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  1. I took half a Percocet for lower back pain and started to feel my gut being irritated. I haven't taken it in over a year and didn't think it would bother my gut.....but I guess I should have known better.

    I checked the ingredients on line and besides containing corn starch it also contains pregelatinized starch. Does anyone know what this is and if it is gluten-free?

    I checked the gluten-free drug list and it is not there so I am thinking that it probably has gluten? When will I learn? I guess I am still new to this. OK...her comes the bloating.........gotta go rest!


  2. I'm not sure why you are getting dizzy> Are you lightheaded? Maybe you are not eating enough or maybe your blood sugar gets low?

    Foe me the rapid heart rate only starts after I eat something that has an ingredient that my body can't handle. It's sort of like an allergic reaction...I start feeling sick, weak,heart races, stomach, head and muscles ache.

    I don't feel dizzy on a normal day. i get these symtpms when I ingest gluten or something else that i shouldn't have. It also happens if i eat soemthing with a lot of preservatives.

    I just started taking enzymes and don't have a lot of feedback for you other than I felt a lot of noises and gurgling and things moving around. i also had a lot of gas. In a way that's good at least it got out!

    I hope you feel better. Keep looking for answers and working with your body to feel the best that you can! I am still doing that and have a lot of challenges as well.

  3. i don't think i could do it......i just get so sick from eating it i would be in bed the entire time feeling like i swallowed poison.

    i would keep ckeing with them to see if there are any cancellations or any way that they can take you sooner.

    good luck to you!

  4. I started Essential Enzymes last night. they didn't bother me and I think they helped a little. I may have to take 2 with dinner especially if it is something a little heavier. last night I had salmon and should have taken 2.

    i did not take Zelnomr yesterday which I have bvenn on for a few months. I am trying to go more natural. If the enzymes do the trick then I won't go back on the zelnorm.

    good luck!

  5. Instead of looking for special foods that I can eat.....i just stick to the basics. Meat, fish, veggies, fruit. For desert I have Rice Creams frozen non-dairy desert. It's gluten-free and little bit does the trick for me when I want a sweet treat after dinner. As for something to pick on when everyone else is picking on something I keep Terra Sweet Potatoe chips on hand or Lays Original Potatoe chips. Eveything else ....I stick with the basics and have my three meals.

    Good luck!

  6. Hi Kenda,

    I just read your post about your Actonel experience! Boy....maybe it IS the Actonel. I thought I was doing better with the muscle pain and then it started to get worse last week. Just around the same time I started Actonel. I took my first dose about 10 days ago and my second does this past monday. Yesterday the body pain really started to get bad and this morning I could barely drag myself out of bed. Today I actually had to take the day off and stay home. I feel so "fluish". My gut started to really feel bad this week. When I took the Acotnel on monday I was already having stomach problems so when the pain continued I didn't think it was because of the Acotnel. Was your stomach pain immediately after taking the pill or did it take a little while? Yesterday was terrible with stomach pain and this morning I actually woke with a sore stomach! I've been drinking camomille tea as I thought the ginger may have been too harsh. Not sure what to think anymore?

    how long did it take for you to feel muscle pain? Was it muscle soreness or was it more. I feel like I have a bug?

    Thanks for shedding some light.

  7. I usually start to feel sick right away...within the hour. Then the gut gets progessively worse. About 4 or 5 hours later iit is totally sour, sore and distended...Sometimes the headache and body pains start too. It usually takes about 3-4 days for everything to simmer down.

    I haven't started taking enzymes yet so I can't comment on that...althought I did buy them and will start when things simmer down!

    Good luck!

  8. I definately feel worse after I eat something that my body can't tolerate! I get the whole body thing going on...migraine, muscle pain, fatigue, light headed, and of course the horrible sour and painfully bloated tummy!!

    I just stopped at Whole Foods and found a Ginger-Peppermint tea. I'm having now! Let' see how it works for me. Doesn't taste that bad either....I think I like it. it's got a little kick to it. maybe it will quite down my aching tummy.

    have a great night.

  9. Thanks Kaitie,

    I appreciate all the info. I think that the Celestial Seasonings may be too much for me. sometimes the cinnamon bothers me.....maybe I should just stick sith straight Ginger. I'm going to stop by Whole Foods on the way home and see what they have.

    I'll give the probiotics another try. I remember why I got turned off!!....before I knew about the gluten.... I was taking them because I thought I had Candida. I was getting more sick from them and would wake during the night feeling ill and bloated and nausous!...it turns out they were not gluten-free. I think they had maltodextrin....does that sound right?

    I am still learning about all the hidden gluten ingredients in so many things. Vitamins were doing the same thing.

    In addition, I have an immune deficiency and was receiving monthly immunoglobulin infusions to help me along. This was finally brought to light about a year ago...after getting sooooooooooo sick so often. Anway, Medicare has decided to stop paying for them and I missed my infusion that I was due to have 2 weeks ago. I'm sure that the levels dropping are making me feel more sick and achy. Between the diet and my horrible immune system things get to be too much at times. Also, so many of the symtoms cross over and sometimes you don't know what is from what.

    I also think that the IGG, IGA deficiency, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, migraines, allergies and the gluten problem are all related. Something is not working right.. ...

    Maybe one day it will all come together. In the meantime....it's just one day at a time. today is not such a good day....but........yesterday was better :)

  10. OK that's a lot of info to DIGEST! I haven't been taking any probiotics as I am afraid to take anything at this point. So, would the probiotics help with the inflamation? Not usre how that would work.

    I also think I would like to try ginger. Right now I use camomille but feel that it is too mild as someone just mentioned. Peppermint tea seems to be a little stronger but I would like to give the ginger a try. I remember many years ago someone giving me these ginger candies but thinking back now I am sure they were probably full of ingredients that I really didn't need. So...if there a ginger tea that someone could recommend ....that would be great! I also just bought some digestive enzymes that I will try using with my meals. Someone on this board recommended them. I think they are called Essential Enzymes.

    Right now the guts is sore and a littel nauseous....but then again I also started Actonel last week and took my second pill yesterday.That could be adding some stomach problems and some muscle problems. Today all my musles are sore and I feel so achy. The Actonel is for the Osteoporosis that I was recently diagnosed with. If this becomes too problematic I may have to try one of the other pills out there....not that I think they would be any better. We'll have to see.

    Thanks for all the info.

  11. Hi Bob,

    Thanks for your response. At least I don't feel that I am the only one with all these peculiar symptoms. I'm sure that the rapid heart rate must be an allergic response. At first I didn't know what was going on. It starts about 20-30 mins after I eat something either with gluten or some other food intolerance that I have. Even if I try deep breathing excercises it does not help. I usually have to take medication. It beats so fast that I usually get dizzy and light headed too. I keep ativan and inderal on hand.

    Take care,

  12. It sounds like you have your diet worked out. I'm glad that you found something that works for you. I am try so hard to find some balance i mine. It seems that I know what I can or can't eat but something always sneaks in there. I need to be more analytical of food from restaruants and groceries(meat and fish) that I buy from the store. Definately not taking the butcher or fisherman's word from a food store chain that is NOT organic. From now on....I only buy meat and fish from stores like Whole Foods that cater to people like us or those that want to eat healthier with less preservatives and chemicals.

    I've been eating very little these past few days because my gut is so raw and I am just not hungry! last night I had a few bites of steak and a baked sweet potatoe. My gut this morning is sitll not right. I'm sure it will all take a while to heal. In the meantime, I am going to baby myself and stick to the few foods that I KNOW won't bother me!

    Thanks for your help!

  13. Thanks for both your replies. I will have to take it slowly and carefully plan and inspect all that I eat.

    While working with a dietician and keeping a journal I discovered that soy does the same thing that gluten does! Whether it's the barley enzymes in there or just plain soy....i really don't know but will NEVER have it again!

    I found that peanut butter and almond butter both did me in! Eggs and dairy made me sooooooo sick! So ...it's like I was being hit from so many different angles. I did the York food allergy test and all of those items came back positive for food intolerance as well as a others. So, now I am trying to get it right. I try so hard to eat more and try different things but I think that t this point instead of adding things I should just be eliminating the things that bother me. Once I feel better then I can start to vary my diet. Worrying about not getting enough vitamins I added a supplement that did me in too. So.......vitamins are out as well. I just can't handle them now....no sense to keep tryng different ones and put myself through this torture. right now I have to heal. For lunch I just had some leftover chicken (that I sauteed at home), fresh tomatoe with olive oil and some baby green salad with olive oil. I hope everything will be ok. Today I am walking around like a zombie in pain from yesterday's dinner. I'm sure this will take a few more days to heal. Depending on how I feel from lunch...I'll see what I can have for dinner. Loose pants and top today...I'm tired of this being so constant. I just want one day of a repreive from all this so that I can get recharged to face what lies ahead.

    Thanks to all of you for helping and sharing your experiences. At least I don't feel alone.

    OH>>>>>>>>>>medaka... I noticed that you have buckwheat waffles for breakfast....I tired some gluten-free hot cereal and I mmediately became ill. It was violent!!! I checked the ingredients...and it had buckwheat in it besides the rice and corn. I'm ok with the latter but buckwheat is another story! When I got my food allergy results back the first thing on the list was BUCKWHEAT!!! Talk about being ultra sensitive!

    and bronco.......I'm down to water to! I can't have anything else....forget OJ. It kills me and irritates me for days.....I think I might take your advise for the next few weeks.....baked chicken (that I make.. so there's no garbage in it) and a baked potatoe or white rice. I can't do brown rice...it's to stressful on my body!

    Ok.........gotta go now. I need to start packing as I am moving in a few weeks!

    thanks again,

  14. My dad is a baker. I grew up in an Italian bakery!!! I worked there after school and during college to make money. I worked in the back helping dad to bake things and in the front catering to my customers! It was hard work but I loved the sense of being with the family and working! The hoidays were the best! We made so many differnt types of bread, rolls, sweet bread, muffins, pastries and cakes. Of course I would treat myself to something every day and when dad made a new recipe I had to try it! My brother followed in his footsteps and has 2 bakeries and a bread factory...dad works with him. He's 72 and still going. It's his passion. The other day I called him for a recipe and tried to subsitute potatoe flour for the regular flour. What a nightmare! It was horrible! I had to thorw it our. Each week I've attemted a new recipe and each week it was not edible!

    maybe I can get my dad to work on creating something that I can eat.....just a dry bisquit will do. The problem is that in addition to the gluten ...I can't tolerate, milk, soy and eggs!!! I tried adding the ener-g products but I just couldn't get them right!

    Does any one have a recipe for something sweet that I can get my dad to make for me?

    I haven't attempted the bread yet so if you have any suggestions please let me know!

    I'll always miss going into the bakery and not being able to try something....but just walking in there and connecting with my famiy is fun enough! I love the energy there! I just have to say no when they want me to sample things!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  15. Hi Kandee,

    thank you for your kind words. When I lived in NY I used to see a dr there. She was a fibromyalgia specialist. The first treatment that she provided me was vitamin infusions.. I would go in once a week inititally and then a little less often after that. Like you I fet stronger after getting them! But....I still had the stomach and gut problems. I never knew about gluten then. I had discussed these problems with ehr and she referred me to a GI. I actually went to a few GI drs. Some were on the BEST DOCTOR list. None of them did an endoscopy or suggested gluten.then I moved to FL and had to start with new drs all over again. i went down to 89 lbs...i was consantly sick with the "flu"...or so I thought. Anyway I flew back up to see my fibro dr and told her what was going on. She ran some blood tests, did an infusion, gave me a gamma globulin injection and sent me on m way. I called for the blood results and she had her secretary tell me everything was ok.

    A year later the same problems started and i went to a DR here in florida who wanted those blood results...that's when I saw the Gliadin AB IGg #'s!!!!

    In addition they found a severe IGg deficiency and I have been receiving monthly IVIG replacement. I'm starting to make a connection with all this but not sure which came first..the immune deficiency or the gluten? I guess it really doesn't matter. I am moving back up north in about 5 weeks and plan to start again with the vit infusions. Getting them through her office allows the insurance to pay. I know they can be costly. So can the immunoglobulin infusions....but those I definatley need or I will continue to get sick.

    Now...to get the diet under control. Yes it is very frustrating but am now accepting how sensitive I am. this morning is a killer. I awoke with my gut is such pain. It feels raw and hurts so much! I immediatley got sick after some fish I made at home last night. I questioned the man that I bought it from and he assured me it was fresh and did not have any preservatives....I had my susupicions but ate it anyway.....well....seems like I was right. Noteven a half hour after eating eat all the reactions set in!

    From now on I am only shopping at Whole Foods where they carry organic foods. It's too risky to buy the other stuff and is not worth it!

    OH...and the vitamins are off limits for a while too. Gotta get things to calm down. I need to be strong for this move that I have ahead of me!

    Thanks your your compassionate email.

  16. Hi medaka,

    so what do you eat? I haven't had a day yet that I can say my gut is finally deflated and calm. right now I am so sore form my fish dinner. Showed hubby my tummy and he said "wow....and you hardly even ate....it's really swollen..more that yesterday".

    I lied on the couch and had pain in the gut....which worked it's way down low. It feels inflamed. I am sooooooooo sore. maybe I shouldn't eat for a few days just to get things to settle down. The thing is....I get hungry! and I really try to watch what I eat. I don't pick...I have my 3 meals....that's it...and I make a conscious effort as to what I put in my mouth. So far I'm still reacting. I probably need to educate myself more and get better at food scrutinization.

    how long did it take for you to feel better. I just don't know what to do anymore.

    Last week I went on a rampage and threw out all the precription meds I had in the med cabinet! I just didn't want to take anymore chances with drugs. I had been getting reactions to so many of them. Even if they supposedly didn't contain gluten. Something in them irritated me......again because we are sooooo sensitive! so I guess I have to sort of do the same with food. Just eliminate things from my list of foods that I eat. Maybe just narrow it down. to a few things for a while. If only my gut would simmer down and feel normal for a day. i pray each morning that I awake the sweeling and bloating will be less.n Sometimes it is but then something will flare it again during the day. It's been a long time that I can say all is calm....and flat!

    I know what you mean about the pregnant look!! sometimes I have to wear a loose blouse to camaflouge.

    As for the racing heart....I know that's an allergic reaction symptom so maybe it's the same for an intolerance. just me 2 cents.

    let's pray tomorrow is better for both of us.

    take care,

  17. Now that I know about gluten and what is has been doing to my body I realize that a lot of symptoms that I have/had can be traced back to food.

    It seems that whenever I eat something offensive I get a bunch of different reactions. I guess I am starting to take better notice...which is good. Before, I would just blame it on something else or just let the doctors convince me that it was a bunch of different things. The one that gets me is......"you have a lot of anxiety or stress". I very clearly remember telling them that "this is not how stress manifests itself with me". But of course they dismissed it as a new way of anxiety showing up in body.

    I realize now that when I eat certain foods that have gluten or some other offending ingredient I get a bunch of symptoms. Immediately I feel ill..nausea, stomach pain and bloating. I am also realizing that I get a rapid heart rate! Does this happen to anyone else? Sometimes it is soooooooo fast that I can't get it to calm down. My internist gave me Inderal to take when it flared up. But we never got to the bottom of why it was happening.

    yesterday it happened after eating some "safe' white rice and steamed chicken from the chinese restaraunt. I was sooo sick. Someone on this board pointed out that it could hage been cooked with chicken broth. That could probably be so as you never really know what they do in their kitchen.

    Well, tonight I bought some fresh fish from the store. I've had their fish before and haven't had a problem. I tried a new type of fillet and there was a label on it ..."previously frozen". That raised suspicion. I spoke with a gentleman at the counter that was weighing the fish and he said that it was fresh and that there weren't any preservatives. he said that he checked the box that it came in and that it DID NOT have any additives or chemicals. it comes from the main store frozen but no chemicals. Dumb me..... I gave it a shot. I pan seared it and skeptically tried a little.

    Sure enough a half hour later my heart starts racing and I am feeling it in the gut already. I just didn't feel right about eating it and literally had a few forkfuls and stopped.

    where do we go to get some FRESH food!?

    has anyone else had this sort of reaction? There were times that I took medication that did the same thing and then made me sick for days!

    Well, as for tonight...what's done is done. I'll have to wait the night out and see what happens but as I right this the gut is starting up already.

    Why are we sooooooooooo sensitive?

    I am so exhausted from al this and just want o have a normal meal with no reaction!...amen

  18. Thanks so much for your response. At least I don't feel like a freak. just to amke sure that it was me and not the vitamin my husvand took it the next day with NO problem. I guess there was just too much in it. I had been taking a Vit B, Vit E and a Fish oil....all separately at my doctor's suggestion and it had been working fine!

    Of course when I went to the chiroporactor and he commented on how thin I was and how I looked it prompted me to take the vitamin that he sells in his office. He swears by it and takes 6 of them a day! Well..he doesn't have GI problems! I DO!!! Anyway, I really should have know better and not let him convince me to "JUST GIVE THEM A TRY". My gut is still destroyed..it's like 3 days later and everything else is now bothering me. It feels RAW and hurts all over! Then it triggers body pain and fatigue too. I could barely get out of bed today and all my muscles are sore. I just want to run and hide!

    This has to get better! I can't imagine being like this forever! I am so disappointed in myself and so sad at how things turned out for me. I just want to feel better and not have daily pain. Sometimes I think that if I just stay in this house all day for the next couple of weeks and NOT eat!!!...then thing will calm down and my gut will heal. then I can try this all over and make sure I do it right!

  19. I'm a little different with my problem in that I really try hard not to eat gluten...no binging...no cookies.........I'm ok with that but.............what really gets me is the hidden or gluten that is unknown to me. I get so angry at myself and feel that I should have scrutinized better. Like today I was so proud of myself, when I forgot my lucn I did the sensible thing and ordered white rice and steamed chicken with vegetables from the chinese restaraunt. well, right after I go sick and swollen and sore and nauseous and dizzy...get the pic?? My heart was racing...I was having a reaction. Someone from another thread thought perhaps the rice was cooked in ckicken broth? Could have contained gluten....thinking back I now feel that the chicken although claiming to be steamed...maybe have been steamed or cooked with broth.

    I should have known it was too good to be true. I'm better off not eating, enduring the migraine and crappy feeling from lack of food and then deal with it when I get home!!! Actually...time to start stocking my frig at the office.

  20. Thanks for all your well wishes! I really appreciate it. I took a hot bath while I was sauteeing some chicken for myself and hubby...just to try to relax......I made him some mixed veg and myself a baked sweet potato. I ate the potatoe and had one bite of the chicken and couldn't do it. I still feel so ill. My gut is distended and sore. My muscles really hurt. I feel sick and my heart is beating fast. It's not the type of rapid hear rate from stress...because I didn't feel THAT stress. It's the type of rapid heartrate I get when I eat something that is not good for me. Sometimes it even happens when I take a medication that has something in it that I can't tolerate. I feel weak and achy and sore all over.

    Anway, I thought about the rice being cooked in chicken broth....that could definately be a possility but maybe the steamed chicken was cooked in it. The rice actually tasted plain...but the chicken was a little tasty.

    It has to be.....I didn't eat anything else that would have done this to me! Now I know why I never eat in Chinese restaraunts! for some reason or another I never have a good experience there....no matter how plain I try to go.

    So, I won't force myself to eat anything else. I am upset over all this and very discouraged. I took an ativan to take the edge off ....I don't want to make the pain any worse. Sometimes we get stuck in that viscious cycle....pain...stress....more stress....more pain. One feeds off the other without even knowing it.

    Camomille tea will have to do tonight.

    I am almost sorry that I didn't do the endoscopy with my new GI dr now... I am holding off because I am moving in 4 weeks and thought I shouldn't start with a dr that is not going to be able to treat me.

    I'll have to wait a little while and see a different dr when I move.

    This is really hard. thanks...all of your for helping........

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