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  1. I would think that if she is not being glutened by cross contamination, and consuming 0 gluten, there is another issue happening. If you want to be 100% sure that is not the gluten that is making these symptoms appear than I would have her IgA levels tested to see if they have came down and are in a normal level. Depending on how long it has been since she...
  2. So I finally had the biopsy about 2 days ago, so I am now gluten free YA! I am so excited about that, Finally. The biopsy went pretty good, it takes like 5 mins to do, and you go home like an hour later, so that was good. The doctor said it looked "Normal" but that they usually do look normal until a pathologist looks at them under a microscope, but I was...
  3. So I now have one more week before my biopsy, the waiting really sucks, regarless of the results I am going gluten free. I read on here how inconclusive the results can be for the biopsy, and that really blows my mind as the doctors say that the biopsy is the only way to get a 100% true diagnosis. Then what are the results from the blood work worth. I mean...
  4. Wow, I had know idea, here I am pounding the vitamins into me and not seeing any results, where can you get the sublingual tablets, at a pharmacy? Also who gives you the shots, Your doctor?
  5. Brian That is horrible that you cannot eat!!!! What happens when you eat gluten free food, do you still get all the symptoms??
  6. So I seen the specialist yesterday and discussed the endoscopy/biopsy and believe it or not I only have to wait another week and a half to have it done and then I can go gluten free. He really told me to try and keep eating gluten so the results will be more accurate. If he had of said anything over a month I probably wouldn't of waited. I mean my blood work...
  7. Wow, thanks for the info, yes I mean Endoscopy, which is now scheduled for April 14th, so only two more weeks of eating gluten, then I can go gluten free, I can't wait!!!! Thanks for the info on Lactose too, I have a lot to learn.........
  8. Hi Kristalee Jane, today is my first day as a member of this forum and it seems you and I are in a similar situation. I had bloodwork done last week and scored 79 on the Iga test I also had a positive ANA test. My appointment with the Gi doc isn't until the 23rd. I too feel like I am in a waiting game. I have been having bad joint pain, I worry about Rheumatoid arthritis or who knows what. I

  9. Two more days till my consultation with the gastronlogist, hopefully after that my appointment for the scope will be relatively short becuase I don't know how much longer I can keep eating gluten, it really feels like its killing me. I also have another appointment with my family doctor to request complete vitamin and mineral blood work test, since she never...
  10. Well today I thought Might be a good day and so far it has been not too bad, My muscles are aching really bad in my shoulders and neck. My stomach was bothering me earlier so I took some of my Pariet, which usually makes those terrible aches and pains go away. For the muscle aches I usually pop a few IB profen or advil. Wish I still had some of those really...
  11. Thank-you!!!!!!! That makes me feel alot better, I am just worried, you read so much on the internet about other peoples experiences, also we tried for 3 months before I found out I was celiac with no luck, so It just crosses my mind though. It is great to hear your experience it defiantly gives me hope. Thanks again!
  12. Well I am happy in a way that I finally found out what is going on with me, and why I have felt this way for years now. The only crappy thing is that I know have to wait to get the biopsy done before I can start the gluten free diet. I have a consultation with the surgeon on tuesday april 1st, and then who knows when the actual biopsy will be. I actually...
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