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Celiac.com - Celiac Disease & Gluten-Free Diet Support Since 1995
Blog Comments posted by moosemalibu
How did the appointment go. How are you feeling?
I started budesonide treatment today. I wrote another blog post if you are curious! ;) Thanks for asking!
Thanks!! I am excited for a positive change in health status! :)
Thankfully my doctor double-booked my appointment into his schedule and will see me tomorrow!
thanks! I appreciate the hugs. :)
YAY for good times with good friends and good food! It's interesting to test the theory on the cramps being anxiety versus gluten induced. How are you going to test that theory out?
Well - you are doing one thing that can help you and that is sharing your story with people like us who understand and 'get you.' Hopefully things will get better over time and you'll look back and think 'WOW! I am amazed I was able to do all that when I felt THAT bad.'
Yep... this disease can certainly take most of the fight out of you at times. It is draining some days. Most days are good... but the bad days... are really bad. Hang in there! At least figuring it out young can hopefully prevent all the negative side-effects and other associated disorders from not being diagnosed in time...
Yay! I love camping!! I bring my labrador always. Honestly camping gluten free is not any harder than regular camping. Have fun planning the menu! hehe.. you could do some doughnuts or something in the car! ;)
Shredded zucchini or julienned zucchini makes wonderful spaghetti noodles! I do this all the time just because of the calorie forgiveness. Spinach has always given me D (before my whole CD nightmare, too) so I avoid it.
Moosemalibu, I'm angry right there with ya! I'm only 4 months in, but either I want to feel better RIGHT NOW, or go back to eating the way I used to so I can just order a friggin pizza and not have to cook anymore! And I hate those sneaky little poos that make you think you'll be feeling much better in a minute, only to realize it's about the size of an M&M and that's it. Thanks for playing. Argh! I have more C than before going gluten-free, and I'm angry about that too. I'm trying Magnesium and B6 at night, along with a good-sized glass of cherry juice. I take a probiotic, and still have the painful gas, full feeling in my intestines and general uncomfortableness. Why can't we be like some of the people here who felt immediately 1,000% better?
(And don't you love being able to talk about poo in such descriptive terms and no one thinks it's weird? LOL) Virtual non-poo hugs to you!
I really miss the convenience of fast food some days. The planning in advance for every moment can definitely ruin the spontaneity of life. And the needing of a toilet too. Jeez!
And I have only been constipated a few times in my life. The experience was not fun. I was on medication post-op for my knee surgeries. I don't think I would prefer that over the D. I just wish for normal stool. LOL I broke the wish bone for the thanksgiving turkey and that was my wish!! I won but it didn't happen.. ;)
Dear moosemalibu, did you not mention in some post you also have some kind of colitis? This will give you D... And you are still healing... But my sentiments are with you, always this wretched D!! BIG HUGS!
Yes--- I mentioned that my specialist said I may have microscopic colitis. It was something we are to investigate further if my symptoms do not resolve with just the 6 months of gluten free. He planned on a colonoscopy/biopsy for that. But then my insurance changed with Obamacare so I have to find a new specialist from the ground up. I have a new GP appointment this month to get a referral.
Good luck with your elimination trial! I may need to do one myself. I'll be watching your progress!
Very promising results!! I'm so happy for you!
Yeah.... maybe not hug the poo. LMAO. That got a chuckle.
The one was progress until the flood happened. It was out of control. 'Nuff said.
I also thought about the supplements I am taking and I cut out the zinc I had started after just a couple doses because it certainly was NOT helping the situation. But it has been over a week since I have had that in my system. I also stopped taking the fish oil a month ago. I currently just take digestive enzymes, multi, vitamin D (prescribed) - only on Mondays, Calcium, biotin. Do you think any of those would be a culprit?
thanks. It can be frustrating, right? I think the anger, anxiety, emotional issues are totally 'normal' for our condition. Also very normal for the grieving process too. But it can get overwhelming.. just dealing with the fallout of irrational anger. I'm sorry. Big (hug) right back!
My wonderful hubs went gluten-free with me (of his own accord) about 2 weeks after my DX. Having worked in labs, he said he felt the CC issue was just too big a risk for me and honestly, I was very very ill and could barely make my own food, much less pay attention to separate condiments, etc. I am a bit of a gourmet cook and believe me, we eat well! Gluten is not really a necessary food protein at all. lol
My hubs is as healthy as it gets. He says he never misses gluten foods. I have told him "eat what you want outside the house, hon!" but he just doesn't care that much.
We eat very healthy meals and we splurge on goodies sometimes too.
OH, one thing he does indulge in: Guinness on St, Pat's.... can't say as I blame him! lol
We have both gone Paleo the past 6 weeks and feel even better. ;) My muscles were in rough shape and I think this is helping me at the gym, less pain, etc.
Your guy sounds much like mine---putting my health above all else--and I think you already know this, but he sounds like a "keeper", Jamie!
xx G
Your hubs does sound amazing, indeed. I hope to make mine permanent, too. ;) I am convinced that he is the one for me, just as you said.
Neither me or my man are big drinkers... never got the appeal of beer. I'm very glad for that so I don't miss it now! I do love a good margarita on the rocks, though. Or a nice sipping tequila with the very occasional cigar (I don't smoke... just like cigars on the rarity)
What recipes are you using with the Paleo diet? Do you have a favorite you could share? I am always up for trying new recipes! I think I would miss eating rice but other than that I could probably do paleo. I love hearing about people tearing it up in the gym!! If Paleo made it easier for me to get stronger I'd sign up today and never look back.
Thanks always and hugs!
And that is the key to a successful relationship. He does sound amazing btw. It's hard enough for random people to be kind when your explaining your diagnosis, or even family or long term friends or some spouses (so I have heard of on the forums)..so for a boyfirend to be that awesome..big kudos!
Yes... I am very lucky that he is so understanding. He told me that he actually can feel a difference when he eats exclusively gluten free on the weekends when he's home with me versus the weekdays when he eats a gluten lunch. He says it sits in his stomach like a rock. However, it could also be that we eat very healthy at home, too. Very little processed food if at all and of course I make everything. :)
You probably should have made it clear to him up fron that you did want to go because he likely thought that you didn't. In any case he needed to go (office politics, etc.), so he did the right thing by going, but it's too bad you were not able to join him. I personally don't think it would have been a big deal for you to have eaten beforehand, and then gone to the party and not eaten there (most office party food is not so great anyway).
Yeah... you are probably right. We learned a lot from this experience.
To answer the initial question: No. When you have special needs, the people who are closest to you should be accommodating and when they do, it is hard to feel like you are not being selfish. On the other hand, this coming from a married woman.... men cannot read our minds. A lot of times you will have an extreme emotion and not share it at all because you don't want to be a drama queen, but he will have no clue. Haha. So sometimes those in-depth conversations are needed. And the fact that you guys were able to do that without it being a big fluff is a very good sign! :)
I also try to make sure my husband gets a chance to go out and eat every once in a while with friends, without me, so he can have a break from the craziness. That kind of goes along with letting each other do your own thing sometimes. I will also do things like make myself a gluten free pizza with lots of veggies he hates, and order him a small dominos pizza with meat and stuff, or go pick him up wing stop. He eats it on paper plates and any leftovers go in a ziploc inside a grocery bag and are taken to work to let him drop his gluten crumbs there. So if you want to readjust your shared percentage in the future, that can be a good way to do it.
But my ending thought on this is... I am impressed by the way your boyfriend has been treating you :) A more happy medium will be found in the future, you are already on your way there. I am one year in now, and it feels a lot more natural to both of us. Now my hubby even reads labels and will watch out for me, he has my back!
Thanks Laura! I think you are right about letting your guy go out and eat at restaurants with friends. My boyfriend goes almost every Thursday for a boys dinner at Buffalo Wild Wings. He gets to see his friends and eat outside the house. Sometimes when we are out shopping I'll tell him to go grab a burrito from our old favorite mexican restaurant. He eats it while I shop! LOL. Funny thing about pizza is he'll eat the gluten free pizza with me that we order from our safe pizza place in town. He doesn't mind it at all! He could get a regular one but he chooses to eat the gluten free one. I think it speaks volumes.
And he's a great guy... I pretty much want to spend my life with him. I've decided that in the past few months. He's been wonderful. And our personalities are very well suited. :)
Thank you both for your replies.
It made me feel a lot better about the situation.
I discussed it further with my boyfriend and he did say this: 'when and if you have a normal GI for 3 months straight - we can discuss a shared kitchen - but honestly, it does not bother me one bit that we live gluten free in this house. I just want you to be healthy and happy.'
Made me very happy. I think my coworker just really got to me and I started to worry needlessly. I think this condition makes me uber paranoid. I didn't use to fall to pieces at the drop of a hat but it seems that way these days. I pull it together but I get kinda weepy a lot.
hugs to you both.
I am competitive like that, too! I'm hoping your levels will be down in January!!!
I am the baby of my family too as far as siblings go. Thankfully my sister had kids. But that doesn't mean my mom doesn't nag us other 3 for grandbabies! I am not even married and she wants me to have babies for her! Haha they get baby fever or something!
Hopefully some can get you off the hook soon!
Thanks... I should have taken time off sooner but I was stubborn about it. Thanks for your support. :)
I'm sorry you had to give up your career. That would be just as hard if not harder! I was on disability for over 6 months due to my knee and my depression set in so bad because I felt worthless. Now I know that isn't the case but being a strong woman I knew I wanted to be self-sufficient and I just couldn't. It was a rough time.
I'm glad you were smart and decided to do it for your health. Being meemo is important too! I am Mimi to my niece and nephew. Being around the kids somehow makes your issues less apparent because they are so wonderful and genuine. My niece and nephew (4 and 2) came over last night and spent time with me. Running after the cats and spinning around in circles and laughing. Brought me a lot of joy.
Thanks! I know that this is the best option for me.. I need to rest. People are pretty much shouting it at me and my body is going into full on freak out mode (I was up all night in the bathroom -- ugh).
So I called and need to get my doctor to sign a waiver so I can cancel my contract with my trainer. that is a pain but hopefully she will do it.
I can do yoga at my gym.. I may do that. I will be lifting still... but will go easy on it. No cardio until diarrhea has resolved.
Endoscopy - R/o Esophagitis, Check Up On celiac disease
in moosemalibu's Blog
A blog by moosemalibu in General
OMG - I don't know why I don't get notifications on comments. To answer your question - I am extremely dietery compliant and my celiac panel ran in April was totally great, all low low low. I make all my own food and I don't eat out in restaurants. Too risky for me. I have been having chronic isues that I have considered an ongoing microscopic colitits flare. I know some of my trigger foods and avoid them like gluten (legumes, anything spicy) but in all honesty my GI has never been right. Not even when I was on entocort for my colitis. This chronic diarrhea and cramps even eating a colitis diet and gluten free diet still won't go away. That's why my doctor wanted to do the endoscopy, as well as check into my dyspagia and recheck my SI since its been a couple years? has it? seems like forever... Anyway... if I have SIBO... I'll manage. Maybe its the answer I have been waiting for... Sucks you didn't even know you got glutened or even enjoyed it. That is the worst!!
Thanks Hon! I am beyond happy to be moving forward with a great man by my side. I hope we will push past this health crap together and I'll feel good soon ((Hugs)))