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Tales from my heart

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Spiced Nuts

For this recipe, I chose sliced almonds and chopped walnuts. However you can take your pick of nuts.   Nutmeg Star Anise Cinnamon Sugar Nuts 1/2 tsp butter   Coat pan with the butter then place nuts and spices (pinch of each) in. Cook on a low heat, stirring frequently so that nuts don't burn. Nuts are done when completely coated and spices stick to nuts. Very tasty! (Just be careful, the nuts burn easy)



Seasoned Rice

Serves 2-3   1 cup rice 2 cups rice (or however much water to rice ratio your rice calls for.) Nutmeg Star Anise Cinnamon Salt Garlic Powder   Prepare rice as directed on package, mixing your spices (pinch of each) in as the rice cooks.



Roasted Veggies - As Per Suggested By Cyclinglady

This was a very simple recipe to make, and it doesn't bother me at all.   1 large sweet potato - chopped into large pieces 2 standard size Idaho Potatoes - chopped into large pieces 1 beet - chopped into large pieces 1 handful baby carrots (or 2 whole carrots. You can add more if you like, but I'm not a huge fan of roasted carrots) Italian Seasoning Salt Garlic Powder (I don't eat pepper much any more, but you can always add pepper too)   Preheat oven to 425. Place veggies on cookie s



Just Beet It!

So what kid in their right mind is adventurous enough to WANT to try a beet, and if they do, what kid actually likes the weird looking root veggie? Not many are that brave, and I certainly wasn't. I was one of those kids who HATED textures and VERY picky about flavor. If it was bland, I didn't eat it, and if I didn't like the texture, GET IT AWAY! (Not much has changed in that regard to be honest - though I *HAVE* expanded my horizons by quite a bit.) As a kid, I ate 3 things... Potatoes, and a



Nomato Sauce Recipe

So I found an AMAZING tomato sauce recipe on the Food Network website... And it has NO TOMATOS so I guess it isn't really a tomato sauce but what the hey. Its very basic, but delicious. This is what it is as a FN forum member wrote it... (Well I paraphrased the instructions but shh)   6 carrots peeled and diced 1 small beet peeled and diced 1 large onion 3 celery ribs (stalks) 1 bay leaf 1 1/2 cups water   Put everything in a large pot, bring water to a boil, and then turn down to simme



My Friendly Gluten Free/dairy Free/acid Free Pizza!

Mini tomato free/dairy free/gluten free pizzas. (sorry crappy picture cause it was taken with phone)   Polenta slices Mashed pinto beans (with tiny bit of garlic powder. Real stuff gets to me) Thin sliced vegan mozza cheese Drizzle of EO olive oil Light italian seasoning



My Bad List As Of Right Now

So far, I cannot eat the following -   Fish (I don't eat seafood either because a lot of people with fish allergies have shellfish allergies...) Dairy (Lactose intolerant, likely casein allergy/intolerance) Gluten (Intolerant, not Celiac) Rosemary (suspect its an allergy)   Tomatoes Chocolate Carob Ham Pepperoni Salami Lemon (and derivatives) Orange (and derivatives) Cranberry (and derivatives) Onion (powder seems to be better) Garlic (powder seems to be better) Chili powder



Spaghetti Sauce

Well it looks like I may have to learn to like beets... I've found a lot of 'Nomato' sauces. And they all include carrots and beets. Okay, I love carrots, no problem. But BEETS? Thought of them makes me shudder. Granted last time I was forced to eat them, I was really picky kid... so who knows, I may like them now. I guess I'll have to try them.   Not gonna lie though, this idea of 'Nomato' spaghetti sauce sounds pretty good, looking at all the recipes. I think I can come up with something alo



Mexican Food

Okay, so my mother in law recently made tacos for dinner. Now, this would be an easy dinner to modify to my problems. Just gimme the corn tortillas, meat, guacamole, and lettuce, and I'm good. However, one slight problem...I can't have the guacamole as my MIL makes it. Everyone in their house likes sour cream in their guacamole!   Gimme my straight avocados people! I would have said something, but it was a big party for my MIL/FIL's anniversary, so I felt really bad about it. So I had ve



Lunch Meat

So my all time favorite lunch meat is Ham... or rather WAS. Now, I've discovered that ham does me in. After eating it, my reflux/esophagitis acts up. Can't swallow very well, mostly is what happens when I eat it... Feels like its stuck in my throat.   Problem is, ham pretty much is my default lunch meat. I like sausages like salami or pepperoni too, but they are WAY too spicy. I HATE Turkey and chicken, way too dry. But ham... mmmmm. Not worth the inability to eat after though.   Howe




So I understand things that make esophagitis act up can vary between different people. However there are items that seem to be a gold standard for almost everyone with the problem to avoid. Things like Tomatoes, Onions, Spicy, Lemons/Oranges and their corresponding juices, and even caffeine and chocolate. So I thought, well, I wanted to see if I could have my old go to when it came to chocolate. Carob. Love the stuff,honestly, and too me its really not that far off in taste from chocolate.



Vegan Not Really Vegan? Come On!

Frankly there should be a ban on labelling things vegan if they are made on shared equipment as non vegan food items. I bought some carob chips that had vegan written all over them. (Brand is Sunspire FYI). I swear I had read the allergen info at the store and saw no problem. But I also was tired and not feeling good, so it could easily have been one of those times when I saw, 'Vegan' and tossed them in the shopping cart. I don't honestly remember. Anyway, so today, I thought, well hey, I need



Its Not Easy Eating Clean... But Its Worth It.

As you may be aware, I've recently been diagnosed with reflux induced esophagitis. I've been on reflux meds for years, with the exception of when I was pregnant. So I figure its about time to change my diet. No one ever told me that there was a better diet for people with reflux, so I probably just aggravated my symptoms. Looking back, most of the things that bothered me most when I was pregnant are on the reflux no-no list. Now with my esophagitis, I did a little research, and decided its about



5 Lbs In One Week? Okay Maybe I Really Shouldn't Be Surprised

As many of you may know, and many may not know, I had a baby just under 4 months ago. I lost all my pregnancy weight gain pretty quickly since I was so sick during my pregnancy that I didn't gain much weight. But before I got pregnant, I had about 20 lbs of excess weight for some unexplained reason. Now, I'm trying to lose that excess weight. However I haven't been able to, despite the fact I've still been sick for MONTHS post partum, and for about a month and a half of those four months pp,



That Entirely Random Allergy

So a while ago, (Sometime between the last time I was active and now) I discovered I've got a VERY random allergy/intolerance. Since I've not actually had a doc say anything about it because I keep forgetting to bring it up, we'll just call it a 'problem'...   I don't have very many 'problems' that make my throat close up... But there is one problem that does. It gives me cracked lips (in the corners) and my throat becomes very swollen. Swallowing? Forget it. So what is it? Randomly, its Rosem



Yay I Discovered Awesomeness

So lately I have been craving all sorts of baked goods that I can't have. Sure I could make a gluten version of nearly all of them, but that's more work for a simple craving. But its not like I can go to the nearest bakery and pick up goodies, because even if they did have some gluten free items, most likely there would be cross contamination, with all the regular flour in the air. So I decided to search for a bakery that was gluten free, ANY bakery. Turns out there is one only fourty five mi



Pushy Pushy Pushy

Well, yesterday anyone who was anyone stopped by without a phone call, just to "talk." Okay so it was only three people, my church leader and my two visiting teachers (two women in my ward who have been asked to visit me each month and give a spiritual message. Every woman in my ward has them.). But normally these people call before they stop by. It was too coincidental, honestly. And I really didn't like it. They were pushing me to see a counselor (for my anxiety and miscarraige) through



Mexican Food... Pizza... Oh Help!

So on Saturday, I finally succumbed to my pizza cravings. But I didn't make it homemade like I should have. I bought it from a local restaurant that assured me that it did everything to ensure it would be gluten free, from changing gloves to washing hands, to putting it on its own special tray. Sure enough, glutened... Yeah. Shoulda known. (Not to mention I have a bad habit of trying gluten free restaurants on saturdays, which is bad because then I get glutened and am down for sunday. I ha



The Silent (And Yet Not So Silent) Killer...

Well at least I feel like it is killing me. And no, it ain't one of my intolerances. I wish I could say it was. At least ten I would feel better sooner... But no... Its a stupid, infernal cold! Just as I was starting to return to normal, I caught my husband's cold. And I feel like I got it worse than he did. Between the coughing fits that result in a lot of gagging since I cant throw up very well, my lost voice (which by the way never happens), my cold chills and a fever that I am sure is only b



Valuable Lessons Learned From My Battle With Mr. Anxi Ety

So on friday I had a severe panic attack, and no one was around to help me. I should explain that I have been working close to, if not more than 40 hrs a week the past few weeks, and I am supposed to be a part time employee. No benefits, no overtime, no nothing. Plus I have a messy house that I cannot even walk in. Dishes are piled a mile high. Laundry is three weeks overdue. Nevermind my expensive food, car payments/insurance, rent, hospital payments, registering a broken down car which i



Nice Neighborly Duty

Ok so yesterday I had some of my neighbors come visit. And it is a well known fact that I can no longer have gluten in our apartment complex. But apparently it is less well known that I can't eat chocolate. (Probably because I don't make a huge deal of it. I just dont eat whatever has chocolate.) So strangely said neighbors decide to bring me treats... Gluten free brownies. Now how can I resist eating that? They were soft and gooey... (And probably slobbered all over by a three year old,



Restaurant Mayhem

So the other day, my dad was sworn in to be a Utah attorney. (Cool Experience to see by the way). My mom calls me the day before, "Oh yeah, honey, we're goin out to lunch before hand. We were going to try the Restaurant at the Joseph Smith Memorial building. That okay?" So I hesitate, because it wasn't on the list of safe restaurants that the Celiac/Gluten Intolerance Support Group for SLC put out. So my mom and I once again get into a discussion about how strict I am being. (She thinks I



A Cute Story I Had To Share

So I should probably explain in advance that I am highly intolerant to fish and possibly other seafood... (Not sure on the latter as I aint never tried it) The worst fish for me is tuna fish, especially when it is that canned stuff. Its strong stench alone is enough to make me throw up, hence I cannot be in the same room with it. Normally I hide in my bedroom until the stuff is completely cleaned up and scoured clean. And yes I mean scoured. My mom used to think rinsin the plates was good enough



Grr... Some People Just Dont Get It... I Dont Have A Choice...

"Are you still gluten free?" What in heavens name are you thinkin? I told you yesterday that I was gluten-free for medical reasons. Ye think I really would give up suddenly? "Yes I am." "How long you been gluten-free?" I got no idea of how long its been no more... "Uh, since October 1rst" "Two weeks! Wow. Are ye gonna do this the rest of your life?" "Most likely." Didnt I just say I was doin it for medical reasons? If I feel better I aint stoppin no time soon. Besides, I aint got a choice.



Carob... The Chocolate Alternative

So some people on this forum suggested I try carob, since I cannot eat chocolate. So today when I went to the Whole Foods store near my apartment for my normal grocery shop, I discovered carob ricemilk. I thought that would be a good way to ease myself into chocolate. And if I did react to it, hopefully it would not be so bad because the ricemilk would dilute it. Guess what. NO REACTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That makes me so happy. Of course maybe it was a horrible idea to try it, becaus



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