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Tips, from 'totalallergyman'.

Entries in this blog

I'm Not Doing This Blog To Be Special.. Or "why Am I Doing This?"

I am doing this blog to help others out. To testify to the struggles after 20 years+, of being coeliac and not realizing it. From having my intestinal wall disintegrate, allowing food into the blood, from having skin break out in rashes, 'psoriasis' which is likely only an acid/grain-intolerance condition, and numerous people who didn't really care, instead, only cared about themselves (closed-hearted), and thought since they or someone else had letters after the JURISTIC PERSON (the NAME w/ PhD



Coeliacs Are Special.

Coeliacs are special.   Not better or worse, superior or inferior.   Just special. 'Set apart'.   Many of us had an education based on western european cultural derivatives: sit forward, face front, 'we' have all the answers. [note: for those easily offended, I say 'culture'. A cultural is not a race. It is my opinion race is a synthetic designator designed to separate people, much as religion, football clubs, nationalities, etc - who cares?] But why this education, and not others?   A



Grain Intolerance & Iodine

Iodine: this very vital substance has been villified by the same people who stand to gain the most from it's non-use: M.D.'s (truly a criminal racket)   So it's no surprise to see it's use disdained in an otherwise accurate review of the symptoms of so-called 'coeliac': grain-intolerance.   While I keep sources private and methods of preparation, it's use is quite simple: If you are outside of north america, it's easy to order it through the pharmacist, and they in turn order it from a lab,



Activated Charcoal

Carry these tablets with you. If accidentally you ingest something with wheat, and realize it within a few minutes to 10 or 15 minutes at most, take these and they will absorb, blocking a lot of the potential reaction.   They are available widely, health food stores and mail-order, and are fairly-inexpensive.



Gut Insensitivity And Anti-Social Behaviour

I'm talking here about real anti-social behaviour, not projected fashionable behaviour, or it's opposite.   This is when the gut, specifically the small intestine, really the seat of our emotions, is under attack from our own body, rendering us insensitive to our own feelings, and consequently, those of others.   We 'celiacs' seek to repair the damage to the gut, in large part because of the isolation caused by constantly being triggered by food. If the brain or mind, is overwhelmed with st



Coffee! ( Liver Help )

This is something to help sufferers - it helps me, and it's widely reported to help others, so i'm sharing it with you: Fresh-roasted coffee, fresh-brewed, (organic, fair-trade, etc) A 10-cup espresso maker (50ml x 10, 500ml) Two passes of water (same coffee-grounds, first pass strong, second is weak). A combo hot-water-bottle enema kit (ask for it at the pharmacy if it's not up-front)   Wait for the coffee to cool to ~35 centigrade Place it in a jar, in water in the sink, and fill the s



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