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Why Does It Always Rain On Me?

We all have our secrets, some big some small, some we would like to share, and others we just want to hide away from. Bolts come out of the blue when least expected and can have the most profound effect on you. Sons are for keeps and sons keep me going, I would hate to think where I would be without my sons, all four of them. I would like to think we are close, but I would like to be closer. Life is pretty interesting and life can be tough, but life is what it is all about, and the streng



Getting Warmer

Life hasn't crumbled.   Summer is just around the corner.   My second son Andrew came home from Australia. He has adapted to my gluten free life quite well. He is a bit hesitant to eat what he perceives as my food, but I tell him to help himself, the only things he can't touch would be my tuna, bread and mueslis. The rest I eat is not typically marketed to be gluten free, but is gluten free non-the-less, so it is not expensive. The last thing I want to do is be a drain on our finances, so



Back Again

Life is crumbling.   Funny how when you think things are peachy, things all of a sudden end up pear shaped.   I have two sons in Sydney, Australia, they have been there for coming on 10 years. Their father, my ex husband has been a major part in their lives over there. I thought things had been fine, they have both been working, one son even managed to set up a business on his own.   But life gets tough even for them. It now seems the youngest who has been unemployed for a little while



Doubting Thomas

Went to the doctors today for a general health check.   I did ask him if he could be 100% positive that I had coeliac, and he had to admit that he should've done a biopsy earlier on, as when I had the biopsy done it had been a whole year since I went gluten free. But he did mention that the blood results pointed to problems with gluten. He did say I had coeliac after the blood tests. It's on my records I guess, so I should leave it at that.   I guess today I am just being a doubting Thomas



Been A While

Yes it has been a while since I've blogged.   Not much has happened, just been working hard and trying to get on.   A couple points of interest this week:   1) a fellow worker looking over my shoulder and saying "you can't eat rice, it has gluten in it." So I proudly pointed out that I was eating sausage as well! She is just one of the mis-informed who should know better. She soon cottoned on and then said with a laugh "there must been oodles of gluten in the curry." This is one thi



One Year From Diagnonis, What A Ride

A lot happens in a year In a year, I've gone from food ignaramous to foodie. Junk food eater, to food nut. I used to read labels on products to guage the fat and calorie content, but now it is more for the ingredients. Last week I found out that food labels contain the amounts of protein and carbohydrates in them My favourite reading went from bestsellers to food labels. Lol I've gone from unhealthy to getting better. I have found a new passion. Can you guess what?   It has been quite



Then I Go Wow!

Today started off bad, at 8 am the phone goes, and it is the hospital telling me that they have booked me in for a gastroscope next Thursday at 8am. I know I need it done, even if I have been gluten free for over a year, just think it took a year for the appointment to come through. The doctor said it would take a while and that by the time I got it done I could've healed, and that it was more to make sure that nothing else was wrong with me. So I will go and do it, but I am nervous, what if



82. 13st! I Feel A Diet Coming On! Is The New Year Coming?

I guess I am lucky, I struggled to loose nearly a couple of stone a few years back (was 90kg/14st), and even adjusting to the gluten free diet in the beginning, I did not gain it back. I was really chuffed and told myself that no way was I ever going to get over 80kg, but look at me now, one year on and the weight is creeping back up, I am now 83 kilos, which is 13 stone! It is all the Christmas extra eating that is doing it. Not so much chocolate, but in general just eating more.   I fee



A Bit Of This And That And Crackers!

Christmas has all but been and gone.   A lovely day, slept in a bit, thankfully the boys are old enough to not jump on our bed first thing in the morning demanding to be allowed to open presents. Thankfully they don't since they are 6 ft tall!   No 4 son gave me a book called Smitten, with oodles of photos of cute little kittens. They are so adorable, I will have another kitten in a flash. No 4 son got from me The Beatles Anthology as he is so into the Beatles. He makes me feel like I ha



Warning: Sad Story

Christmas for one reason or another is not always the most joyous time of the year as we expect and always hope for. Sometimes for one reason or another, it can be the worst time of our lives.   I have had one of those awful Christmases, but I hate calling it awful, as there some wonderful and not so wonderful memories, but by calling Christmas 73 awful, would belittle the memory of my brother.   This is sad, but probably not as sad as it can get. My brother was 19, I was 16 and this was 3



Bergs And All

Well, I brought on the licorice, and surprise, surprise, I did not get sick. It is five days on and I did not get sick. But there have been niggly things, like more wind, grumbly stomach, bloatedness, and today I am not really thinking straight, having one of my bad thinking days.   But I know I shouldn't have eaten it, and it will just make it harder for me to say no again. I was walking the dog with Jim and asked him if he had some money so I could go to the dairy, not saying what I was go



Bring On The Licorice

Here I am, nine months gluten free, and I want to eat something that makes me sick.   Why would that be? It is like a craving, I have to have it, and I do know it will make me sick, but I feel I have to have it.   It is not a plain sandwich I want, nor even a hamburger, or a cake or a biscuit.   But I want a piece (or a bag) of licorice allsorts!   What scares me, is that I think I will give in. I am even planning the experience. I know I shouldn't, but I try to reason with myself, an




It has been a difficult couple of days. First my husband had to go to the High Court to sort out the will his father had left in trust for him and his stepmother. It is a big long story, and it has gone on for quite long enough, about four years. So on Friday, it was all sorted out and both parties seem relatively happy. But it has cost quite a bit in the process, if only people would do what they should. So he has had his day in court.   We had to travel into Auckland, and as that is abou



Sugar Hater Me

There is nothing worse than a drop of rain (it was a big drop) in the middle of the night to remind me that I have washing on the line! And then, this morning, my son, the big 6 footer can’t find any jeans. Guess where they are? On the line!   I wake up this morning feeling like a truck has run me over. I only had a small glass of red wine. Usually not a problem. But then the sugar hater me, indulged in 2 cans of orange fizzy. How could I do that? That was easy. It might be the sugar b



Swings And Round Abouts Part 3

Another episode in going gluten free. As you can see it has been a battle and a long journey, and now six months later I am still getting there with my food woes. I do embrace the diet, but it has been a slow journey to get to here.   1 Feb Hot night. Jim is relaxing as after yesterday, he is totally whacked. He gets impatient about not coming right.   2 February, 2006 Went to Dargaville with Jim. He kept going on about not feeling right. So I told him to go to the Doctor, and he did.



Merry-go-round Part 2

25 July 2006 Well the Irish Coffee was a hit with my stomach, and not a problem. So it was a well chosen anniversary present for us both.   This is the continued journey to being gluten free. Excerpts from my diary, and food journal, it is probably just as boring as the previous entry, but it is helping me a lot with where and how far I have gone in six month. I am so blown away, I is a new person.   1 January 2006 “One week out from Xmas. Back on track. Feeling better.” Still on my di



Emmotional Roller Coaster, Part 1

15 July 2006 Congratulations to me, we have been married one year today. One wonderful year. Unfortunately I volunteered last night to do a stint of volunteering at the local library today, forgetting what today was. But Jim forgave me that indiscretion, it was only for 3 hours. Which gave him enough time to walk the dog, and check out a few cars, or whatever men do when on their own.   We went shopping later on, and bought ourselves a coffee plunger, and a new frying pan for me. Very r



Is It The Water?

It was last day of holiday yesterday. Caught up with my little sister and had a couple of uneasy moments. I mentioned to her I had been feeling better while on holiday, and I mentioned it was probably because my eating had even changed down here, less and less additives etc. and more natural stuff. But she jumps on me discounting what I am trying to say, and says it could be because there was no stress from work, or even that up at home I could've been walking too much, or else it was our wa



From Another Planet?

10 July, 2006 Well it has been a few days, I am still on holiday, but it is nearly over, two more sleeps then I will be winging my way back home.   Holiday has been great, I have tried to make it relaxing, but dad keeps on thinking that I should be doing things, and not just reading or doing a crossword. But I am quite happy doing those things.   I went dining at my sisters house on the Sunday. They were more worried about feeding me than I was about eating at their house. They kept joki



Another Man!

3rd July, 2006 Another day, not as cold as yesterday. Forecast is for snow tomorrow, so that could be exciting. Me and dad went visiting a few of his friends. In the afternoon, we went to visit a friend of his who has coeliac, and has been living with it for 10 years. I was a bit apprehensive about going to see him to start with, as he is quite a bit older than me, about my dad’s age, in his 70’s, and sometimes I think, (I probably am being ageist), but that maybe they are not all up to sc



It Is In My Jeans

2 July 2006 It’s very early this morning, and it is very dark. Dad says about minus 2 degrees. Nice and snuggly inside, but rather crisp outside. When it is light I will be able to see the snow on this hills around. There is one hill here, more like a foothill, with a concrete shaped horse on the side at the top, that can be seen for miles. It should have a bit on, and there is a wonderful walk up that that I would like to climb, puffing of course, just to take a look around behind it and a



The Ice Box Of A South

1 July, 2006 Got up early and me and Jim off away to Auckland to catch the plane. It was a cold morning, a bit of ice around. Traffic was not too bad as far as Auckland was concerned. But once at the airport, the wait was terrible. Took three quarters of an hour to go through getting bags checked. Just as well we were early, as we thought we would have time for coffee. Wrong, just enough time to check in, and for me to catch the plane. I hate saying goodbyes, especially to Jim as he has b



Another Allegy?

30 June 2006 Tomorrow early, we drive for 3 hours down to Auckland, and I catch a plane and go to Christchurch, which will take an hour and then catch a bus and travel for another 3 hours to get to Waimate. It will be a long day! But worth it in the end to see my mum and dad. Gosh I miss them.   I think I might have been stressing out today, trying not to think about that worse case scenario. When I stress, it goes straight to my stomach, so it has not been too settled today.   So it ha



Mushroom On The Floor

Another freezing day, ice first thing, and frozen fingers. We are not used to this type of weather. Three frosts this year already, compared to none for us last year. I will have to harden up, as I will be in the deep dark cold south in a couple of days, where they have been having blizzard like conditions.   Was a long day at work. 8.30am till 6pm tonight. All of two and a half hours longer than usual, but I have a headache now. Could be because I am hungry.   The teachers who stayed l



Could It Get Colder.

One more week of work, then two weeks off for holidays. Six more sleeps then winging my way down to Christchurch, then further south to see my dad, and then my mum when she comes back from warmer climes in Darwin. She would’ve spent 3 weeks up there with two of my brothers and a sister. Funny how most of my brothers and sisters live in Australia, leaving just three of us here in NZ. Dad says it has been real cold down there, lucky if today they reached 5 degrees. Somewhere not far from him



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