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Not eaten gluten in 4 years . . . has my villi healed enough to eat gluten again

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FPIES Model for Celiac disease and or NCGS triggered by Low and or NO Stomach Acid in Children and Adults by the Posterboy of Low and No Stomach acid

FPIES Model for Celiac disease and or NCGS triggered by Low and or NO Stomach Acid in Children and Adults by the Posterboy of Low and No Stomach acid I started a thread about this topic Low and No Stomach Acid as trigger for food alelrgies……. but it was part of a larger more general topic Here it is if you want some background But this topic about FPIES is important enough…..it needs to be explained some more and deserves it own blog post on this topic and/or an article


Posterboy in Low Stomach Acid

When Myth becomes Medical Fact People suffer unnecessarily The Case of Mistaken Identity of How Pellagra Sine Pellagra now thought to be a rare disease became known as Celiac Disease today A Grey Paper

When Myth becomes Medical Fact people suffer unnecessarily; the case of mistaken Identity: How Pellagra now thought to be rare today became known as Celiac Disease — A White Paper better said as a Grey paper or ahead of Print Paper To Who Ever might read this......may it be a blessing to you......this is the Capstone blog post to more than 12 Plus years of research. May it bless you to read it.  Blessed are those who read it and understand and put into practice in their lives, I p


How Low B Vitamins can Trigger a Celiac disease diagnosis and be Mistaken for a Genetic Disease

How Low B Vitamins can Trigger a Celiac diagnosis and be Mistaken for a Genetic Disease To Whomever May Read This, (Thank you for taking the time to read it and I hope it helps you the way it did me! and if it does tell others....is all I ask)....because I know there are many more fellow sufferers still looking for answers... (because many/most B-Vitamin deficiencies up to 80 percent of the time (especially a Thiamine Deficiency) is going undiagnosed or misdiagnosed in o



Genetics, Nutrition, and Stress the Threeway Model of How Gluten Triggers an Immune Reaction in Severely Malnourished IE Vitamin Deficient Individuals

Genetics Nutrition and Stress the Threeway Model of How Gluten Triggers an Immune Reaction in Severely Malnourished IE Vitamin Deficient Individuals consuming a High Calorie Diet This blog post is WTL again....I tried breaking it into to two Posterboy Blog posts but decided to go ahead.... And post it instead as one due to other things IRL that are taking up most of my time these days..... So thanks in advance to every one who actually completes it! I truly believe it will he



Is there a Type I and Type II Celiac Disease IF so what is your Type: What the Diabetic Model can tell us about Celiac Disease Subtypes?

Is there a Type I and Type II Celiac Disease IF so what is your Type: What the Diabetic Model can tell us about Celiac Disease Subtypes? ****these opinions are my own and are not an endorsement by Celiac.com….these are only my conclusions after years of research.  I am sharing to generate thought, feedback, opinions, progress on the topic and change if they make sense to you. I would say there are two types of Celiac disease based on all the available research I have read. Th



If your Celiac disease was, in part, triggered by a Vitamin Deficiency would you take B Complex for it?

To All,  Who might read this Posterboy blog post. Some house keeping to start with by way of some notes: This is as I see it currently so this a "Cliff Notes" version as a working hypothesis to keep it short enough to read…. I didn’t mention Magnesium or explain how Magnesium Is necessary for the body to use….Thiamine as an example… see Addendum at the end if you have  more interest of learning how Pellagra, Beri Beri and Pellagra Sine Pellgra presents today ALL together



A Case for Thiamine Supplemenation in Celiacs IF only for a Season in Time

A Case for Thiamine Supplementation in Celiac’s IF only for a Season in Time I have been doing Posterboy blog posts every so often now for a while now to share my experience with supplementation. I have settled on the fact that many of the existing GI issues can triggered by existing nutritional deficiencies. ((I think most people must think I still take Niacinamide or Thiamine or a B-complex.....I do not now take any of these things.  I only took them for a Season in Time an



Is Refeeding Syndrome being misdiagnosed as a Celiac Crisis today? Latest Research indicates a Celiac Crisis Could be Refeeding Syndrome being Misdiagnosed Instead

To All. Is Refeeding Syndrome being misdiagnosed as Celiac Disease today? Refeeding Syndrome happens among the severely malnourished and having Celiac disease is a risk for a Refeeding Syndrome leading to a Celiac Crisis aka Celiac diagnosis. See this research entitled “Celiac Crisis: an unusual presentation of gluten-sensitive enteropathy” where the Symptoms of Refeeding Syndrome (Electrolyte Imbalances) is being diagnosed as “Celiac Crisis” instead…. Open Original Shared Link



Mayo Clinic Study Shows Micronutrient Deficiencies Are (Still) Common in Contemporary Celiac Disease Despite Lack of Overt Malabsorption Symptoms

Micronutrient deficiencies remain common in adults with Celiac Disease despite increased non classic presentation new Mayo Clinic study shows; or How Under/Undiagnosed Malnutrition is making you Sick…. The  Posterboys Story of How Taking Magnesium and a B-Complex help him address asymptomatic Vitamin Deficiencies in Celiac disease They (Mayo Clinic) titled it… Micronutrient Deficiencies Are Common in Contemporary Celiac Disease Despite Lack of Overt Malabsorption Symptoms…but



The LUPUS Inflammation Model for Sickness Beginning with B-Vitamin Deficiencies in Celiac's and other Inflammation triggered diseases….

Inflammation Model for Sickness Beginning with B-Vitamin Deficiency in Celiac's and other Inflammation triggered diseases…. AKA The LUPUS Inflammation Model or How the ignorance about nutrition is killing us today or how and why B Vitamins are being diagnosed as genetic GI diseases like Celiac disease today Note to blog reader :::::::) I get in the weeds sometimes...If you decide to read this anyway...don't say I didn't warn you.... from an earlier correspondence with Scott w



The Grey Science of Nutrition in a Black and White world of Genetics or Why Vitamin Test often Fail to Give us a Black and White Anwser

The Grey Science of Nutrition in a black and white world of Genetics and disease or the Elegant Neat IE Key method to (uncontrolled) inflammation in the body or How/Why low micronutrients IE Vitamins and restoring micronutrients aka(B-Vitamins) are key to maintaining good GI health or Why Vitamin Deficiency Test often fail to give us a black and white answer. The Purpose of this Blog post Is To Educate for “To Educate is to Free” for those who want to know and would try



Do you have a Jaguar or a Kia in your Driveway??? Or Why Vitamins have a (K)knowledge (I)mage and (A) awareness Issues today…and why people prefer Jaguars over KIA’s to this day…

To Whomever Might Read This, This is metaphor only …not intended to diagnosis or treat anyone but to educate…. There is an old joke told about Jaguar cars in the 1980s’ and early 1990s etc… that you needed two to drive one… Kia might have been in/on that same boat…when first introduced in circa 1992 but since the early 2000s IE this Millennium or so…. They have improved tremendously….and truth be told soooo have Jaguar’s ….but you might still want to have more than one on hand….



Open Letter to the many GI sufferers Part 2 still suffering Look Beyond these symptom’s to the Parent Disease Pellagra with these many unruly children like IBS, GERD, UC, etc. up to and including NCGS and Celiac Disease (in Time I believe) Part 2

In Part 1 I mentioned many of the GI issues diseases I think this might help and have seen it help. But most people only think of an “official diagnosis” and not co-morbidities in the same person. Treating your Vitamin deficiency lets you treat your co-morbidities. It is known as a 2ndary diagnosis in Sjorgen’s diesease as Pellagra has also been diagnosed with SJD for example. Open Original Shared Link Despite the conditions responding to Niacin(amide) --- Pellagra


Open Letter Part 1 to Fellow GI Sufferers etc. Like IBS, UC, and other GI diseases like Infant Heartburn (GERD) that grows into (in time) to IBS, UC, Chron's and NCGS as a teenager or Celiac disease in time as an adult - Look beyond to the Parent disease

Open Letter to the many GI sufferers etc Part 1’ Like IBS, UC and other GI diseases like Infant Heartburn (GERD) that grows into (in time) to IBS, UC, Chron’s and NCGS as a teenager or Celiac disease in time as an adult— Look Beyond these symptom’s to the parent disease –- Pellagra.   *** a couple of notes to begin with.  You can see I meant this to be one post -- but as usual it got too long to read at one seating.  2) because I might be having a medical procedure soon



Time for a Vitamin Reformation; Why All the Hate for Vitamins these days

Why did I call this post “Time for a Vitamin Reformation”? I see this a lot.  So I wanted to write more about it. I share/write these posterboy blog post’s so that others might not have to suffer the same things’ I have.  As always I hope you find it helpful to learn how/what someone else did to help their own selves in this journey/road we all walk/or have walked on as a Celiac Disease/NCGS patient. I know this post is way too long (again) as usual but I had a lot of gr



Medical Mysteries and Shadowlands; The Posterboy's Story of Pellagra and Celiac disease being Co-morbid in the same person; To Educate is to Free

Medical Mysteries and Shadowlands the Posterboys Story of how he unlocked help co-morbid Pellagra God being his help from his Celiac diagnosis. May you find the same faith in your life for to Educate is to truly Free! How to determine if it is a complementary or competing diagnosis? It takes faith to free yourself from a comorbidity. Health is like faith . . . you will only do what you believe. And you can have only faith in what you know to do. As some long time members of c



Is Non-Celiac Gluten Sensitivity and/or Celiac disease really Pellagra in disguise in the 21st Century? A thoughtful review of whether to supplement or to not supplement by the Posterboy of both Celiac and Pellagra: A fellow sufferer's Journey to Peace

Is Non-Celiac Gluten Sensitivity and/or Celiac disease really Pellagra in disguise in the 21st Century?  Whether to supplement or to not supplement by the Posterboy What to say? What not to Say?  So many things to cover. . . yet so little time/room for it in only one post. Let me be clear. I think it is or was in my case.  That is I think one disease lead to the other.  Your story might be similar. Which one to choose?  Supplementation I think answers/answered that question (



A Devastating Delay Celiac, Pellagra and the Implementation Clinical Gap in recognizing one for/over the other; Which twin to choose/save

I was inspired today for two reasons.  (Sorry for the formatting)   1) my brother recently had an emergency that required hospitalization and two stents to be put in his heart.  Every Hour Counts/Every Person Counts 2) this new research about Zika and the implementation gap/clinical delay in recognizing a disease in clinical setting. Open Original Shared Link AS someone who has had BOTH Celiac and Pellagra.  I can tell you that it can be difficult to tell them apart sometim



Whos Afraid of a B-Vitamin You needn't Bee? A FAQ on Niacin(amide) and how to take Niacinamide and why you would want to in the first place

Whos Afraid of a B Vitamin You needn’t Bee? An FAQs on Niacin(amide) and how to take Niacinamide and why you would want too in the first place. The very definition of a Vitamin is a Vital (life giving) nutrient needed in a minimum amount without which we become sick.  This is especially so for B Vitamins since the body does not have good way to store more than 3 months’ worth on average. STRESS makes us low! If you had Cancer and someone told you a Vitamin could h



Is NCGS and/or Celiac Disease Really Low Stomach Acid Misdiagnosed

Is it NCGS or Low stomach acid misdiagnosed Low Stomach Acid and Celiac Disease Dear Gluten Intolerant please consider Low Stomach Acid as a possible Differential Diagnosis as a possible way to achieve remission of your GI symptom's. “Consider what I say; and the Lord give thee understanding in all things”  2 Timothy 2: 7 Low stomach acid has now been linked to a probable cause of damage to the Small Intestine before and/or occurring with a Non-Celiac Gluten Sensitivity



Why and How Pellagra is (Often) Confused with Celiac Disease and/or other GI/Digestive Problems; The Science of Pellagra a Hidden Epidemic in the 21st Century presenting/revealing as NCGS and/or possbily Celiac Disease

Why and How Pellagra is (often) Confused with Celiac Disease and/or Digestive Problems ; The Science of Pellagra a Hidden Epidemic in the 21st Century presenting/revealing as Celiac Disease. When I was gluten intolerant following a Gluten Free diet religiously and newly diagnosed as a Celiac I began studying to see if there was a “cure” for this disease. About 3 years into my study of Celiac disease I begin to match up/cross reference symptoms of Low Stomach acid – Hypochlorhydria. It



I had Celiac Disease and developed Pellagra

Prologue I never know what to call a post. What Else Could it Be; Co-Morbidity in Celiac disease and what else could be causing your Celiac like symptoms or I had Celiac Disease and developed Pellagra. This is my story yours may be similar. I have tried to write as much as I could of this beforehand to summarize some of my experience and research since I was first serology confirmed a Celiac and why I think Pellagra explains if not all the complications a Celiac develops at least many of them se



Not Eaten Gluten In 4 Years . . . Is It Safe To Now Eat Gluten Again

I was/had been gluten free for 4 years.   I have heard that (maybe urban myth) that gluten doesn't bother me anymore.   How do I know gluten is bothering me again before it is too late?   I am still regular even when I ingest gluten accidently or can't resist cheating.   All I can think is my gluten allergy has gone away.   Is this possible? Or am I just pressing my luck for I relapse in to gluten sensitivity again,   Posterboy,



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