,

    i was just reading your response here. I think I have to get on a good probiotic. One that won't upset me. I was on one that got me so sick ....later I find out that it had some gluten in the capsule...........

    Hang in there Emma, it seems that you are onthe right track I haven't had a biopsy yet and not sure how conclusive it would be as it was not done immediately. I 've been attempting gluten-free for the past 4 months....of course I had some major unintentional slip ups that set me back. I new I had gluten because it was immediately after eating a store cooked chicken. I felt soooooooo ill within a half hour. It lasted for days! I was moaning and rocking in bed like I had been poisoned. Each one of us is different but...that's how I get when I ingest a large amount. Then, it take days to get a little better.

    did you have any blood test done? How did they come back? What made them suspect celiac to test for it? just curious. I've been going around for years...........I never got a dr that was on target................good for you! How long were you sick before they did the biopsy?

    Take good care of yourself. let us know how you are.

  3. Dperk,

    i am going to try to find that book if I get to Barns and Noble today.

    i went the other day and picked up the book taht I was talking about....Eat right for your Blood Type and then decided to put it down. There were a lot of things that were listed as OK for my typs but I know that I reacted to. it also doesn't take into consideration the gluten problems. I will have to be my own jusdge forthe diet.

    Right now....I am feeling worse but I think it could be candida. In giving up cakes and cookies I've been craving a little something sweet and having raisins, carrots, apples sauce and or course baby jarred fruits. All of which have a lot of natural sugars. Everything seems to have gotten worse and my gut feels more raw and inflamed. the only thing that I can think of is that the sugars flared up the Candida. Last night I started on half a Nystatin...and I was up early sick to my stomach nauseous and muscle pain...racing heart. I just feel so ill...........of course I got anxious and panic stricken....what is going on and how do I FIX ME?????

    I think there is no simple clean cut answer........

    I will just have to keep learning and keep trying.

    I 'll try to read some of the book if i get over there today. I need to pull myself together first.

    Thanks for your help,

  4. Please let us know how you are doing.

    i was worried about you......and thinking I have a lot of the same problems. I am alsoo going through a difficult time so I know how you are feeling. email me if you ever need to vent.

    I am curious if you ever found out what the ? was for? Are you still waiting on the biopsy results?

  5. dperk,

    I'm glad that you are doing better. Hang in there and stay focused. I know it is hard as I sometimes lose it myself. This board has been very helpful and I have learned a lot here. The people on this board are also very compassionate as we have each been through our own hell. I am nowhere near I need to be but have been able to come here with all my baggage and open up. That in itself has been a big help!

    I think I will have to lay off the potatoes myself as well as the nuts. They are probably too fatty for me. I was trying to eat them for more protein. I am still very weak and feeling malnourished. today I see my new GI dr and see what he has to say.

    Which book are you talking about? There's also another book aout there about eating right foryour blood type. I was introduced to that concept years ago by the author's father (Peter D'Adamo Sr) and it seems I may have to go back to it. I am going to try to get the book today at Barnes and Noble. I have his father's book somewhere and although it is about 25 years old...the concept is the same..."One Man's Food is Another Man's Poison".

    Good luck with everything!

  6. I've always had a problem with Bob's red mill. At first I was blaming everything else. Now i just don't use it....it's not worth it to me.

    You also may be allergic to something else. I recently had YORK food allergy testing done..........and guess what? I'm also allergic to buckwheat! I know for sure buckwheat was in one of his gluten-free mixes but not in the other that I reacted to. I can't figure it out but I don't want to go through being that sick again so I just avoid the mixes.

    Good luck

  7. Hi guys,

    I went to a new dr yesterday. She's an MD but practices Naturopathy and Homeopathy. We had a 2 hour consult and I told her how I have been feeling. She said that I am suffering from malnutrition which is why I have the rapid heart rate, fatigue and muscle pain. She feels that it can be a magnesium deficiency. She put me on some vitamins but I have to tell you that my gut is soooooooo irritated today from them. She also suggested that I eat some nuts as protein and although walnuts and pecans were NOT one of the allergy foods on my YORK food allergy test....I reacted to them yesterday and today! I immediately felt sick from them. I also made bread today.....successfully for the first time!! Yeah! but after eating some of it I started to get bloated and feel ill as well. So, I pulled out my YORK allergy testing again and found that potatoes are one of the allergy foods. Last week I had a sweet potatoe and was sick all day from it. One of the ingredients of the bread mix was potatoe starch....hhmmmmmmm.

    The dr told me that I am reacting to a lot of foods but with time as my gut heals I will be able to eat more foods. Has anyone out there had this experience. She also said that I am probably her worst celiac case with all my other intolerances and health problems.

    This weekend I felt sooooooooo hungry and ate continuously but never felt nourished! I haven't been able to sleep because the rapid heart rate is keeping me up and the muscle pain is just so debilitating. I feel exhausted and although I am pushing and trying to be well I keep hitting roadblocks with my diet and the foods that I attempt to eat. I think it is just too soon to add new foods.

    I started vitamins last night but after taking them again this morning my gut just started to feel irritated again. I know that I need supplements but my gut is so raw now that I am not sure it is a good idea to continue. I am seeing my GI tomorrow and telling him what has been going on. I only saw him once and he seemed OK...he's the one who referred me to another celiac pt for help with diet. Thurdsay I am seeing my old dr in NY and will probably have her put me back on vitamin infusions just until I get stronger. Any thoughts? anyone else getting vitamin infusions? has anyone had problems with feeling malnourished and getting palpatations and fatigue? Would love to know how you handled it.

    Thanks for all your help,

  8. Hey guys,

    thanks for all the responses. I've been checking my email every day and didn't get any reponses so I didn't bother to come to the website to see if there wre any. For some reason the responses did not come through on my PC and I haven't been using my laptop where they DID come through. I guess I have to check the Internet OPtions to make sure that it's allowing emails form this website.

    Anway, thanks for all the well wishes. I have been watching my diet and actually had baby food for a few days. I still continue with some of them. I have been able to add a few things.

    I HAD been eating baked potatoes .....as the micorwave was working... but I think that after being glutenized my gut was so raw that any little thing set it off. That's probably why the nuked sweet potatoe did me in too. anything I ate did me in. Slowly my gut is starting to feel a little better. I have to be very careful. The thing is that I feel totally weak and malnourished....no matter what I eat. Yesterday I spent the day eating. I was soooooooooo hungry. I ate every 2-3 hours and still DID NOT feel nourished. My heart is still racing and I am so lightheaded. My muscles hurt and feel very stiff. Especially in the morning. I can't seem to muster up the strength to do anything. I've also been having a lot of migraines.

    After speaking with the pres of celiac.org......she was on the phone with me for 64 minutes last week when I had that crisis I had a little more direction. Today I am seeing a dr that she referred me to for a 2 hour consult. She is an MD, Naturopath and Homeopath. Maybe she can help me to feel more noursihed.

    AS for eating gluten for a biopsy...that's not going to happen here. I know how sick I get from eating gluten...I won't do it for the biopsy. i will have to discuss that with the GI dr. I may do it just to rule anything else out....but I won't eat gluten!

    Yesterday, at the recommendation of the celiac.org pres I had Pacific Rice milk. It does not have Barley enzymes so I thought it would be safe. I had a few ounces of it as a drink last night. Big mistake! Within 20 minutes I felt sick. My gut was rumbling and in such pain for hours. It still is this morning. I know many of you have commented that carrageen, an ingredient may cause problems. it's also in soy. I'm thinking that it's just the whole grain brown rice....as it has done it to me before. I cannot eat brown rice so perhaps the beverage is doing me in to. any thoughts? I've been having Beechnut Baby rice cereal and there has been no problem with that all week, I think that the cereal is not made for the whole grain. It just says rice flour.

    So, that's it for now. It was so encouraging to see all your responses. I wish I would have checked the website sooner. I thought that I might have gone overboard with my venting and that no one answered. I don't want to be a problem or a cry baby.....so I just withdraw into myself. It's good to know that you guys were here.

    This is really hard but I am trying to stay more focused. I hope this dr can help today. I feel ready to collapse. something is not right. Maybe I am not absorbing nutrients. That's surely how it feels. I'm going to try to keep eating more too.

    Hope all of you are doing ok and .....THANKS!!!!

  9. OK.this is officially a venting session. I finally moved from Florida To NJ yesterday and arrived at my house with workers doing some kitchen work. The stove and frig were unplugged and moved out of the kitchen. i was starving and decided to get something to eat. I went to Wegman's and got a rostisserie chicken. I had it there 3 weeks ago and had no problem. Well....welcome to NJ! After speaking with the cook behind the counter, I was told it was absolutely plain...nothing added! on the label it said "whole chicken" ...no other ingredients! there was also BBQ, Garlic, and Lemon Pepper flavored chicken but of course did not even consider or look at them! I was able to microwave a sweet potatoe with it...as it was not unplugged. I thought I stuck gold and ravenously ate my food!

    That was the beginning of the end! A half hour later it hit. I was sick as a dog and spent the entire evening crying in the bathroom. My gut was raw, swollen and in pain. I got a migraine as well and then spent the entire night moaning in bed "I feel sick" It actually turned into a sing song type chant. Sometime during the night the muscle pain kicked in and felt like I had been poisoned!

    It took every ounce of strength to get out of bed. I couldn't move. I had a banana for breakfast which was ok. Around 11:30 I was hungry again....and decided that with nothing in the house and no stove I might as well eat the rest of the baked sweet potatoe. An hour later I started to feel that it didn't sit right and it got worse all day. I needed to eat so I finally got out to my sister's who made me a grilled chicken breast. It was fresh...no problem there. It was cooked with a little olive oil and salt and I had a slice of fresh tomatoe with it. An hour later the pain started to return.... and the bloating was acting up again. It's now 4 hours later and my gut is raw and swollen again and the migraine is back.

    yesterday, i wanted to slit my wrists..today I am just disgusted. I feel sick and hopeless. maybe I should just never eat again. I don't know what to do anymore. It seems that the slightest thing sets me off and then I am ruined for days on end.

    How do you guys get to the point that you can actually eat without pain?

    this gluten is destroying my life! I don't intentionally eat it and have been avoiding it all together or so I thought. I feel awful. I feel like I swallowed poison....and my body feels toxic. All I want to do is lay down and sleep or rest. Of course with moving it's not the right time but I just can't do anything..I don't care if the boxes just sit all around me!

    I think i am going to need to see the dr this week. I consulted with a new GI

    3 weeks ago when I was in town. Somebody has to help me figure this out. I am overhwhelmed and can't seem to get it right! i dont want to live in this AGONY anymore! this morning I woke with tears and tonight I wll go to sleep the same way.

    I feel sick! It's official. I have no sense of normality anymore. I think I crossed the line between hanging in there to just hitting bottom! I am non functional.

    This week my husband and I are supposed to set up our office as we moved our business too. i will not be able to help with anything and it angers me. Friends and family want to see me but I am too sick to even talk with them on the phone.

    What should I do! I know the GI dr is going to want to do a biopsy. Do you think it would show anything?...given the fact that I have been trying to be gluten-free for 3 months and have been having all these accidental ingestions? I really feel that everything is raw inside. I don't know what to think anymore. maybe the dr will put me on baby food for a while...gluten-free baby food....I don't know what to eat or what not to eat but I am sooooo hungry and don't feel satisfied or nourished.

    My husband thinks that everything is so irritated that no matter what I eat now is causing me pain. Maybe there is too much stomach acid. I don't know what to think anymore.

    I hate my life...........

    I told you guys this was going to be a venting session.

    I want to hide from the world.

  10. now that I am officially here in NJ I will probably register to go! I just oed in today....everything is in boxes but got to my lap...yeah!

    I really need you guys now! I am soooooooooo sick. I have been officially glutenized to the max! I am going to post a new topic just to keep things straight...but the bottom line is I bought a whole rotisserie chicken in Wegman's and am deathly ill from it! I spent an hour crying in the bathroom and feeling like I was poisoned! My gut is raw and painful and distended. I am in AGONY!

    I had this same chicken at this same Wegman's 3 weeks ago and did not get sick. I specifically went to this store . the label said whole chicken...nothing else...no added ingredient. . I spoke with the cook and she said nothing was added............. I walked out of a different store that I had gone to before this store because the chicken they had was full of "bad" ingredients!

    I am getting worse! I just flew in last night and was still suffering from the Lays Potatoe chips and now this. I did NOT eat on the airplane and had a banana for breakfast....so that wasn't it. I ate the chicken and immediately got sick.......... I had a baked sweet potatoe with it but it wasn't that. I microwaved it myself so it couldn't be that. I ate nothing else! it's not 7 hours later and haven't been able to eat. I feel so ill........

    If my stove would have been connected this might not have happened. I had workers in my house during the week and the kitchen should have been in order. I get here only to find my stove in my dining room along with my frig. The ony place that I felt safe to go to was Wegman's and now this. The workers are back tomorrow at 8:00am to do the floors in the kitchen. After that I will have my kitchen back.

    So much for a smooth move! I should have stayed in Florida. I am so depressed and still in so much pain.

    Help! I thought about slitting my wrists today. I can't do this anymore!

    I have so much to do this week and just want to lay down and rest. Make the world go away!

    I'll have to call my new GI and move my appt up. At this point he might as well do the biopsy that I've been avoiding............I really need to be sedated (just to get some rest)....even if for a little while. Maybe I won't wake up ...won't that be an added bonus.

    So much for putting this in another post. I got it all out right here.

    oK.the migraine is setting in and I don't know how I will be able to sleep from this pain..........I dare not even take anything for it.

  11. I never scrolled down far enough to see that there was a products area for posting.....I was wondering where my post went.

    thanks for your responses. I guess I am one of the ultrasensitive people!

    I am still feeling sick today and depressed over the whole situation! I just want to cry. I am moving today....flying up to JFK with my dog then driving to NJ and really don't feel up to it. I'll be doing this alone as my husband is driving with a truck and helper.

    I think I am also a little angry and disgusted with this whole situation. I have been trying to go gluten-free for about 3 months and keep getting sick.

    I keep thinking..."how did this all happen?" "why is by body failing me?"

    OK....here come the tears and the pity party!

    sorry.........just really tired and stressed...mostly disgusted today.

    Hopefully tomorrow will be better..............

  12. thanks guys................

    I'll never eat those chips again!!! I guess I am ultra sensitive. I am so depressed and tired with all this. I just had a banana to settle my tummy .They seem to like me ...thank god! my husband is leaving the house with the truck in a little while and he'll be taking the lap top. sooooooo I won't be on for a while. I'll be flying this afternoon so I'll be at JFK tonight around 8:30 if all goes according to schedule! Thanks for the heads up on the snow Deb...but I gotta tell you...it will be a welcome change from all the mold and allergies right now! I know that when April rolls around I'll be dealing with the allergies up there!

    Thanks for your help guys. It had to be the Lays yesterday. It was THE only thing I ate and I got sick immediately after.

  13. Yestersay was the day from hell!

    I am moving and was doing a lot of running around with last minute things My flight is today at 5:00pm. I had some blood drawn yesterday and thought is was safe to eat some Lays Potatoe chips........I had the plain ones that said potatoes, cottonseed,safflower and/or sunflower, oil, salt. A half hour later I felt sick...racing heart, dizzy, trembling, sour tummy, soreness and then the bloating. I felt really weak and felt as if I need to lay down...but the moving truck was here and that was not an option.

    For whatever reasons we got stuck going to dinner to a place we normally go adn thought it would be ok. I could hardly eat because I wsa so sore and swollen.....but pulled myself together to go anyway. I had a plain salad ...no dressing (very little) white rice (very little) and plain grilled chicken...... after 2 bites it didn't taste right and I new they added some sort of seasoning so I didn't eat it! by the time we left to go the pain was worse along with the bloating and then a headache started! I Took extras trength mylanta to help with the gas......the one that is supposedly gluten-free. I checked the labels on all of them and got his one and it has worked ok in the past.

    Needless to say I am soooooooo sick today and soooooo sore and need to pull myself together for this flight and trip ahead of me. I have to do it solo with my dog as my husband is driving! What timing!

    What's the story with the Lays chips? I thought the were safe. could i have reacted to the oils in them or do you think they were contaminated? Not sure what o think anymore....but if it hadn't been for the chips I think I could have handled the dinner a little better. It was like adding salt to a wound!

    I'm sick of all this! I feel like i want to close myself in my room and not go anywhere... I could sleep adn was up a few times during th night partly because of my gut and partly because of sinus allergy headache! uuuuuuuuugghhhhhhhhhh

    any thoughts on the chips???

  14. a bland diet and time is what works for me. there's really nothing much else you can do. I do take some antihistamines but have noticed that some bother me too as they have other irritating ingredients. Benadryl is a no-no for me....it has starch.

    I had some lays potatoe chips yesterday as a snack and thought they were safe but they set me off big time! I had to got to a restaraunt for dinner and although i ordered plain grilled chicken, no seasonings...and explained to the waiter that I had allergies......after a bite or two I realized there was something on it so I diidn't eat it....but those few bites made things worse! My gut is raw and sour and swollen. I was so bloated I took some Mylanta extra strength. there are several types out there so you have to read the labels. This one is gluten-free and it seems to help with the gut distention. I am less bloated so it helped in that respect but the pain is another story. I'm not sure what I will take or if anthything will help at this point but if the motrin helps and doesn't make things worse...go for it. I can't take it as it irritates the heck out of me. hope you feel better soon...........i know how awful it is!

  15. I was feeling bette till after I ate some Lays Potatoe chips today. I was out and bought a bag of the regular lays potatoe chips. the ingredients were potatoes, cottonseed, safflower and/or sunflower oil, salt. I thought they would be safe and did not want to buy anything else in the store. I had just had 4 tubes of blood taken and felt a little hungry. Anway...whatever the reson...I ate them and thought I would be ok.....a half hour after eating them I started to get dizzy, weak, racing heart and sour stomach. I also started to get bloated. I felt like I needed to lay down! What is going on? It is now almost 3 hours later and I still feel bad. My gut hurts and is sore and swollen. I feel a little less dizzy but am trying not to think about it as I am moving tomorrow and the moving truck is being packed up today. There is just too much going on right now and if I need to collapse I can do it tonight at bed time. My flight is tomorrow afternoon. Gotta get this stuff out of my systme so that I can pull myself together for all that lies ahead.

    do you think it was cross contaminated? maybe one of the oils? Canola oil doens't seem to bother me but this wasn't made with it. Soybean oil is a no-no but I thought these would be ok?

    Anyone have any ideas or any of the same reactions?


  16. Donna,

    from your mouth to God's ears...........I am trying so hard and watching what I eat. it has to pay off in the long run. I guess it is just too soon.

    I went to a neighbor's house for dinner last night. She know's I have dietary restrictions and I have eaten there before with no problem. She asked if I could eat pork and I said yes....just plain....nothing on it.

    Well, she had prepared pork shishkebobs....and they looked great but she said that she had them marinating all day in italian salad dressing(bottled)!! I had a mild anxiety attack and kicked my hubby under the table. I got the courage up to tell her I couldn't eat it. She said to wash it off before we BBQ'd it.....I was still freaking out . I ran it under the water for like 5 minutes and was stressing the whole time. Finally I told her that marinating all day problably went into the meat and that I shouldn't eat it but I was sure it was good. I ran home and defrosted piece of chicken and borught it there to BBQ along with white rice. Then sahe said that she made white rice but added chicken broth for flavor just for me! OH well.........I was ready to just drop. In the end the dinner was nice but it was the first time I had confronted something like this. usually when I say simple or plain...nothing on it..I have food allergies people get it.

    Appetizers were whole wheat crackers with marinated chopped mushroom spread and mixed salted nuts!!

    Of course I didn't eat them. What a night!

    But I survived!

  17. I already checked on the Zyrtec and although it seemed to be ok.....it was not helping my allergies during the night! the itching in the throat and congestion was horrible. I need to take psuedofed at night so I take tyleno allergy sinus (brand) which does not have gluten but I guess too much of it was bothering me. All the food coloring and other ingredients.

    I tried chlortrimeton which helps the allergies but has lactose and it WAS bothering me even with the smallest amount. Allegra never helped me enough so I haven't taken it in years and don't remember if it was bothering my gut. At the time everything was and I didn't know I had food allergies!!! So right now I am holding off on taking too many meds I need to get my gut to calm down. I started the Zyrtec as it is easier on my gut and my allergist added Astelin nasal spray which is an antihistamine nasal spray. I think it is helping with the throat itching at night. He also gave me some type of eye drops for the eye itching which is the same generic as Astelin. I haven't checked the ingredients on Astelin yet but THINK it is safe.

    I haven't done consistent allergy shots in years and might have to really start them again. I just never thought they helped.

    Oh well...............whatever I am taking along with these allergies is really flaring up my fibro. Sometimes the ingredients affect my muscles.

    Fix one thing and then there goes another..................

    It's not easy!

    Thanks for all you help and support,

  18. thanks for your helpful info. I get tension headhaches as well whenever I am under a lot of stress. The migraines though have been less. Partly because I am finally on estrogen. My dr never put me on it after my hysterectomy 2 years ago...he said we needed to let the endo dies out!

    PS...all my pathology reports were neg for endo. I finally got a new gyn about 3 months ago at the same time that they discovered the gluten allergy and he has been steering me right. He also told me that I probably never had endo, as he read all my previous pathology reports ( 7 surgeries) and all were neg for endo. He said that the pain I was having was bowel pain... probably inflamation from ingesting gluten!

    So anyway, the headaches have finally gotten better. I also dont' wake up with headhaches for no apparent reason. This I noticed as soon as I stopped eating gluten at night before bed! So I know things are getting better.

    The sinus and allergy headhaches are another thing and they are directly related to whatever is in the air! Down here in sunny florida the pollen and mold have been high and those wonderful tropical breezes just blow everything around. I feel like a walking Zombie and could barely keep my head up. I pray that improves as I cannot take them much anymore. I usually try not to take any meds but when those situations arise I just NEED to take something and that's when I start reacting to the fillers.

    Thanks for giving me a little hope that it will get better. I keep reading labels and keep trying to avoid gluten. I've also been noticing other ingredients that I react to like eggs, soy, lactose in some of the ingredients and TRY to avoid those as well.

    Judy, I will ask for the Coricidin and check out the ingredients as the pseudofed also makes my heart race! Maybe it will help me to decongest with less side effects and I will look into the Midirn too as Imitrex detroys my gut and I recently stopped taking it. Thank god I don't got those types of migraines as much anymore!

    Freya, hopefully with time My gut will be stronger and my immune system will pcik up a little. This way I won't need as many meds.

    Thanks again for you help,

  19. Hi celiac3270.....hope you are doing better. Who is the dr that you see at Columbia. I called ther last month to make an appt as I am moving to NJ this week and wanted to see Peter Green. Of course he is very busy and does not take my ins. They suggested that I see an associate. I think her name was Dr Lee.

    I didn't make the appt yet but would love to hear about your experience there.

    I saw a GI dr in NJ last month and he was OK....not Columbia material though.

    Take care of yourself,

  20. I would love to hear how people with multiple intolerances deal with taking medications.

    If we lived in a perfect world, I guess we would't have to take them but on occassion there is a need.

    In trying to get my diet under control...it's been 3 months..... I've found other intolerances. So, avoiding gluten in medications is not the only issue.

    I've needed to take allergy pills this week as well as decongestants because of terrible seasonal allergies with migraines. Between the fillers and colorants my whole body is screaming! Mussle pain and of course my gut is sore and irritated.

    So what do we do when this happens?

    Is there anyone who has this same problem? Are there organic allergy pills and decongestants that I can take? I'll have to take a ride to Wole Foods and see what they have because doing nothing is not working and taking those over the counter pills whether they have gluten or not are killing me.

    Please tell me as my gut heals I'll be better able to tolerate a pill or two!

    Thanks guys!

  21. Unfortunately, Soy is a big NO-NO for me too! along with nuts, eggs and dairy! I was not diagnosed until a few months ago but the problems has been going on for more than 15 years! I guess as the damage was getting worse I became intolerant to a lot of other things. I have noticed that food colorings in medciations are also problematic as well as many preservatives. I avoid as much as I can and sometimes something still gets in there which sets me back and is difficult to deal with physically and emotionally. I am hoping that once there is some healing done to my intestines that I will be able to tolerate SOME of those other things....just to be able to have a greater variety of foods.

    Soooooooooooo for now chocolate is out....and keeping it simple is in!

  22. hey........... i love your jingle!

    the reality of it all really hit home after reading it!

    I'm still adjusting to all of it and having a rough time. not for lack of trying ...but just because I have sooooooo many health issues....so each day it is something else! I know they're all related but knowing it and trying to feel better are 2 different things.

    today was a bad day............

    terrible allergies,vertigo and sinus headaches forced me to take some meds. I scrutinized before I took them and even decided not to take one particular allergy med because it had gluten........the meds still got me! my gut is destroyed. Must be one of the many other fillers they use....I guess celiac makes us less tolerant.

    Avoiding the DEVIL that we know of is easier than the ones that we're not hip too. NO CANDY OR CHOCOLATE for me this Valentine's Day! The roses were just fine and the pleasure from them lasted even longer.

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