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Went To The Allergist.....

a couple of weeks ago, and found out I'm allergic to fish, chicken, soy, tree nuts, and wheat. So I guess I'll still have to remain gluten free. I am really thinking it is due to allergies that I'm having all these problems. For the first 3 weeks or so going gluten-free, I ate only fruits and vegetables, because I was so afraid of getting glutened. I was fine until I started adding stuff back in, like eating chicken every day, fish every few days, etc. I'm going back to my doc in a few days and



This Is Getting Old

I am still having problems with my stomach. I was sick Saturday and Sunday, fine yesterday, ate a salad and didn't have a problem. Ate the same exact salad today, and about an hour later, was in the bathroom for about a `1/2 hour, and had to leave work. I'm going to the Dr. next week for a followup, and may ask him to refer me to an allergist. Maybe it isn't Celiac after all, because all I've eaten the last 3 days is the same salad, same gluten-free dressing, or rice, or plain chicken.



What Did I Do Wrong?

I've been doing really well the last few weeks. I have been eating basically just salads, and gluten-free chocolate, and homemade gluten-free salsa/chips the last few weeks, and today, about 1/2 way thru eating lunch, started to feel like I needed to go--really bad. Got diarrhea again, and had to leave work. Didn't even make it home before getting sick again. I have no idea what I would have eaten that would have made me sick this time. I've been doing really well. The only thing I can think of



Feeling Much Better

Went to the doctor and got antibiotics for the kidney infection and I'm feeling like a new person. I also got my prenatal vitamins filled when I got the antibiotics, and started taking them at the same time. I don't know if that had anything to do with the fact that I'm feeling so much better. But I've got a lot more energy, and less sleepy than I am, even when I'm not sick, so I wonder if it has anything to do with the fact that I'm on the vitamins.



Feel Like I've Been Hit By A Truck

I feel like I've been hit by a truck today. I was up all night last night with kidney spasms. I think I got maybe 2 hours of sleep. I get these spasms usually every few months, and usually coincides with a kidney infection. I've been having them sporadically the last week or so, but nothing I couldn't deal with, until last night. I wanted to die. It felt like someone was trying to squeeze my kidney and yank it out of me. And the spasms hit out of the blue, no warning, and sometimes they aren't



Home Again Today

Tried to go into work again today, and only made it 45 minutes this time. Got REALLY sick. Guess I need to stop eating for a day or two until my system calms down. It is nice to know though that it is Celiac, and I can for the most part control this. And it is better than it was 2 months ago. Not one week could pass without missing at least a few hours because of the diarrhea. I've made it almost 3 weeks now.



Part 5

Well, the first time in almost a month that I had to leave work because I was sick. I got glutened on Saturday, and managed to get through yesterday, but it was a bad sign when I was in the bathroom 3 times within the first 1 1/2 hrs of work, so I just went home. At least now I know when I get sick, if I just be extra vigilant, it won't last very long. I used to get diarrhea for months on end. I was actually used to having it. Now that I haven't had it for a while, it's frustrating. More about m



My Descent Into H#ll

On to part 4--and probably the worst part of my life. After 6th grade, our school district condemned the jr high school building, so they sent us to the high school in my home town in 7th and 8th grade. The school bought a chair lift for me, since the building was 3 stories, and they couldn't keep moving classes around for me anymore. Depression really kicked in in 7th grade. It seems like I wanted to cry at the drop of a hat, and felt lower than dirt. I felt like I stuck out like a sore thumb,



Next Installment If You're Interested

As I stated in the last blog, my elementary years were pretty uneventful for health issues. I did pretty good until about 5th grade. I had a best friend who was 2 1/2 years older than me--we were inseperable. I remember one summer, I think I was in 3rd grade, and she was in 6th, we wrote, directed, and produced a show we put on for the neighborhood. We actually wrote 2 short plays and had a "gong show" (it was popular at the time--dating myself here!). We made programs, had costumes, and got mos



A Little About Myself (ok, Maybe A Lot!)

I guess I'll tell a little about myself. The celiac disease is just the tip of the ice berg for me. And I seem to be doing pretty well with it, so I'll have a boring blog if I just talk about my Celiac disease. So I'm going to tell you about myself. I'm going to post this in several installments, otherwise I'll get carpal tunnel typing it! I was born November 5, 1968, with Spina bifida- a common neurological birth defect. I have the most severe form of it, and as it is, it could be a lot worse.



1st Attempt At This

I figured out I had Celiac Disease almost 2 months ago now. The ARNP at my Dr's office had suggested I look up Celiac Disease on the internet, because I had been having such a horrible bout of diarrhea that I missed a week of work. He also said to try the gluten-free diet for a month and see how I do. I had heard about Celiac actually from research I had done about 8 years ago when I was having a lot of the same problems. But when I brought it up to the original doctor, he blew me off, saying i



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