Organizations that embrace the Goodness of service, the Intelligence of scientific know-how, the Excitement of new discovery, and the Truth in what they say and do maintain a lasting place in this world. I am therefore privileged to announce that on April 1st, 2011 EnteroLab.com and my non-profit Intestinal Health Institute celebrated our 11th Anniversary. It was in April 2000 that my formal academic medical career officially took on a full-time Public Health Service mission that continues to exist and work today “For Your Health, Happiness, and Hope.” EnteroLab.com, the world’s first online intestinal health clinical laboratory, was the offspring of my previous 11 years of academic research at Baylor University Medical Center in Dallas (1989-2000). During the 1990’s, my formal research studies of intestinal physiology, celiac disease, and microscopic colitis gave way to a new understanding of Non-Celiac Gluten Sensitivity and how it adversely affects the health of many millions of both symptomatic and asymptomatic individuals. Since starting EnteroLab.com in 2000, our understanding and experience of this field has continued to expand, as we more fully appreciate what now appears to be a raging epidemic of gluten sensitivity.
Because the constant of my academic medical profession has been that as an educator, and the main Mission of the Intestinal Health Institute is one of public health education, we are holding a weekend health conference in Dallas, Texas on November 3-6, 2011 at the Westin Galleria. This conference is called “The Gluten Truth meets The Circle of Life: A Tale of Two Hemispheres” (see Open Original Shared Link for full conference itinerary, a brochure, and registration instructions). This conference will help explain how and why most people affected by gluten today do not have celiac disease, what we can do about these health ailments, and how to optimize a gluten-free diet and our overall health pursuits for optimal health outcomes. The price to attend this 3.5-day conference is an astoundingly low $269 which covers all lectures, entertainment events and gluten-free conference meals. We are also offering a buddy special: bring one or more people with you to the conference and you both/all save 10% on conference admission.
Celiac.com Sponsor (A12):
The conference will feature a keynote address by my former mentor and world famous gastrointestinal researcher Dr. John Fordtran, whose original discovery of microscopic colitis (which affects 5% of celiacs), and whose assignment to me in 1989 to follow a path of research on that disease, eventually led to my discovery in 1999 of non-celiac gluten sensitivity as an important cause of multifaceted illness, as well as how to diagnose it using stool testing. Dr. Fordtran and I, in back-to-back lectures, will re-trace this interesting chronological path – beginning with a historical account by Dr. Fordtran of the events leading up to and following his original discovery and description of microscopic colitis in 1979, and ending with the account of my research discovering how celiac disease and microscopic colitis were inter-related, which, in turn, unlocked the mechanism of how gluten induces illness in so many non-celiac patients/people.
The conference will also feature an unprecedented historic account of how, in 1950, Willem Karel Dicke, MD, PhD, a Dutch Pediatrician, discovered how gluten was the cause of celiac disease; this account at our conference will be given by none other than his son Dr. Karel Dicke, a distinguished physician in the Dallas metroplex. Furthermore, Dr. Willem Dicke's celiac researching successors from The Netherlands, Drs. Chris Mulder and Gerd Bouma will be speaking and enlightening us with their extensive experience with celiac disease, non-celiac gluten sensitivity, microscopic colitis, refractory sprue, and preservation of Dr. Dicke's legacy in Holland. We are also pleased to have Alice Bast, the founder and Director of the National Foundation for Celiac Awareness present her experience on how her celiac disease turned into a life of award-winning public service, a presentation that will serve to ignite your own passion and purpose… not only for your own health, but for the health of society at large. And finally, an incredible person and practitioner, Dr. Gary Berman will enlighten you with a unique account of how you can learn to tap into your own intuition and higher self to pave the way for a more successful, healthful life.
I will also be giving lectures relating to the namesake of the conference: “The Gluten Truth” and “The Circle of Life”, and our Nurse-Clinical Manager, Phyllis Zermeno, BSN, and the head of our Research and Development Laboratory, Dr. Frederick Ogunji (both officers in our nonprofit organization) will be relating their unique experiences in their important roles in the organizations, as well as hosting a Health Professionals Open-Mic, exposing you to additional unique professional health experience by the health professionals in attendance.
In addition to this fantastic educational line-up, and a completely gluten-free healthful menu (with additional catering to other food sensitivity and Kosher-food needs), the conference will also feature some creative entertainment opportunities for both you and I. There will be a talent show on Friday November 4th, when you will have the opportunity to have the Mic and Stage for a few precious minutes to show case your talent, followed on Saturday night by a banquet dinner, celiac disease-Release Party, and Live Concert featuring me and my All-Star Rock n' Blues band, The Tennessee Texans. The title and theme of the show is “Rock n’ Blues for Goodness’ Sake.” My new celiac disease release, “Memphis Rising”, representing my 7th celiac disease release, was recorded in Memphis, TN (the birthplace of Rock and Roll and home of the Blues) with an all-Memphis musician studio line-up. My musical pursuits not only provide entertainment for the conference, but more generally, help me to be the creative, service-oriented, spiritual, and well rounded health professional I have come to be… and happier, and healthier as well. Being happier and healthier personally stimulates me to lead you to a life of the same, because the best part of Goodness is to share it and give it away! You will hear this and more in my songs at the concert, and at my lecture presentations at the conference. Please go to Open Original Shared Link for the full story.
On a final note, I would like to congratulate the expert staff at Celiac.com for their understanding of The Gluten Truth, i.e., that there is more to gluten-related illness than the just the 1% of gluten-sensitive individuals affected by celiac disease. Scott Adams and this website, having served the gluten-sensitive community since 1995, deserve a standing ovation. You may stand and clap now! Thank you.
Read About Our New Fall Weekend Conference Entitled “The Gluten Truth meets the Circle of Life” at Open Original Shared Link
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