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Celiac.com - Celiac Disease & Gluten-Free Diet Support Since 1995

Everything posted by Beverage

  1. Tums is an antacid. Calcium (also vitamin D) need it acidic for absorption, so you're not really getting any calcium benefit. Try DGL, it coats rather than counteracts acid. You need acid anyway to digest and get those vitamins. It's usually not too much acid that causes heartburn, it's not enough acid which causes food to rot and ferment in the stomach...
  2. I'd like to suggest nuts.com. They have a gluten-free section. I've never had an issue and their nuts are super fresh tasting. I eat them every day as afternoon snack. They label the packages as gluten-free, and more and more as Certified gluten-free. Here's their statement on gluten free: Gluten-Free The FDA is the only regulatory agency...
  3. My D was always low. It got better with gluten free diet, but was always below range or barely in range. I tried increasing D vitamins, found that K2 helps absorption of D. It improved a bit, yet remained on low end of ok range. After covid and bad flu years, i really wanted to get my D way up. We live in the Pacific Northwest, do lots outside 3/4 of...
  4. I got an official diagnosis from a naturopathic doctor, based on: 1. Very high blood antibodies 2.dna test and 3. Response to gluten free diet. I'm in the United States and have had absolutely no push back ever. My step granddaughter received an official diagnosis from an MD based on high antibodies blood test only. She's also in the U.S. and was told...
  5. Sounds like you're very careful with food. Any possible airborne or non-eating exposures? One time I got really sick from feeding my neighbor's chickens, the feed would get kicked up and I'd inhale the dust, read the ingredients, yup gluten. Another time we were doing some home remodeling, removed some old plaster, probably gluten in that. Anything...
  6. Oh gosh. I remember being shocked when my new doc said he thought I had Celiacs (went in bcuz kidneys were failing, no intestinal issues), but relieved at first to find an explanation for my issues. Then as I hit the library and the internet and read up on Celiacs, I got sooooo depressed and overwhelmed. Funny you say "is it an italian thing?" ... I'm not...
  7. As Scott suggests, look into dermatitis herpetiformis. Also the rash there could be from SIBO small intestinal bacterial overgrowth or candida. If your regular doc won't investigate those possibilities, consider going to a naturopathic doc or integrative medicine doc.
  8. The forms of vitamins really mattered for me, maybe not for everyone but very much for me. Learned so much here. This b12, recommended by @Ennis-TX has really helped me since diagnose. I can tell when i run out that i don't feel as good. LIQUIDHEALTH Vitamin B12 Methylcobalamin Liquid Drops with Sublingual Hydroxocobalamin - Boost Energy, Support...
  9. I also did not have the so-called typical Celiac symptoms, my main complaint was always getting sick, asthma, loss of sense of smell, and kidneys were failing. My GFR was in 40's - 50's and docs saying "Kidneys don't get better, we can only slow the decline" also "We don't do anything for kidneys until you are ready for dialysis." I was blown away, so decided...
  10. I've been using eos lip balms. I usually get it at costco. Eos has little round balms, but also stick ones like chap stick. Costco has both. They are labeled gluten free when you buy individual balms, but the combo package from costco isn't always labeled gluten-free. The company web site says they are gluten-free. I'm pretty sensitive, I use the...
  11. Last time i checked, Burts Bees does not label anything gluten free. They had 1 lip balm that contained gluten, and their site said their products can be made on shared equipment.
  12. Some docs in the US are diagnosing without the endoscopy. My step granddaughter (age 19) and I were both diagnosed by different docs based on blood test, DNA test, and response to gluten free diet. If you haven't already had the Celiacs blood tests done, you would have to eat gluten again for many weeks prior. I do have a letter from my doc saying i...
  13. I don't get typical intestinal symptoms when glutened. I feel fine for weeks trying something new, then bam I feel like I've been hit by a truck, joint and bone aches, can't think straight, no energy, etc. I tried gluten free Oreos and it took eating a few a day over at least a month until the bag was almost gone, then wham.
  14. I started going gray at 23, a very white streak that looked cool at first but quickly expanded. I did not have typical intestinal symptoms, lots of extreme allergies and got a lot of colds. I wasn't diagnosed with Celiacs until age 59. I realized the connection immediately. Now I'm 68 and normal greying for my age.
  15. I was 59 when diagnosed with Celiacs. I had not had the typical intestinal symptoms, mostly the pain, brain fox, etc. When I started gluten free, OMG, I couldn't get enough food and I dropped a ton of water weight / inflammation in the first few weeks. I was like a teenager, couldn't get enough and didn't gain back any weight, was actually too thin (bcuz...
  16. While you are following the advice of the above very knowledgeable people, you might want to try adding some vitamin C and magnesium to help things move along. If you've been undiagnosed with celiacs and had intestinal issues also, you are probably low on a lot of nutrients. On vitamin C, docs that know anything about supplements will tell you to increase...
  17. I agree, gluten free does not mean good for you. If you look at the labels of "gluten free" things like bread, pasta, etc., most are full of starches and gums and all kinds of refined things that we have been told for decades to not eat. I just try to eat real food, aka whole food, meat and veggies. I started a garden a few years ago to grow veggies...
  18. I'd ask that person more specifics, brand, etc. and call the company that makes them.
  19. I had lingering acid reflux, silent reflux, dry cough after meals, exacerbated my asthma. Doc tried to put me on acid reducers, but we need acid to digest and release vitamins so they can be absorbed in the intestines. If we reduce acid, food does not digest, and can rot or ferment and cause all kinds of havoc, which is probably what was causing my symptoms...
  20. YIKES! "Eating out at any restaurant is always risky, even if they offer a gluten-free menu, but if you accept such risks the listing below may be helpful." is your only warning? Just watch them prepare a regular burrito, they tap the utensils onto the flour tortilla and back into the filling or sauce. Based on the ones I tried when first diagnosed, the...
  21. I had been using Aveeno before my diagnosis, and figured out it was causing me issues, probably I was touching my skin, a simple scratch could do it, and it getting to my mouth. I can tolerate oats but only if they are the Purity Protocol oats, which aren't what would be in Aveeno or any body or skin products. If Purity Protocol would be used, the company...
  22. I had it done at the time that I was tested for Celiacs (blood testing only). My celiacs tests were super high positive, and all the attention went to that. The super high dairy results got ignored. But recently I inhaled some mold, and I got really sick, couldn't get into my doc for awhile, so I went back and reviewed those old blood test results, thought...
  23. I cannot eat oats, gluten free or even certified gluten free, unless they are Purity Protocol. https://www.glutenfreewatchdog.org/news/oats-produced-under-a-gluten-free-purity-protocol-listing-of-suppliers-and-manufacturers/ Try cutting out the oat milk and anything else that contains oats for awhile and see how you do.
  24. We're told over and over that we need to consider more than just the ingredients, it can be exposure in the processing. There are so many ragu or marinara sauces available that are actually labeled gluten free. I strongly encourage you to spend a little time at your grocery store looking at all the labels. Buy small jars of any labeled gluten free, try them...
  25. I lost my sense of smell years ago, it was what made me try a naturopathic doctor in 2015, and he diagnosed me with Celiacs. It's come back from time to time, some supplements seemed to help, like thiamine and K2, but then it faded away again. Since it came back occasionally, it gave me hope that it wasn't nerve damage. Weirdly, it came back like gang busters...
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