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sa1937 got a reaction from IrishHeart in Canola Oil An Issue?
I also use canola oil and don't have a problem with it.
sa1937 got a reaction from C Hunter in The What's For Dinner Tonight Chat
I'm having Tinkyada brown rice spaghetti-style pasta with doctored-up ready-made spaghetti sauce that I've had stashed in my freezer in single serving sizes. Yum! This time I'm trying the quick cook method for the pasta (cook 1 to 2 min., cover and let sit for 20 min. before serving). As you can tell, I'm being lazy today.
sa1937 got a reaction from MsCurious in How Soon After Gluten Do You React?
We've got to watch those boxes of Lipton onion soup. I just grabbed one at the store one day, which was in the dept. with all the other soups and it has autolyzed yeast extract (barley) in the ingredient list. Strangely the next box I bought at another store doesn't have that in it. The boxes look identical. Even though I buy a product I've used safely before, I always re-read the ingredient list of any product before I actually use it.
Had it been an expensive product, I would have returned it. Since it's not, it'll go in my donate bag for when the Boy Scouts have their food drive before Thanksgiving.
sa1937 got a reaction from GottaSki in The What's For Dinner Tonight Chat
Aw, thanks, Ski! I'm here...lurking. Not in a springtime mood as they're predicting 4 to 8" of snow tonight/tomorrow. Phil was wrong...winter will not end it seems.
I'm thinking of making pizza tonight, too. Last time I had it was two weeks ago when my 14-year old granddaughter spent the weekend and she is becoming quite the pizza maker. We also baked cupcakes and muffins. I wish I had her metabolism!!!
Dinners are not very exciting here although last night I had baked salmon, roasted asparagus and leftover mashed potatoes.
If I was in Florida, I don't think I'd ever come home.
sa1937 got a reaction from GottaSki in The What's For Dinner Tonight Chat
I'm having Tinkyada brown rice spaghetti-style pasta with doctored-up ready-made spaghetti sauce that I've had stashed in my freezer in single serving sizes. Yum! This time I'm trying the quick cook method for the pasta (cook 1 to 2 min., cover and let sit for 20 min. before serving). As you can tell, I'm being lazy today.
sa1937 got a reaction from IrishHeart in Domino's "Gluten Free" Crust
Here's my first post on Dominos FB page (posted a couple of hours ago). It seems to have "disappeared":
"I have celiac disease and find it an abomination that a company like Dominos would come out with a pseudo gluten-free pizza. It will not be safe for me or anyone else diagnosed with celiac. While the crust may indeed be gluten-free, the risk of cross-contamination is just too great. I wouldn't trust the prep, the ovens or the knowledge of employees to prepare anything that would be even remotely safe for me to eat. Sorry Dominos...I am not on this diet because I want to be. It is a matter or life or death. Total bummer that you have to jump on the gluten-free bandwagon just because it's the latest diet craze."
And my second one posted a few minutes ago:
"It takes a big company to handle the good, the bad and the ugly and want honest input from consumers. Sadly Dominos is not one of them. So if a post is unfavorable, it's deleted pronto. And that's shameful!!!"
sa1937 reacted to Gemini in Glutened By Vapors
There will always be a certain segment of the population who, unfortunately, are offended by everything. You can choose whether to come here or not but your feelings are in the VAST minority. I am the one who you posted about because my comment of it possibly being a psychosomatic reaction was taken entirely out of context by the overly sensitive (and I'm not referring to gluten here). No one was rude or needs to apologize to the OP. I always strive to post accurate information so those in need of a Celiac education will get the correct info. That is much more important than not posting something because it might offend someone.
After doing this for almost 8 years (being Celiac, that is), good luck finding another site that has more compassionate, caring and smart Celiacs than this site does.
Not going to happen. Many have inaccurate and false information on the Celiac lifestyle. This one rocks so the choice is yours.
sa1937 got a reaction from Jestgar in Domino's "Gluten Free" Crust
I not much of a FB user, but I have a question. When I just pull up the comments for the last posts, my first comment does not show up, which tells me it has been deleted. When I log in, it does show up. Do they make posts invisible except to the poster? Surprisingly my last comment is still there and hasn't yet been deleted.
Here's the direct link
sa1937 got a reaction from Jestgar in Domino's "Gluten Free" Crust
Here's my first post on Dominos FB page (posted a couple of hours ago). It seems to have "disappeared":
"I have celiac disease and find it an abomination that a company like Dominos would come out with a pseudo gluten-free pizza. It will not be safe for me or anyone else diagnosed with celiac. While the crust may indeed be gluten-free, the risk of cross-contamination is just too great. I wouldn't trust the prep, the ovens or the knowledge of employees to prepare anything that would be even remotely safe for me to eat. Sorry Dominos...I am not on this diet because I want to be. It is a matter or life or death. Total bummer that you have to jump on the gluten-free bandwagon just because it's the latest diet craze."
And my second one posted a few minutes ago:
"It takes a big company to handle the good, the bad and the ugly and want honest input from consumers. Sadly Dominos is not one of them. So if a post is unfavorable, it's deleted pronto. And that's shameful!!!"
sa1937 got a reaction from Jestgar in Domino's "Gluten Free" Crust
When I posted just 25 minutes ago, there were 274 comments. There are now 268. No question they are deleting posts they consider unfavorable. I'm sure it's just a matter of time until they delete mine.
sa1937 reacted to Adalaide in The What's For Dinner Tonight Chat
Just so you know, we'll be walking around the store or in the kitchen or something and I'll be like "so Irish was like....." or "I should buy X because Irish said" and hubby is like and I'm like what? You're practically a family member here with all of your great ideas! I am SO buying blueberries. I love you so much right now. Off I go!
sa1937 reacted to Cheryl-C in Domino's "Gluten Free" Crust
This makes me so irritated. Gluten-free, unless you have to avoid gluten ... what's the point? This is the side effect of the faddishness of the gluten-free diet, where the realy disease is overshadowed by people just "eating healthier."
Peter, I couldn't agree with you more about Il Fornello's. They do a great job there! Their gluten-free pasta is fabulous, and they use the gluten-free pizza crust to make their famous bruschetta. I've never had a problem there, ever. They know exactly what gluten-free truly requires.
As for Dominos... I hated their pizza before I was gluten-free, so personally it's no loss.
However, to those saying it's a step forward, I respectfully disagree. When brand-recognized companies tout "gluten-free" and then don't take the proper steps, it reinforces the preconceived notion so many people already have about us - cross-contamination isn't real, small amounts of gluten won't hurt, "almost gluten-free" is good enough, etc. It puts us all at risk and damages the progress we've made so far. It makes it harder to convince our friends and co-workers that yes, things need to be done properly - even if Domino's doesn't agree.
Pardon my rant, folks - it's been a long day.
sa1937 got a reaction from IrishHeart in Knorr Bouillon
I've recently bought both Herb-Ox chicken and beef instant bouillon (not cubes) at my local WalMart Supercenter. Both jars say "Gluten Free" and "No MSG Added" on the front of the label. Since it's made by Hormel, they're one of the companies that are good about labeling their products.
sa1937 got a reaction from notme in The What's For Dinner Tonight Chat
I think you absolutely have the right idea!!!
sa1937 reacted to psawyer in The What's For Dinner Tonight Chat
Not my experience. And, based on what I have read here since 2004, not the experience of the majority here. There is a small but vocal minority supporting this view.
sa1937 got a reaction from wheeleezdryver in The What's For Dinner Tonight Chat
Pizza (homemade, of course)
sa1937 got a reaction from GlutenFreeManna in The What's For Dinner Tonight Chat
I did without for soooooo long!!! :lol:
sa1937 got a reaction from GlutenFreeManna in The What's For Dinner Tonight Chat
They were good! I also made a pan of Pamela's brownies. Came home with just one lemon bar and half a pan of brownies. I was the only one gluten-free so if my gluten-eating friends like them, that says something.
I think next time I'll use the same amount of crust in a 9x13" pan for a thinner crust and double the lemon filling.
sa1937 got a reaction from GlutenFreeManna in The What's For Dinner Tonight Chat
I love those clean-out-the-fridge meals! Tonight I'm going to make a clean-out-the-fridge stir-fry. Since I'm thinking about it before 8 a.m., it will happen.
sa1937 got a reaction from wheeleezdryver in The What's For Dinner Tonight Chat
I'm hopeless! That's what happens when you live alone...who needs a table? I put shredded cheddar cheese on it...does that count? And the chili is homemade! I'll try not to spill it on my keyboard.
sa1937 got a reaction from wheeleezdryver in The What's For Dinner Tonight Chat
Heck, I don't want to just come for dinner...I want to live with her!!!
ETA: I should add that I threw chicken in the oven, a baked potato and spinach.
sa1937 got a reaction from wheeleezdryver in The What's For Dinner Tonight Chat
Pancakes and sausage...being lazy tonight.
sa1937 got a reaction from wheeleezdryver in The What's For Dinner Tonight Chat
Pizza...it's been awhile since I made it. Hot here, too, but cool in the house with the A/C on.
sa1937 got a reaction from wheeleezdryver in The What's For Dinner Tonight Chat
We are certainly an ambitious bunch tonight!!! :D