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Daily little things that happen, and how I deal with life in general as a super sensitive celiac with a broken body and a limited diet. Along with my daily blunt and broken thought processes.

Entries in this blog

July 2020

Well life has been crazy. I guess the biggest issue has been my truck I got so I could travel more and go to farmers markets with. I took it in with a extended warranty to get the A/C fixed and the engine started having problems. Warranty company told the dealership to take it apart so they could inspect but then declined be cause the truck was a ambulance....well the vin says it is a F350 with a ambulance package so they knew that. So I ended up without a vehicle and the initial cost was $21,93



April 2020

Recovered fully from having the surgery removing my appendix in 12 days...literally back to lifting weights (no more then 40lbs for the first month is my personal set limit)....day 1 after I was back to 10 miles a day on a under desk elliptical...but I go crazy if not moving. This Virus has shut down the farmers markets, and only had 1 order in the past month, so paying bills is not possible via normal methods.....I am cooking meals for my landlord daily to pay rent. Thinking I might try of




So pain started last night in my lower right abdomen with vomiting and fever. Took tramadol to sleep then woke up taking it again in the morning and vomitted when I tried eating. 99F fever Drove mysel to the ER got blood work wih raised white blold cell count, cat scan showed it was my appendix. Ambulance ride to Baylor and going for surgery in 3 hours....funny but the pain felt like my UC flaring but was in a odd location and not moving, and hurts to walk or move.



March 2020

Actually in the hospital now getting a gastric emptying test done, I brought some Julian Bakery Bread since they want me to eat bread with the eggs. The cooked it all in the microwave in disposable containers so I have no worry about getting gluten or any other allergen in the foods. So far the first 2 x-ray have shown the food not to have moved...sorta expected this without digestive enzymes or flushing it with liquid (only allowed 4oz of water). Well my truck has been up and down with per



Febuary 2020

So life has been crazy and busy, I got a new truck, a retired ambulance to be honest and have been working on modifications to work as a RV and a work truck. Ran into a bunch of issues the previous owner forgot to mention about the engine...Bad A/C Compressor, Fuel filters way past change time, fuel leak (leaking on top of engine...yes I am driving it with this), misfires on 2 cylinders and low fuel flow (this is built on a diesel 2011 Ford F350- base) The generator has me concerned also, it wor



January 2020

So starting off the new year with a bit of a big investment using all my savings. Due to health issues being worse now traveling has become a joke, like removing the second row seating from my vehicle and replacing it with a portable toilet with chemical disposal tank....yeah I had to. So this topped with having to rent a hotel every time I want to stay out late has made me invest in a new vehicle with bathroom, sink, bed, and kitchen area. Initially I was thinking a small RV like a Class B wh



End of the Year Update

Food Well I found a new favorite meal, wild smoked salmon and nova salmon. WholeFoods has them 30% off right now, I love that flavor, made little snacks by putting them squares of nori with miyoko cream cheese.  LOVING THEM and no digestion issues. Been loving that I can eat thin bacon as long as I pull all the fat off, best is to buy the hormel precooked and pull the fat off cooking the pink and red bits and having with scrambled eggs. Been eating way to many gluten free and keto baked



Tracking Down the Food Culprit

So after my UC flare issues, I started having allergy issues (assumed a really bad seasonal case) and some random vomiting. Now the vomiting I thought at first was rebound from my constant D issues that resolved with the new RX for the UC. But it is very particular and patterned with food intake, looking at my food diary I am now assuming a new food sensitivity or allergy related. The vomiting always seems to have a bunch of floating mucus/slime and was seemingly random around food intake. Seems



After Thanksgiving Update

For thanksgiving this year I injected and smoked a turkey, the meat was wonderful. I also did dressing again, my green bean casserole with the french onions made in a air fryer, and mock apple cobbler out of chayote squash. My bakery/catering business donated 140 cookies, 9 loafs of pound cakes, a lemon loaf cake, mock apple cobblers to my churches community Thanksgiving Dinner. All Gluten Free, Paleo, and Keto, they were the only diabetic friendly desserts and most everything was taken.



Injury/New Emotional Support Animal/Thanksgiving

So since the cold front rolled in last month my allergies have left me coughing up stuff, congestion and sinus pressure, this happens every year. Well Sunday I was doing chest/shoulder workouts with butterflys and DB presses, and I started coughing and heard a pop then extreme pain. Monday I went to my massage therapist thinking I pulled a muscle...she told me to go see a doctor. SO yesterday I went to see the doctor and he thinks I dislocated a rib (huh?). So I had 7 xrays done and was giving



Good News, Cooking, Holidays

So I finally made it to that specialist in the city, he straight up put me on 4x the standard UC medication and within a few days I am active again and able to leave my house. He stated the Silica I thought caused it would have softened and gelled in my intestines thus it probably only mildly irritated my intestines. But he said nonetheless it seems it flared my UC. So he said if I stick with the paleo/keto diet it will help with remission once the medicine calms it down. So now to my cooki



Cooking Expirments and Gut Issues

So today I started some experimenting, I used what I learned from my protein sticky dough experiment about psyliumm husk gelling with warm liquids and applying it with a gluten free flour mixture (almond/coconut/Swerve/guar gum )then taking the hot mix and cooling then adding in the eggs and baking powder akin to a choux pastry dough I can get amazing rise and super puffy results. Hmm it reminded me of the base doughnuts that you add creme fillings to it was that puffy and soft. I think taking m



November Update 2019

So my health is quite bad, the GI upset has leveled out after 4 weeks the bleeding stopped with vitamin K and calcium enriched almond milk daily to encourage clotting. My diet has been mostly meat, vegan cheese, collagen and almond milk drinks, and snacking on pork rinds. I recent introduced some almond yogurt to try and populate my gut bacteria and kale for vitamins. The diarrhea is still daily and is quite annoying, the anemia is also persistent and I am sleeping a lot more. The results from t



GI Update

So I got to see my GI doc...3 weeks of being in pain, D and bleeding issues. I had a nice detailed report almost 2 pages in a word document summarizing each weeks pain, diet, supplements, my state, BM details, and conclusions. He read through the thing and asked to scan it into the records, then after a basic examination he ordered a CT scan and full blood work. Ironically I went up there to get my old RX for UC but did not get that. He told me to get some pepto bismal to help with the D an



UC update

So for the past 3 weeks I have been on a carnivore keto diet for the UC flare. Started off with just eggs and canned tuna but I have been adding other meats and happy I can eat many without issues I used to not. Salmon, Pot Roast, Chicken Salad, Steak, Turkey Bacon, Turkey Sausage (mild), Beef stew (only the beef in it), Tuna Salad, etc. But with this I have hardly any gas and no bloat/gas pains. I am happy enjoying meats again without issues and am glad about this little issue. (could not eat m



October 2019

Well the end of this last month has given me some new perspectives and thoughts. Ever been in pain to the point where crazy, dumb, and bad ideas seem plausible? I am laying on the floor with the waves of pain thinking stuff like, Maybe if I take some Benzocaine gel put it in a capsule and swallow it I can numb this, perhaps I can mix it up in a enema? or the concept of wanting to reach up there and rub pain killing cream inside my intestines sounds pleasent..... The pain is odd,,,it comes in



UC Flare....

Well I had been doing great but my Ulcerative Colitis flared bad the past few days. I have many suspected culprits as I tried a few new things and changed up my diet quite a bit the following are the suspects. Pumpkin Pie Spice and Pumpkin in the new scones/cookies, Chia meal I used for making a chia pudding, a new caffeinated flavored coffee I tried from a local store (the decaf ones never bothered me), a new wrap I found from crepnni, some canned chicken from HEB, and a homemade spice I made



Things other then gluten

So I have found some other issues I have found with my fracked up gut I thought I would share....rare anyone could relate to some of these but throwing it out there. For me my body gets moody after being sick, eating something it disagrees with, or for months after a exposure. During these times my diet has to lack peppers, easy on tomatoes, garlic, and onions as well as be cooked super tender and or homogenized before cooking (IE blended soups, blending meats/veggies into eggs before cooki



Mixed Day.

SO today was a mixed day. First thing this morning my emotional support animal died, I talked on a forum for his kind and his quick and sudden death was said to sound like he ate something poisonous. I figure a wild cricket got in to his enclosure and he ate it. (their is poison applied around the outside of the building) Moving on from that, I think I perfected making a hostess doughnut knock off and will post this later I found I could modify my monkeybread/cinnamon doughnut recipe



September 2019 Update

Well I started off doing breakfast bars at the farmers market yesterday. A unforcasted thunderstorm rained it out but I ended up with 6 orders from regulars for curbside pick up lol. I still have all my baked goods in the display fridge in the store front window but low sales there. >.< I did go ahead and chop up toast, and currently dehydrating the bagels into bagel chips. I think I will be eating waffles, turkey sausage, paleo bread, and cookies for the next week lol I rearranged



Traveling, Hotel, and Convention

So two weekends ago I was sharing a room in a hotel with a couple for a convention I was attending with my normal chef kit set up and brought tons of baked goods, full on meals, etc all Paleo and gluten free enough for the 3 of us 3 meals a day for 4 days with snacks (about $150 worth). I set ground rules of no corn, or gluten in the room since I react the worst to them....well it went pretty bad. They could not seem to grasp this concept and kept bringing in and spilling corn based cokes (I pro



August Update 2019

So been playing with a few things and testing some waters. Recipe wise I have 3 different chocolate chip cookie recipes I do now for my bakery the last 2 developed these last few weeks, one puffy soft cookie, one flat soft slightly chewy cookie. I was inspired by National Chocolate Chip day earlier in the week. My previous ones had the texture of a crunchy chips ahoy. I been talking with my mom about recreating my grandmas tamales using a recipe I found for corn free low carb ones and usi



July Update 2019

Bit late but dealing with various issues. Medical, oh recall the scope I went to get down and MOSTLY covered by medicare so I only had to pay $50 down and $50 a month for 4 months for the hospital? Well now the GI doc is billing AGAIN for some $10 (random) and then the LAB contacts me saying I need to pay over $2k for pathology reports....what?! I have to ask is there some law where they have to give cost up front for planned procedure that goes fine? Because hitting with bills like this shoul



Kitchen and Life Upgrades

So I got a good deal at a restaurant auction for a prep center brand new at 1/30th retail. Seems the manufacturer of the custom unit forgot something looking at design notes....it was supposed to be modular to fit in a building. Well it is one solid 97"x48" stainless unit welded to a steel frame, which requires removing my door, removing the door frame, and using a engine hoist from the machine shop next door and 4 guys to to get in on its side. Next issue I am having to address is now to s



GI Report

So I had my follow up appointment with my new GI to go over my pathology report. There are no signs of celiac or UC, he said there were no medications he needed to prescribe and that my treatment regime was working great. He suggested my random digestive issues could be a new sensitivity or a intolerance or even hormone related like with insulin. He was quite surprised with the UC healing without RX and even had to get my old records from the GI that diagnosed it. >.< I was sort of hopin



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